The Breakout
Epic Mission Arc: Penumbra
Mission 2.3: The Breakout
Mission type: Combat, Arc Mission
Recommended Damage: Kinetic/Thermal
Recommended Resists: Thermal/Kinetic
System: Astoh (0.6)
System destination: Somewhere in the Aokinen Constellation
Deadspace: Yes
Previous Mission: Mission 2.2: Right Tool for the Job
Next Mission: Mission 2.4: Whisper of a Conspiracy
Mission Briefing
It‟s time for you to put that ID tag to use and see firsthand what it is we're fighting against down here.
Though you've no doubt heard of the fearless and capable pilots in the Caldari Militia, I wouldn't make the mistake of thinking the situation in Black Rise is a stable one. The region is a war-zone, and will probably remain that way for some time. Even though they're capsuleers like you, our militia cannot be everywhere at once, and it is in their absence that the Federation often makes progress.
We've been receiving reports of a new prison facility being erected somewhere in the Aokinen constellation. It's a decent distance away and in low-security space no less. Your mission is to discover the prison's location, bypass the security forces and slip inside. Once you've made your way inside there will be people of ours to free.
If you've never done any exploratory scanning before, then now would be a good time to learn. The Federation is skilled at hiding their secrets, but I have a feeling that a facility this size will be found easily enough. If you are struggling to locate it, don't lose hope - that's excatly what the enemy wants us to do.
You will need a codebreaker to complete this mission.
What do you say, <char_name>.
You need to scan down Federation Detention Facility FNSBR-106V.
There will be some frigates (8) that you can kill but they are not aggrasive.
Use your codebraker to open the prison facilities.
Acquire these goods: one unit of Caldari Prisoners of War.
Additional Information
Two Bloodlines, one Race: the Raata spirit in the Deteis and Civire soul
“Look at each other,” Cold Wind told them. “How do you tell one man from the other? How do you know which man to kill?”
The men struggled to stand up and looked at their armors; the symbols of their Houses were torn and broken, not visible anymore.
“No two men on this field have the same face, but can you tell them apart now?”
The men gazed at each other trying to distinguish brothers from enemies, yet the blood covering their faces made all of them alike.
Excellent, out Black Ops wing will stand down and let you proceed. I'll issue amy further instructions over comms as the need arises. Good luck.
This facility was once the home to a fledgling Caldari mining company that arrived to Black Rise with the hope of striking it rich on all of the untapped resources littering the newly-discovered systems. As with many others who cut corners on security, the company learned the hard way that Black Rise was not as safe an investment as other more established areas of State space. Soon enough their shareholders came to the same conclusion and a buyer for the company was sought.
Noticing both the hard times the company had fallen upon, and the uniquely advantageous location of its headquarters, Federation Navy strategists began to formulate a plan reminiscent of the Serpent’s Coil takeover. Elite raiding parties, spearheaded by some of the Federation’s most capable Black Ops wings, moved in large amounts of personnel and supplies, quickly commandeering the area and fortifying it against attacks. This facility, and many others like it, would serve as a deep foothold within Caldari space, where they could offer logistics to friendly pilots, and project forces even deeper into the heart of the State.
Federation Detention Facility FNSBR-106V
Past the security cordon and deeper into the compound, the bleak vista quickly fills with small prison facilities, each of them capable of holding thousands of captured Caldari citizens. In a particularly dishonorable move, the Gallente Federation implanted self-destruct mechanisms on all of the structures to guard against unauthorized entry. This grim reality was discovered after the first frontal assault rescue missions launched by the Caldari Navy failed entirely to achieve their objective. Since that time, Black Ops squads and other specialized task forces have taken on the noble goal of recovering captured servicemen.
Sinas Egassuo
Look around you, observe the sickening game, the twisted way the gallente want to wage this war. Our people are in there, prisoners inside our own borders.
You have to decide; who to save, and who to damn. The moment you hack in and liberate one prison, the rest will initiate lockdown and self-destruct. There is no way around it, no Federation staff, just drones that carry out... their job.
Save who you can. Do not make a distinction between one prisoner and another, egger. They are all Caldari.
Sinas Egassuo
You did well, <char_name>, despite the circumstances. I hope this operation has opened your eyes to the truth of this war.
The empty Ishukone facility you discovered is the strongest proof yet there is something going on here. I'm beginning to see it in a new light, too. I hate to say it, but my suspicion is that Ishukone has some kind of prisoner exchange program with the Federation. It's the only explanation that accounts for everything I've seen so far.
Stick around, <char_name>. I have another lead that you can follow up for me.
20,000,000 credits.
Bonus Reward: 1,370,000 if completed within 6 Hours.
The mission requires scanning down Federation Detention Facility FNSBR-106V in Aokinen Constellation, bypass or destroy Gallente defenders, hacking a detention module, and finally bring a prisoner back to the agent.
The initial pocket has a large defense force consist of around 7 Battleships and a handful of Frigates. Although the destination Acceleration Gate can be 90km away from the initial pocket's warp-in, the path is clear of obstacles, and a cloaked Covert-Ops frigate can make it through with ease.
There are two approaches to this mission, depending whether you want to kill Gallente NPC. If you do not mind the potential standing hit with the Federation, a combat ship (such as a Drake) fitted with a probe launcher may be used for scanning down the site and kill NPC. The stealth approach is to use a Covert-Ops Frigate (for its scan bonus, and ability to travel cloaked) is probably easier: warp in the site cloaked, remain cloaked and "slow" boat to the acceleration gate and hit warp.
The next pocket consist of Federation Frigates. They are likely to aggro depending on proximity. Although it can be difficult to complete the objective without having aggroed some of the Frigates, their DPS is pitful even to a Covert-Ops frig without any tanking mod.
Finally, choose a detention container and hack it. Retrieve the prisoner completes mission objective.