Ardishapur Family
The Ardishapur Family is one of the five Heir Families of Amarr Empire. The Family traces its lineage back to the early days of the Reclaiming, when it was a member of the Council of Apostles and had territorial control over the continent of Ves-Udor. The Family is known for being the most conservative and religious of the Heirs, with detractors calling them backward.
Despite this, they have a rocky history inside the Empire, having dealt with an unusual number of heretics and blasphemers. They have at times been nicknamed the “Mad House”, though the Family naturally eschews this in favor of the more flattering name “Old Pious House”.
The Family traditionally calls the systems of “lower” Domain their province, but recently the Ammatar Mandate was placed under their vassalage.[1] The current Heir is Yonis Ardishapur, with his nephew Arim the Heir Presumptive.
[hide]- 1 History
- 1.1 Establishment
- 1.2 Early Years
- 1.3 Spread into Space
- 1.4 Ocilan Ardishapur[3]
- 1.5 Zaragram II
- 1.6 Regrowth of Power
- 1.7 Moral Reforms
- 1.8 Royal Heirs
- 1.9 Ardishapur Decree
- 1.10 Starkmanir Uprising
- 1.11 To the Modern Day
- 1.12 Yonis's Early Years
- 1.13 Ammatar Mandate Vassalage
- 1.14 Interactions with the 24th Imperial Crusade
- 1.15 Other Recent Activities
- 2 Territory
- 3 Politics
- 4 Family Seal
- 5 See Also
- 6 References
The Ardishapur Family traces its founding back to the early days of the Reclaiming. It was founded by an influential religious scholar, Patera Ardishapur, who held great sway on the Council of Apostles during his time. He came from a minor noble family, but had taken the name "Ardishapur"—meaning “Eternal Sons of God”—after he had completed his religious training.
When the Udorians were fully conquered by the Amarr Empire in 20371 AD[2], Patera used his influence to be placed as the territorial governor of Ves-Udor, one of the conquered Udorian continents. This quickly raised the family to one of the leading powers in the Empire. It quickly gained a reputation for being staunchly religious, enforcing even the more obscure bits of Scriptural law in its territories.
Early Years
The Family spent the first few decades of its existence consolidating its new power, establishing relations with the other great families in the Empire, and otherwise firmly entrenching itself in the power structure of the Empire. Through political marriages between Patera's children and other families, the Ardishapur Family gained a strong base of support and spread its influence, ensuring that the family would be difficult to dislodge from its new position.
Eventually, Patera died and passed on the Family to his sons, which continued the traditions of strict religious adherence and piety. As the Empire amassed to further Reclaim their planet, the Ardishapur were rarely on the front lines, but instead played important roles on the home front, maintaining order and serving as educators and teachers for newly enslaved peoples.
Several emperors came from the Ardishapur Family during this time. They were universally among the more conservative and religiously minded emperors. Several of the great requiems and hymns were penned under the leadership of the Ardishapur emperors, while religious iconography was extra emphasized in painting and sculpture.
Spread into Space
When the Empire constructed a stargate between Amarr and Hedion in 21290 AD[2], the Ardishapur were initially uninterested. The exploration of space was not their concern; it was much more important for them to focus on the souls under their charge on Amarr Prime. However, once temperate planets were discovered in other systems and the Empire began to settle them, the Ardishapur were drawn into space.
The Ardishapur were given several planets to rule over. They selected a system with 12 planets, two of them temperate and another two seemingly ripe for eventual terraforming, as their capital system. They renamed the system Ardishapur Prime and began the process of moving their significant wealth and resources off their homeworld to their new home. The third planet, renamed Radonis after the current family head Radone Ardishapur, was selected as their capital world.
The settlement of Ardishapur Prime seemed to be a boon to the Family. The planets in the system were rich in resources, while the Family turned Radonis into a center for religious study. However, the movement of the Family away from Amarr Prime would soon have dire consequences.
