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Faction: Caldari
Corporation: Expert Distribution
Required Standing: 5.0
Agent: Aursa Kunivuri
Agent Level: 4
Location: Josameto - (Nugoeihuvi Information Centre Beacon)

"In the heartland of State space, inter-corporate tensions come to the fore as Nugoeihuvi makes a move for some quick ISK, and you must choose who to trust and who to betray. The moral ambiguity continues through to the end, as the player begins to unravel an even darker side to corporate self-interest and the ongoing conflict in Black Rise."

Proof of Intent

The Intermediary

Aursa Kunivuri only provides the introduction you will need to another agent. (Make sure you have beacons turned on in your overview)

Trust and Discretion

A simple courier mission.

Their loss, our profit

First combat mission – be careful has three waves, follow general rule of highest bounty is trigger.

The Paths that are Hidden

Please note: At this point there is a split in the arc.

Hyasyoda Path

An Honorable Betrayal

Betray the standard path

Proof of Intent

Prove you are on a new side – simple courier mission

Return to Isha

Basically return back to where you were before you took this path

Re-examining Options

Please note: The pilot is given the option to complete either Two Steps Into Hell or Playing it Safer

Two Steps Into Hell

Playing it Safer

Almost Unmasked

If you chose the An Honorable Betrayal path you will receive this mission to go talk to an agent

Some Light Theatrics

You will need to have a Codebreaker module equipped to complete this mission


Return to betrayal agent

Nugoeihuvi Path

Two Steps Into Hell

Too Close for Comfort

Pre-Emptive Opportunities

The Crimson Decoy

Playing it Safer

Pre-Emptive Opportunities

A General's Best Friend

Will spawn a fight on your way to speak to a new agent

Blackness Rising

Meet Sinas

Travel to the Black Rise region, deal with a Federation force ambush, and meet your new agent.

Right Tool for the Job

Combat mission with a twist, you need to destroy the Broadcasting Tower ASAP or reinforcements will arrive. Also will need a Codebreaker module to complete.

The Breakout

First to use Scanner Probes to scan down a site within the constellation, then use a Codebreaker module to complete the site. See mission page, notes section, for details regarding combat.

Whisper of a Conspiracy

Practical Solutions

Courier mission


Please note: At this point there is another split in the arc. The Knowledge to Act or A Difference of Option

The Bottom Line

The Knowledge to Act

Please note: The pilot is given a choice to complete Home in Peace or Slipping Away

Home in Peace


Slipping Away

Across the Line


A Difference of Option

Learning by Doing

The Price of Silence

Home in Peace

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