Epic Mission Arc: Penumbra
Mission Untouchable
Mission type: Contact, Arc Mission
Recommended Damage: N/A
Recommended Resists: N/A
System: Wuos (0.6)
System destination: Poinen (0.6) 5 Jumps
Deadspace: No
Previous Mission: Mission Some Light Theatrics
Next Mission: Mission 1.5: A General's Best Friend
Mission Briefing
You've done well, <char_name>. Without any major interruption to our investigations the team has managed to cover a lot of ground. We know have a much better understanding of the situation, and who this Katsen Isha is.
For one, we have a possible future lead in the House of Records. Apparently some publicly available documents regarding Isha's earliest days at Nugoeihuvi have been archived. We just need to figure out which station has the hard copies and then we'll have it.
We noticed something else when you left towards Syndicate to make the blueprint delivery. Isha was on the move himself. Our surveillance team monitored a visit he made to an Unknown Caldari Navy compound. THe unmarked shuttle he flew there has now been sighted back inside Nugoeihuvi's docking bay at Poinen. Interestingly, it has been given priority docking position, meaning another launch is likely to happen soon.
We don't want to arrive at any conclusions just yet, but our first impression is that Isha is involved in some kind of black market activity, perhaps weapons or information smuggling. We noticed that he mentioned introducing you to someone - we think they may be the buyer. His visit to this Caldari Navy facility raises a lot of questions in that regard.
See what you can do about meeting this friend of Isha's, then discover what you can about them. We'll be watching closely <char_name>, good luck.
Fly to Poinen and speak to Katsen Isha to get your next assignment.
Additional Information
Hyasyoda Returns to Bargaining Table after Reppola Intervenes, Scope Article, February 23rd, YC111
Hyasyoda negotiators resumed talks with Zainou today after Ishukone Watch CEO Mens Reppola intervened personally over the weekend. The close friend of the late Otro Gariushi spoke extensively with Hyasyoda CEO Ahtonen Osmon both Saturday and Sunday. Though Ishukone did not disclose the details of the conversation, a press release from Osmon's office called the discussions with Reppola "productive and reassuring," and apologized to Zainou for the delay in resuming negotiations.
Political analysts, such as Taya Otnen, a corporate strategist with the Mercantile Club on this week's Games of State, have called this a shrewd move by the Ishukone Watch CEO. "He's used his authority over corporate security matters to take ownership of the negotiations, whether they succeed or fail," she told host Shiomiken Savalenta. "This may have actually been what Hyasyoda was hoping for; it's no secret that they support Reppola for the CEO seat. It was a very dangerous move, though; if Okalala wins the CEO fight, he'll remember what they did. Next time those contracts are up for review, Hyasyoda may find themselves passed over for another vendor like Sukuuvestaa or Kaalakiota."
250,000 credits.
Bonus Reward: 232,000 if completed within 46 minutes.