Ascending Nobles
Epic Mission Arc: Right to Rule
Mission 11: Ascending Nobles
This is the eleventh mission of the Amarr Epic Arc "Right to Rule". There should not be any standing requirement.
Agent: Aralin Jick
Mission type: Combat
Recommended Damage: EM/Therm
Recommended Resists: EM/Therm
System Start: Nishah VII - Moon 5 - Kor-Azor (0.6)
Mission Location: Reteka (0.5) 7 jumps from Nishah system.
Remote Access: Yes
Deadspace: Yes
Previous Mission: Razing the Outpost
Next Mission: Mission 12: Hunting the Hunter
Mission Briefing
"Kidnap" Mina Darabi from the Darabi Estate. Any guards are expendable.
Bring 1x Mina Darabi (1.0 m3) to agent.
She will not show up until the last wave of Battleships are destroyed. She will send you a message that she has ejected which is a cargo container located near the Residential Habitation module.
The same agent offers this mission as the previous mission. This is a combat mission consisting of multiple waves of enemies. The last ship destroyed in the final wave spawns the mission objective. Item in container needs to be returned to agent for mission completion.
The five veteran battleships deal a cumulative total of around 1100-1200 dps.
You will face heavy NOS (20 to 25km) and tracking disruption from the veteran cruisers.
Not completing the Mission after Mina Darabi has been collected and waiting for about 30 minutes will cause the following popup warning - "I know salvaging is fun, but there are several hostile ships inbound. I suggest we retreat now. Mina Darabi is too valuable an informant to lose." - After approx 15 seconds, 8 Elite Veteran Frigates, 8 Elite Veteran Cruisers, & 6 or 7 Veteran Battleships Spawn. DPS is much greater than the first five. Would suggest logistics support if you intend to run this spawn. No bounties, ~4 mil loot and salvage, not really worth doing.
There are no enemies at initial warp in, the following don't show up until you warp in through the first gate.
Note: The last ship destroyed will trigger the next wave.
Initial Group: (75-78km)
2x Amarr Light Missile Batteries Sabretooth (EM) missiles
2x Amarr Cruise Missile Batteries Paradise (EM) missiles
5x Battleships (Independent Veteran Abaddon/Apocalypse/Armageddon)
Wave 1: (75-83km)
8x Cruisers (Independent Veteran Arbitrator/Augoror/Maller/Omen) NOS+Tracking distruptor
Wave 2: (74-79km)
7x Battleships (Independent Green-Crewed Abaddon/Apocalypse/Armageddon)
Wave 3: (73-80km)
6x Battleships (Green Crew Abaddon/Apocalypse/Armageddon) they don't take a-lot of damage and seem weak
Wave 4: (73-80km)
6x Battleships (Independent Abaddon/Apocalypse/Armageddon)
Reward: 1 million
Bonus: 1.65 million if completed within 6 hours.
Bounties: 135k
Average Loot Value (Refined): 11.5 million
Average Salvage Value: 9.6 million
Total: 23.9 million
Standings Increase: 5.508% with Kor-Azor
Mission can be accepted remotely. Mission site does not allow option for warp to range, only warp to 0.
Must be able to tank several battleships. Expect high amount of incoming DPS.
If you need to repair your ship or are looking for a station. The nearest one is in Palas (0.5), it has a repair shop.
Do not forget to pick up the mission objective - Mina Darabi - after destroying the last NPC ship. Mission objective item will be near the Residential Habitation Module.