Razing the Outpost
Epic Mission Arc: Right to Rule
Mission 10: Razing the Outpost
This is the tenth mission of the Amarr Epic Arc "Right to Rule". There should not be any standing requirement.
Agent: Aralin Jick
Mission type: Combat
Recommended Damage: Kinetic/Therm
Recommended Resists: Kinetic/Therm
System Start: Nishah
Deadspace: Yes
Previous Mission: Languishing Lord
Next Mission: Mission 11: Ascending Nobles
Mission Briefing
Eliminate all mercenaries and destroy their base.
The same agent offers this mission as the previous mission. This is a combat mission consisting of 2 pockets with multiple waves of enemies. Destroying the outpost triggers mission completion. The Outpost has about 53,000 hp, no resistances.
Frigates may Web/Scram.
Initial Group: (5-30km)
3x Frigates (Mordus Bounty Hunter) Web/Scramble
3x Cruisers (Mordus Lion)
4x Battleships (Mordus Gigamar/Phanti)
3x Caldari Cruise Missile Batteries Wrath (kinetic) missiles
Pocket 1:
The acceleration gate is 15km away.
Initial Group: (23-56km)
6x Cruisers (Mordus Puma/Leopard)
4x Battleships (Mordus Gigamar/Phanti/Mammoth)
3x Caldari Cruise Missile Batteries Wrath (kinetic) missiles
Pocket 2:
The Outpost is 35km away.
Wave 1 is triggered by killing one of the battleships in the Initial Group.
Wave 2 is triggered by killing one of the battleships in Wave 1.
Initial Group: (9-81km)
2x Frigates (Mordus Bounty Hunter) Web/Scramble
4x Cruisers (Mordus Bobcat)
2x Battleships (Mordus Gigamar) - Trigger (Wave 1)
3x Caldari Heavy Missile Batteries Widowmaker (thermal) missiles
3x Caldari Cruise Missile Batteries Wrath (kinetic) missiles
Wave 1: (68-77km)
2x Frigates (Mordus Bounty Hunter) Web/Scramble
4x Cruisers (Mordus Leopard)
4x Battleships (Mordus Gigamar/Mammoth) - Trigger (Wave 2)
Wave 2: (58-74km)
4x Frigates (Mordus Bounty Hunter) Web/Scramble
3x Cruisers (Mordus Lion)
6x Battleships (Mordus Gigamar/Phanti/Mammoth)
Reward: 1 million isk
Bonus: 1.35 million isk if completed within 6 hours.
Bounties: 16.7 million
Average Loot Value (Refined): Unknown
Average Salvage Value: Unknown
Total: 19 million
Standings Increase: 5.508% with Kor-Azor
Mission can be accepted and completed remotely. Mission site allows option for warp to range (0 to 100). Must be able to tank several battleships.