Slipping Away
Epic Mission Arc: Penumbra
Mission 20: Slipping Away
Mission type: Contact, Arc Mission
Recommended Damage: N/A
Recommended Resists: N/A
System: Astoh (0.6) - Sinas Egassuo's Chimera
System destination: Wuos 0.6 - 16 jump
Deadspace: No
Previous Mission: Mission 18: The Knowledge to Act
Next Mission: Mission 22: Across the Line
Mission Briefing
There are hundreds, thousands of people waiting on us. What am I supposed to tell my friend in Ishukone, too? That things have to wait because the capsuleer we've been depending on needs to deal with something else? Your request comes at a bad time, friend.
Fly to Wuos V - Moon 1 - Hyasyoda Corporation Mining Outpost, and speak to Arikio Kuretsu to get your next assignment
250,000 credits
Bonus: 973,000 if completed within 4 Hours and 18 minutes.