From Backstage Lore Wiki
Faction: Caldari
Corporation: Expert Distribution
Required Standing: 5.0
Agent: Aursa Kunivuri
Agent Level: 4
Location: Josameto - (Nugoeihuvi Information Centre Beacon)
Proof of Intent
The Intermediary
- Aursa Kunivuri only provides the introduction you will need to another agent. (Make sure you have beacons turned on in your overview)
Trust and Discretion
- A simple courier mission.
Their loss, our profit
- First combat mission – be careful has three waves, follow general rule of highest bounty is trigger.
The Paths that are Hidden
Hyasyoda Path
An Honorable Betrayal
- Betray the standard path
Proof of Intent
- Prove you are on a new side – simple courier mission
Return to Isha
- Basically return back to where you were before you took this path
Re-examining Options
Almost Unmasked
- If you chose the An Honorable Betrayal path you will receive this mission to go talk to an agent
Some Light Theatrics
- You will need to have a Codebreaker module equipped to complete this mission
- Return to betrayal agent
Nugoeihuvi Path
Two Steps Into Hell
Playing it Safer
A General's Best Friend
- Will spawn a fight on your way to speak to a new agent
Blackness Rising
Meet Sinas
- Travel to the Black Rise region, deal with a Federation force ambush, and meet your new agent.
Right Tool for the Job
- Combat mission with a twist, you need to destroy the Broadcasting Tower ASAP or reinforcements will arrive. Also will need a Codebreaker module to complete.
The Breakout
- First to use Scanner Probes to scan down a site within the constellation, then use a Codebreaker module to complete the site. See mission page, notes section, for details regarding combat.
Whisper of a Conspiracy
Practical Solutions
- Courier mission
The Bottom Line
The Knowledge to Act
Home in Peace
Slipping Away
Across the Line
A Difference of Option
Learning by Doing
The Price of Silence
Home in Peace