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New Eden's Anomalies

Cosmic Anomalies in New Eden
Class Angel Blood Raiders Guristas Sansha's Nation Serpentis Rogue Drones
1 Angel Hideaway Blood Hideaway Guristas Hideaway Sansha Hideaway Serpentis Hideaway Drone Cluster
1 level 2 Angel Hidden Hideaway Blood Raider Hidden Hideaway Guristas Hidden Hideaway Sansha Hidden Hideaway Serpentis Hidden Hideaway
1 level 3 Angel Forsaken Hideaway Blood Raider Forsaken Hideaway Guristas Forsaken Hideaway Sansha Forsaken Hideaway Serpentis Forsaken Hideaway
1 level 4 Angel Forlorn Hideaway Blood Raider Forlorn Hideaway Guristas Forlorn Hideaway Sansha Forlorn Hideaway Serpentis Forlorn Hideaway
2 Angel Burrow Blood Burrow Guristas Burrow Sansha Burrow Serpentis Burrow Drone Collection
3 Angel Refuge Blood Refuge Guristas Refuge Sansha Refuge Serpentis Refuge Drone Assembly
4 Angel Den Blood Den Guristas Den Sansha Den Serpentis Den Drone Gathering
4 level 2 Angel Hidden Den Blood Raider Hidden Den Guristas Hidden Den Sansha Hidden Den Serpentis Hidden Den
4 level 3 Angel Forsaken Den Blood Raider Forsaken Den Guristas Forsaken Den Sansha Forsaken Den Serpentis Forsaken Den
4 level 4 Angel Forlorn Den Blood Raider Forlorn Den Guristas Forlorn Den Sansha Forlorn Den Serpentis Forlorn Den
5 Angel Yard Blood Yard Guristas Yard Sansha Yard Serpentis Yard Drone Surveillance
6 Angel Rally Point Blood Rally Point Guristas Rally Point Sansha Rally Point Serpentis Rally Point Drone Menagerie
6 level 2 Angel Hidden Rally Point Blood Raider Hidden Rally Point Guristas Hidden Rally Point Sansha Hidden Rally Point Serpentis Hidden Rally Point
6 level 3 Angel Forsaken Rally Point Blood Raider Forsaken Rally Point Guristas Forsaken Rally Point Sansha Forsaken Rally Point Serpentis Forsaken Rally Point
6 level 4 Angel Forlorn Rally Point Blood Raider Forlorn Rally Point Guristas Forlorn Rally Point Sansha Forlorn Rally Point Serpentis Forlorn Rally Point
7 Angel Port Blood Port Guristas Port Sansha Port Serpentis Port Drone Herd
8 Angel Hub Blood Hub Guristas Hub Sansha Hub Serpentis Hub Drone Squad
8 level 2 Angel Hidden Hub Blood Raider Hidden Hub Guristas Hidden Hub Sansha Hidden Hub Serpentis Hidden Hub
8 level 3 Angel Forlorn Hub Blood Raider Forlorn Hub Guristas Forlorn Hub Sansha Forlorn Hub Serpentis Forlorn Hub
8 level 4 Angel Forsaken Hub Blood Raider Forsaken Hub Guristas Forsaken Hub Sansha Forsaken Hub Serpentis Forsaken Hub
9 Angel Haven Blood Haven Guristas Haven Sansha Haven Serpentis Haven Drone Patrol
10 Angel Sanctum Blood Sanctum Guristas Sanctum Sansha Sanctum Serpentis Sanctum Drone Horde

