The Knowledge to Act
Epic Mission Arc: Penumbra
Mission 3.1: The Knowledge to Act
Mission type: Contact, Arc Mission
Recommended Damage: N/A
Recommended Resists: N/A
System: Astoh (0.6) - Sinas Egassuo's Chimera
Previous Mission: Mission 2.6: Forewarning
Next Mission: Mission 3.1.1: Slipping Away or Mission 3.1.2: Home in Peace
Mission Briefing
<char_name>, good. I talked to that old friend of mine about a compromise between Ishukone and the other corporations, and we've managed to come up with a solution he belives they'll agree to.
We’re meeting shortly, but I wanted to update you on the progress. I believe we can solve this amicably, without pushing Ishukone into a corner. I can’t imagine a better result myself, given the current situation.
It comes down to you, though. I’m not about to pretend that Katsen doesn't still have other ideas about how to deal with this. My guess is that he wants you to keep digging, to properly back Ishukone into a corner. Well, you're free to go off and start that war if you think it's necessary, but I won't be there alongside you.
Sometimes conflict isn’t the solution. Take it from a man who has been fighting his whole life. There’s some things my guns could never change, <char_name>. Either you understand that and you’re with me, or you can go the other way and learn the lesson yourself.
I'll push for a compromise either way, but it would help to have you in my corner on this one, more than you might appreciate.
Home in Peace
If I'm honest, I wasn't sure that you and I would ever see one another again. I know that Katsen probably offered you all kinds of things to continue pursuing Ishukone. You didn't take it though, so good work. Maybe there were other temptations, perhaps? A few other bets you were hedging on the side? Hmm, yes, don't worry. I won't push the matter, but something tells me perhaps you're starting to appreciate things many Caldari forget to.
So then... let me catch you up. My friends and I believe a deal can be struck easily if we can put aside the question of moving recovered Ishukone personnel to their Headquarters in Malkalen. If you were to offer your help, it would lend a tremendous amount of credibility to the operation. Ishukone may not trust you, but they trust the Navy, and they will trust that you have the ability to do the job, if not the loyalty. Personally, I know you'll do what's right. You wouldn't be here otherwise.
There's a huge risk here though, <char_name>. You'll be moving people from a low-security system in a warzone through to the heartlands of State space. Thousands of lives will depend on your ability to maintain a low profile.
Slipping Away
In any other situation, a request for more time would be fine, <char_name>. But there are hundreds, thousands of people waiting on us. What am I supposed to tell my friend in Ishukone, too? That things have to wait because the capsuleer we've been depending on needs to deal with something else? Your request comes at a bad time, friend.
Speak to Sinas Egassuo in Astoh and choose the next mission.
10,000 credits.
Bonus Reward: 13,000 if completed within 10 Minutes.