Damius III

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Damius Khanid, styled Damius III, was an Amarr Emperor who ruled during the conquest of the Minmatar. He reigned from 22462 AD until his death in 22626 AD.[1]

Early Life

Damius was born to the Khanid Family in 22375 AD. The young cousin of the Khanid Heir, Damius proved to be ambitious and savvy. Showing intense interest in military matters, Damius studied with several top admirals and Khanid Holders noted for their strategic and tactical ability. He joined the Imperial Academy, rocketing to the top of the class thanks both to his family connections and personal ability.

He was given a command directly out of the Academy, as part of the 3rd Fleet. He proved quite capable, though he commanded during a time of peace in the Empire. He saw no major engagements during his time in the Navy, though he did participate in the pacification of several small pirate organizations and put down a slave revolt in Aridia with a minimal loss of life.

During this period, Damius cultivated relationships with powerful people across the Empire. Navy men were impressed by the willingness of a royal to brave the naval life, while theologians approved of the strong religious rhetoric he espoused. Most notably, he bent the ears of his family's elders and advisers, quickly becoming a favored son of the Khanid Family.

Royal Heir

When his elder cousin died tragically young from an undiagnosed genetic disorder in 22423, Damius found himself suddenly named the new Khanid Heir. He relinquished his post in the Navy and returned to his family's holdings, immediately beginning a behind-doors campaign to secure his own power. Notably, he severely punished his cousin's physicians, angered by their failure to catch the disease in time. He additionally heaped rewards on those Holders who had expressed loyalty and admiration toward him prior to his ascension, guaranteeing a strong support base.

The youngest of the Heirs by far, Damius was at first not taken seriously by the other royal families. He often found his suggestions ignored in Privy Council meetings and developed a reputation among the Council members as an aggressive hothead who did not show proper respect to the Emperor or his officials. He particularly clashed with the Kador and Ardishapur Families, both of whom viewed him as an upstart, and found his Family's connection with the Khanid people “worrying.”

Ascending to the Throne

In 22462 AD, the reigning Emperor fell ill and passed. The Amarr Championships were quickly scheduled. It was here that Damius's youth, ambition, and passion proved themselves. Damius's champions were hand-selected from the upper echelons of the Navy, several of whom had formerly served with Damius. His close familiarity with these naval men gave his champions an advantage in the trials.

Not only that, but as a relatively young Heir, he had the support of the Theology Council, who desired an Emperor who would reign for several centuries. Faced with the potential of one of the other, aging Heirs assuming the throne, Damius was the natural choice.

Damius swept the Championships, passing every trial with ease. He was crowned Damius III later in the year, with the other heirs committing the ritual Shathol'Syn. Because he had managed his connections within the Empire well, there was little turmoil in his assumption of the throne.


Damius's reign as emperor began relatively quietly. The Empire had not encountered any civilizations since the Ni-Kunni almost two hundred years prior. Slave rebellions were rare, the Empire's borders expanded slowly with little difficulty, and the economy was strong and stable.

The Minmatar Empire had first been noticed in 22355 AD. Highly technological and spanning three systems, the Minmatar provided the first real test of Imperial might since the early days of the Reclaiming. The Empire had proceeded rationally, having scouts and spies investigate the strength of this new culture.

Though the caution was wise, Damius was impatient with the slow infrequent slave raids and wanted to fully conquer them. The Minmatar were completely unprepared for the coordinated, highly planned invasion in 22480 AD[2]. The first strike into Pator rounded up millions of slaves, while the Navy crippled space ports, shipyards, and all other defenses.[3]

Even though the Empire could have crushed the Minmatar without any assistance, Damius knew that collaborators within the subdued population made the process much easier. When the Nefantar offered to sell out their own people, Damius quickly approved. He used the Nefantar as intermediaries, allowing them to remain relatively free as long as they rounded up the other tribes peacefully.

Later Years

Following the pacification of the Minmatar, the Empire underwent a period of rapid growth. Hundreds of new Holders were appointed for the conquered territories, thousands of new planets needed to be assayed and exploited. Colony charters were bestowed to the most noble and loyal members of society.

Damius managed the expansion expertly, rewarding ability and service with a keen eye. There were few failed endeavors during the years following the conquest and the Empire, and Damius, reaped the rewards. He shrewdly juggled the sometimes-conflicting interests of the Heirs, the Theology Council, and the Imperial Navy, keeping them all relatively happy and fat on spoils.

The years following the Minmatar conquest were peaceful and problem-free. As Damius advanced in age, he delegated more and more responsibility to his underlings. He allowed the Heirs to grow in power and showed increasing favor to his relatives, placing the Khanid Heir in command of the Imperial Navy. While such actions drew the ire of the other Heirs, the stability and prosperity of the Empire prevented them from raising too much objection.

Death and Legacy

Damius III died in late 22626 AD from old age.

Under Damius III's rule, the Empire enjoyed a long stretch of prosperity, stability, and growth. Numerous works of great merit were created during Damius's reign and artistic expression reached several new heights. There are some scholarly views that the Empire was never stronger than it was during the nearly-two centuries of Damius's reign.

Damius's conquest of the Minmatar remains well-praised within the Empire, though it has soured relations with the other empires even to this day. Historically, it remains a turning point in New Eden and was a crowning military achievement of the Empire. The Minmatar memorialize the beginning of the Invasion as the Day of Darkness[3]; while the Amarr acknowledge it, they place no particular importance on the day.

Amarr historians consider Damius III one of the greatest Emperors to have ever ruled, though some criticize his nepotism in his later years for leading to the conditions that eventually brought about the Khanid Secession. Memorials, statues, and icons of Damius III remain popular across the Empire and are second only to those praising Amash-Akura in number.

Foreign scholars do not hold him in such high regard for moral reasons, though they acknowledge that the Empire was strengthened and made many great achievements under his reign. They usually cite the continued stability of the Empire both prior to and following Damius's reign, claiming he merely lucked into a position of authority during a period where any competent Emperor would have succeeded.

See Also


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