Unrated Complexes By Faction

Signature Strength Unrated Complexes
High Low Null Angel Cartel Blood Raiders Guristas Pirates Sansha's Nation Serpentis Corporation Rogue Drones
20.0% Angel Hideout Blood Hideout Gurista Hideout Sansha Hideout Serpentis Hideout Haunted Yard
10.0% Angel Lookout Blood Lookout Gurista Lookout Sansha Lookout Serpentis Lookout Desolate Site
5.0% Angel Watch Blood Watch Gurista Watch Sansha Watch Serpentis Watch Chemical Yard
2.5% Angel Vigil Blood Vigil Gurista Vigil Sansha Vigil Serpentis Vigil -
20.0% Provisional Angel Outpost Provisional Blood Outpost Provisional Gurista Outpost Provisional Sansha Outpost Provisional Serpentis Outpost Rogue Trial Yard
10.0% Angel Outpost Blood Raider Outpost Gurista Outpost Sansha Outpost Serpentis Outpost Dirty Site
5.0% Minor Angel Annex Minor Blood Annex Minor Guristas Annex Minor Sansha Annex Minor Serpentis Annex Ruins
2.5% Angel Annex Blood Annex Guristas Annex Sansha Annex Serpentis Annex -
20.0% Angel Base Blood Raider Base Gurista Base Sansha Base Serpentis Base Independence
10.0% Angel Fortress Blood Raider Fortress Gurista Fortress Sansha Fortress Serpentis Fortress Radiance
5.0% Angel Military Complex Blood Military Complex Gurista Military Complex Sansha Military Complex Serpentis Military Complex Hierarchy
2.5% Angel Provincial HQ Blood Provincial HQ Gurista Provincial HQ Sansha Provincial HQ Serpentis Provincial HQ -
1.25% Angel Domination Fleet Staging Point Dark Blood Fleet Staging Point Dread Guristas Fleet Staging Point True Sansha Fleet Staging Point Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point -
Please note: The above data has been compiled from explorer community reports on Unrated Complexes. This is a work in progress and the data contained here may be incomplete. If you have more data or information that conflicts with anything here, please feel free to contribute.

Special cases:
Serpentis Logistical Outpost, base signature strength of 2.5% in low sec, 10.0% in null sec, and escalates to Serpentis Logistical Outpost Part 2
Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost , base signature strength of 2.5% in low sec, 10.0% in null sec, and escalates to Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost - Part 2

DED Complex List

DED- Rating Signature Strength DED-Rated Complexes
High Low Null Angel Cartel Blood Raiders Guristas Pirates Sansha's Nation Serpentis Corporation Rogue Drones
  1/10  ?  ? Minmatar Contracted Bio-Farm Old Meanie - Cultivation Center Pith Robux Asteroid Mining & Co. Sansha Military Outpost Serpentis Drug Outlet
  2/10 20.0%? 20.0%? Angel Creo-Corp Mining Blood Raider Human Farm Pith Deadspace Depot Sansha Acclimatization Facility Serpentis Live Cargo Distribution Facilities Rogue Drone Infestation Sprout
  3/10 10.0% 10.0%? Angel Repurposed Outpost Blood Raider Intelligence Collection Point Guristas Guerilla Grounds Sansha's Command Relay Outpost Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation
  4/10 5.0% 10.0% Angel Cartel Occupied Mining Colony Mul-Zatah Monastery Guristas Scout Outpost Sansha's Nation Occupied Mining Colony Serpentis Phi-Outpost
  5/10 2.5% 5.0% Angel's Red Light District Blood Raider Psychotropics Depot Guristas Hallucinogen Supply Waypoint Sansha's Nation Neural Paralytic Facility Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site
  6/10 2.5% 10.0% * Crimson Hand Supply Depot Guristas Troop Reinvigoration Camp Sansha War Supply Complex *
  7/10 5.0% Angel Military Operations Complex Blood Raider Coordination Center Gurista Military Operations Complex Sansha Military Operations Complex Serpentis Paramilitary Complex
  8/10 2.5% Cartel Prisoner Retention Blood Raider Prison Camp Pith's Penal Complex Sansha Prison Camp Serpentis Prison Camp
  9/10 ** ** ** ** **

10/10 1.25% Angel Cartel Naval Shipyard Blood Raider Naval Shipyard The Maze Centus Assembly T.P. Co. Serpentis Fleet Shipyard Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive
Please note: The above data has been compiled from explorer community reports on DED Rated Complexes. This is a work in progress and the data contained here may be incomplete. If you have more data or information that conflicts with anything here, please feel free to contribute.

