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The Voluval is both one of the Minmatar's least understood, and most important rituals. Involving a specialized sort of tattooing process that marks the subject's body, the Voluval is a rite of passage practiced by nearly all sub-clans of all tribes in the Republic. It is also known as the Test of Destiny and is the seminal event in a young Mimatar's life, representing their coming of age and official recognition as a member of the tribe. [1]

Historical Background

There have always been various ritualized rites of passage amongst the Minmatar. While different rituals have been favored at different times by different tribes, none has ever been so pervasive or wide-spread as the Voluval.

It is believed that some of the earliest Minmatar rites of passage were designed to test the subject, not so they could pass or fail, but to identify what areas they may need help in as they moved into adulthood. Some of the most barbaric and torturous rituals were designed for these benign purposes. Later rites of passage began to develop towards a physically easier curve, and as they did so, the negative associations with failing the tests grew in significance. Initially, this resulted in the subject of a 'bad' or 'failed' rite of passage being shunned by the tribe or given distasteful jobs.

The Voluval was developed by Vherokior mystics during their time wandering the Greater Sobaki Desert. [2] When the Vherokior emerged from the desert around five thousand years ago and began traveling in small caravans amongst the other tribes, the Voluval spread with them. Tattoos were already such an important part of Tribal life that the practice caught on quickly. Population pressures on Matar soon saw the introduction of banishment with certain, rare, bad marks.

During the Amarr rule of the Minmatar, all cultural tattoos were banned, and the secrets of the Voluval were thought lost. When the Amarr yoke had been finally been thrown off, tattoos were one of the first things to be returned to their place of cultural importance. Even before the formation of the Republic, Vherokior mystics announced that they had held on to the knowledge of the Voluval all through their long subjugation. [1] In a culture striving to re-establish its identity and tribal roots, the resurrected ritual achieved an even greater importance.

Now, in a curious parallel to how the ritual initially spread, Vherokior mystics make regular trips to both the Federation and the Great Wildlands, in an effort to include the Gallente-Minmatar and the Thukker in the practice. In the Republic, many returning Starkmanir and Nefantar have also shown an inclination to fit in by undergoing the ritual, even those that hold on to their Amarr faith. While normally undergone in adolescence, exceptions are being made regularly as the Republic opens its arms to its returning people.

Conversely, while the practice of the Voluval is growing in importance, the significance of the marks themselves seems to be on the wane. Even so, there are still those that experience harsh consequences for their marks. Enforced vows of silence and banishment are still practiced, though some families are now in a position to support those with bad marks, and they simply disappear following an unfavorable outcome for one of their kin.[1]

The Voluval in Practice


The Voluval uses a special type of tattooing process, consisting of two injections. One is an injection of tyrosine, the amino acid precursor to melanin, and it is administered to the heart. The second injection, delivered to the ventral root near the base of the spinal nerve, is a formula known only to Vherokior mystics, and is a secret still closely guarded by them even today. [2]

A few decades ago, the Quafe company investigated the possibility of using a similar form of tattooing as part of an enhanced marketing strategy. The Quafe company sent a small team of scientists to the Greater Sobaki Desert to gather flora and fauna. They claimed great results using acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter, along with oxytocin, calcitonin, and vasoactive intestinal peptide hormones[3] extracted from Sobaki Water-Root. Unable to identify any further ingredients, nor willing to commit any more resources to the venture, the project was shut down. There is evidence to suggest the Amarr may have figured out the formula, but it is circumstantial at best. [4]

Vherokior mystics have since confirmed the inclusion of Sobaki Water-Root in the Voluval formula, saying it is simply one tooth of the key to unlock one's Voluval tattoo. They believe the formula of the second injection directs the subconscious to manipulate the melanin from the first injection into forming a permanent tattoo. It is for this reason Vherokior mystics insist proper mental preparation is a necessary part of the Voluval. [3]


Proper preparation for the Voluval ritual is of such importance that those about to undergo it study for weeks. In the past, rituals were performed individually, with each person having their own Mentor. Over time, the Voluval came to be done in larger groups and the duties of the Mentor were assumed by an Essence Instructor.

This job is usually handled by a local shaman and consists mostly of relating legends, providing instruction in clearing the mind, and giving advice and guidance. This is never more important than the day of the Voluval itself, where it is common for the Essence Instructor to be sequestered for up to six hours with those about to experience the ritual. [3]

The Voluval can be done anywhere the tribe can gather, though the many sacred sites on Matar tend to host the largest ones.

The Marking

Though the exact proceedings of the Voluval vary slightly depending on circumstances, the main sequence of events remain the same. As the leader of the ceremony, the Spirit Conductor's entrance signals the commencement of the Voluval. Once the Spirit Conductor and their various attendants have taken their place, the music starts. Adults in the crowd who have already gone through the Voluval join the Spirit Conductor in the singing of a traditional song. This is where the greatest deviation among Voluval ceremonies occurs, as the song is often a local one, though the musical accompaniment is usually provided by Singing Staffs. [5]

One at a time, those being tested kneel before the Spirit Conductor, who applies to their head an elixir meant to cleanse the spirit. As he plunges the first injection directly into the heart, the Spirit Conductor chants sacred words in a quiet prayer. The Spirit Conductor then circles around behind the subject, and injects the second mixture into the base of the spine.

At this point it is the participant's turn to speak. What is said is up to the individual, though it was originally intended to be a declaration of their outlook on life, themselves, or their surroundings. Over time many sayings have become standardized amongst certain families and sub-clans.

The Spirit Conductor places a black mantle around the subject's head and shoulders as the injections begin to work. Within a few minutes, the Voluval mark appears. The Spirit Conductor then removes the mantle, and the mark is revealed to all.

After all the participants have their marks, the Spirit Conductor closes the ceremony by leading a short group prayer. [3]


Most Voluval ceremonies end with the participants being welcomed and recognized by the tribe. Nearly all marks tend to be benign, with some even tending towards being hereditary, like the horned triangle of the Graur family. Karin Midular's mark, the Ray of Matar, is the rarest and most auspicious of the Voluval marks. [3]

The rarest of the negative marks such as the Pale Eye, the Face of Helina, or the Broken Shield can see its bearer out cast by the Minmatar, banished to Arzad II. [6] Less rare, though still not common, are the other detrimental marks such as the Spiraling Circle, the Scarecrow, the Purple Cross[3], or the Slaver's Fang. These marks may force the bearer into a self-imposed, life-time vow of silence, under traditional penalty of having their tongues cut out should they ever break it.[1] In recent years it has become common for those with these marks to choose a life of exile over the burden of bearing their shame amongst their kin. [6]

See Also


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