Playing it Safer
Epic Mission Arc: Penumbra
Misison: Playing it Safer
This is one of the missions available to the pilot after The Paths that are Hidden or Re-examining Options.
Agent: Katsen Isha
Mission type: Courier, Arc Mission
Recommended Damage: N/A
Recommended Resists: N/A
System Start: Poinen (0.6)
Deadspace: N/A
System End: Faurulle (0.1)
Previous Mission: Mission 4.1.4: Re-examining Options
Previous Mission: Mission 4: The Paths that are Hidden
Next Mission: Mission Almost Unmasked
Next Mission: Pre-Emptive Opportunities
Mission Briefing
Deliver 1 x S.I Formula Sheet (0.1m3) to the Nugoeihuvi Cargo Facility in Faurulle
Faurulle does not have a station. To complete this mission, the pilot will warp to a mission pocket after entering the system.
Cargo Facility 90-78 (56km)
Fastest Route
Total Travel: 28 Jumps
This route takes the pilot through Low Security Space and 0.0 Space.
This route is not recommended as there is an extreme chance of encountering capsuleer camps.
High Security Route
Total Travel: 31 Jumps
Gonditsa will be the first Low Security system that the pilot enters if taking the high sec route. This system will have the highest probability for an encounter with capsuleer campers.
This mission leads into Low Security Space. The pilot may or may not encounter capsuleer camps.
30,000,000 credits
Bonus Reward: 1,600,000 credits if completed within 6 hours.
Total: 31,600,000 credits
This mission can be completed remotely by starting a conversation with Katsen Isha.
When traveling through Low Security or 0.0 space, it is always recommended to fly with a scout at least one jump ahead. This greatly reduces the likelihood of player destruction. If you are able to use 2 accounts, then you can scout yourself. If you do not or can not use 2 accounts, then it would be advisable to ask a friend, preferably one that is very trustworthy, to scout for you.
Faurulle is an entry system for 0.0 Space. Capsuleer camps will stage lookouts in this system to spot incoming targets for the campers on the other side. Fleets occasionally jump in to this system to escape being shot at by an agressing fleet.
Low Security Capsuleer campers are set to quickly lock other capsuleers before they can enter warp. This means most hostile capsuleers will have their ships configured for high scan resolution. In order to combat this tactic, it is advisable to use a ship with a fast align time (IE: Interceptor) and or one that has a Covert Ops Cloaking Device II.
I completed this mission using an Anathema.