* The 6/10 Angel Pirates/Serpentis corporation complexes do not exist as such. However, the Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost and Serpentis Logistical Outpost are regarded by CCP as the complexes intended to fill their spot;
** There are no 9/10 DED rated complexes, some consider the [faction] Fleet Staging Point to be their equivalent;


Unrated Complex Expeditions
Angel Cartel Blood Raiders Guristas Pirates Sansha's Nation Serpentis Corporation Rogue Drones
High Sec Expeditions may appear in lower security systems.
-(Faction) Hideout-
-Haunted Yard-
Blue Pill Frentix Sooth Sayer Drop Mindflood Pulverize The Pioneers
-(Faction) Lookout-
-Desolate Site-
Chasing the Dragon Following the Blood Trap? Slave Breeding Plants Angel Kickbacks Mare Sargassum
-(Faction) Watch-
-Chemical Yard-
The Nuclear Small Arms Project Medical Twilight Terrorist Plot! Nation on the Rise Jet-Set Hooligans Hunting the Drudge Factory
-(Faction) Vigil-
The Big Blue The Rewards of Devotion Kidnapped! True Power Shipyards Booster R&D -
Low Sec Expeditions may appear in lower security systems.
-Provisional (Faction) Outpost-
-Rogue Trial Yard-
Domination Surveillance Squad Blood Surveillance Squad Gurista Surveillance Squad Sansha Surveillance Squad Guardian Angels Surveillance Squad Moving Day
-(Faction) Outpost-
-Dirty Site-
Salvation Angel's Shipment Save The Slaves Gurista Productions Shipment Hidden Riches Elite Playground Loose Ends
-Minor (Faction) Annex-
Angel Owned Station Blood Owned Station Guristas Owned Station Sansha Owned Station Serpentis Owned Station Menacing Mechanics
-(Faction) Annex-
Angel Powergrid Blood Raider Powergrid Guristas Powergrid Sansha Powergrid Serpentis Powergrid -
Null Sec
-(Faction) Base-
Toxic Waste Scandal! Religious Fury Consequences Smonsequences True Power HQ Contract Killers The Drone Roulette
-(Faction) Fortress-
Operation Spring Cleaning Dubious Assignment Hired Gun Shady Operation Suspicious Job Molting Season
-(Faction) Military Complex-
Pioneers Peril Frontier in Flames Pirate's Path David V Goliath Colony Under Fire Trouble in Paradise
-(Faction) Provincial HQ-
Special Forces Fountain of Youth No Quarter The Ancient City Serpentis Secrets -
-(Elite Faction) Fleet Staging Point-
Angel Domination Fleet Staging Point 2 ? ? ? Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point 2 -
Please note: The above data has been compiled from explorer community reports on Unrated Complex Escalations. This is a work in progress and the data contained here may be incomplete. If you have more data or information that conflicts with anything here, please feel free to contribute.


Anomalies can escalate, giving pilots the exact location of a DED-rated complex without having to scan for it. The following Anomalies have been reported to lead to the following escalations. Although escalations often lead to sites in lower security systems, the pirates in these sites often have a greater chance of leaving behind valuable faction modules. Anomalies in wormhole space will never escalate.

Cosmic Anomaly Escalations
Angel Anomalies Escalations Serpentis Anomalies Escalations
Angel Hideaway Minmatar Contracted Bio-Farm Serpentis Hideaway Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses "c"
Angel Burrow Angel Creo-Corp Mining Serpentis Burrow Unknown
Angel Refuge Angel's Red Light District "c" Serpentis Refuge Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses "c"
Angel Den Angel's Red Light District "c" Serpentis Den Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site "c"
Angel Yard Angel's Red Light District Serpentis Yard Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site
Angel Rally Point Unknown Serpentis Rally Point Serpentis Prison Camp
Angel Port Angel Military Operations Complex Serpentis Port Serpentis Paramilitary Complex
Angel Hub Cartel Prisoner Retention Serpentis Hub Serpentis Paramilitary Complex
Angel Sanctum Angel Cartel Naval Shipyard Serpentis Sanctum Serpentis Fleet Shipyard
Blood Anomalies Escalations Sansha Anomalies Escalations
Blood Hideaway Old Meanie - Cultivation Center Sansha Hideaway Sansha's Command Relay Outpost "c"
Blood Burrow Unknown Sansha Burrow Unknown
Blood Refuge Mul-Zatah Monastery "c" Sansha Refuge Sansha's Command Relay Outpost "c"
Blood Den Blood Raider Psychotropics Depot "c" Sansha Den Sansha's Nation Neural Paralytic Facility "c"
Blood Yard Blood Raider Psychotropics Depot Sansha Yard Sansha War Supply Complex
Blood Rally Point Crimson Hand Supply Depot Sansha Rally Point Sansha War Supply Complex
Blood Port Blood Raider Coordination Center Sansha Port Sansha Military Operations Complex
Blood Hub Blood raider prison camp Sansha Hub Sansha War Supply Complex
Blood Sanctum Blood Raider Naval Shipyard Sansha Sanctum Centus Assembly T.P. Co.
Guristas Anomalies Escalations Rogue Drones Anomalies Escalations
Guristas Hideaway Guristas Scout Outpost "c"
Guristas Burrow Pith Deadspace Depot Drone Collection Rogue Drone Infestation Sprout
Guristas Refuge Guristas Scout Outpost "c" Drone Assembly Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation
Guristas Den Guristas Hallucinogen Supply Waypoint "c" Drone Surveillance Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive
Guristas Yard Guristas Hallucinogen Supply Waypoint
Guristas Rally Point Guristas Troop Reinvigoration Camp
Guristas Port Gurista Military Operations Complex
Guristas Hub Pith's Penal Complex
Guristas Sanctum The Maze

"c" - confirmed the date 27.05.2015 or later

Wormhole Space

Cosmic Anomalies can also be found in wormhole space. These Anomalies are guarded by sleeper drones, which are significantly more deadly than most pirate faction ships. Furthermore, these sites do not escalate.

Cosmic Anomalies in Anoikis (w-space)
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Perimeter Ambush Point Perimeter Checkpoint Fortification Frontier Stronghold
Perimeter Camp Perimeter Hangar Outpost Frontier Stronghold
Phase Catalyst Node Sleeper Data Sanctuary Solar Cell
The Line The Ruins of Enclave Cohort 27 The Oruze Construct
Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
Frontier Barracks Core Garrison Core Bastion
Frontier Command Post Core Stronghold Core Citadel
Integrated Terminus Oruze Osobnyk Strange Energy Readings
Sleeper Information Sanctum Quarantine Area The Mirror
Faction Regions
Empire Null Sec
Angel Cartel Heimatar, Metropolis, Molden Heath Impass, Feythabolis, Omist, Tenerifis, Immensea, Curse, Scalding Pass, Wicked Creek, Detorid, Insmother, Great Wildlands, Cache
Blood Raiders Aridia, Genesis, Kador, Khanid, Kor-Azor, The Bleak Lands Delve, Querious, Period Basis
Guristas Pirates Black Rise, Lonetrek, The Citadel, The Forge Tenal, Branch, Venal, Deklein, Pure Blind, Geminate, Vale of the Silent, Tribute
Sansha's Nation Derelik, Devoid, Domain, Tash-Murkon Stain, Paragon Soul, Esoteria, Catch, Providence
Serpentis Corporation Essence, Everyshore, Placid, Sinq Laison, Solitude, Verge Vendor Fade, Outer Ring, Cloud Ring, Syndicate, Fountain
Rogue Drones All Empire Regions All Regions, especially the Drone Regions: Etherium Reach, The Spire, Outer Passage, Malpais, The Kalevala Expanse, Perrigen Falls, Oasa, Cobalt Edge
Please note: The above data has been compiled from explorer community reports on Cosmic Anomalies and Cosmic Signatures. This is a work in progress and the data contained here may be incomplete. If you have more data or information that conflicts with anything here, please feel free to contribute.
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