Ocilan Ardishapur[3]
Ocilan was born to a branch of the Ardishapur Family a few steps removed from the family's head at the time, Karon Ardishapur. His mother was a niece of the Kador emperor, Armani I, which gave him the potential for great influence and power, something his father expected him to exploit greatly. Ocilan, however, felt disconnected from the politics of the Empire back home.
Instead, he grew attracted to a respected religious cult known as the Followers of God. The Followers of God followed the approved teachings of a scholar named Aramon Khalid. At first, Ocilan's interest in the cult was encouraged, as his father believed a heavy dose of religion could only be good for his son.
However, Ocilan fell in with Paragyn Koreithis, a monk belonging to the Followers who had uncovered other fragments of Aramon's writing. These fragments were much different in tenor than the ones the Followers taught, speaking of fiery hells and the destruction of mankind. Ocilan became obsessed with these fragments, becoming a man possessed. Together, he and Paragyn founded a sect of the Followers known as the Equilibrium of Mankind.
With Ocilan's wealth and charisma, the sect attracted millions of converts. The leadership of the Followers turned a blind eye to the situation, as the Equilibrium was still officially a part of their cult, earning them great influence and power in the Empire. Eventually, Ocilan grew tired of hiding his true beliefs, and in a widely broadcast speech, denounced the Followers of God and even the mainstream Amarr religion, calling for a departure from “this universe” in order to save the Amarr from God's wrath.
Ocilan was immediately denounced by the High Priest of the Followers and ordered his arrest. However, Ocilan had placed his followers well, and they rose up to save him. Bloody clashes broke out in the halls of the Followers' church and Ocilan defiantly exited the church, his followers close on his heels.
Ocilan retreated to a refuge near Ardishapur Prime, where he prepared his followers for the battle to come. The emperor ordered Karon Ardishapur to destroy the Equilibrium. Karon led a fleet of warships against Ocilan's outpost and utterly destroyed it. Ocilan was assumed killed, but a small group of his followers were able to escape.
They made their way to a distant system, far from the reach of the Imperial authorities, and founded a settlement. Three years later, Ocilan reemerged, deranged and declaring anyone not following the Equilibrium of Mankind to be heretics who must be killed. The Equilibrium scattered, infiltrating every corner of the Empire.
A spree of terrorist acts initiated by the Equilibrium followed soon after. A number of high-profile individuals were killed, including Karon Ardishapur. Emperor Armani I went into hiding in the Imperial Palace, fearing for his own life, causing much despair across the Empire. It was so bad that the people began to grow restless and speak out openly against the Emperor and Council of Apostles.
Armani I died suddenly in 21310 AD and was succeeded by his nephew, Queron I. Queron was made of sterner stuff than his uncle and responded to the terrorist attacks with brutal violence. He clamped down on any supposed supporter of the Equilibrium with an iron fist and crushed the terrorist uprising. The purges were bloody, killing hundreds of thousands of innocents along with the Equilibrium sympathizers, but they finally put an end to the terrorist attacks.
Ocilan vanished, having either been killed by Paladins or escaping and eventually succumbing to old age. While some followers whisper that he has survived to the modern day, most serious scholars believe this is impossible. Regardless, the Ardishapur Family was shaken by Ocilan's actions and lost significant influence.
However, this was not the worst disaster to strike the Ardishapur Family.
Zaragram II
Zaragam Ardishapur took over the Ardishapur Family following the death of Karon. He was charismatic and devoutly religious and worked diligently to restore the good name of the Ardishapur Family. He was pious when a situation called for piety, humble when it called for humility, decisive when it called for action, and strict when it called for punishment. Above all, he regularly could be found in the grand cathedral in Dam-Torsad, dressed plainly and giving supplication to God.
By 21346 AD, enough time had passed that the Empire had mostly allowed itself to forget the horrors perpetrated by Ocilan Ardishapur. The Ardishapur Family was at the height of power, ruling over dozens of systems and millions of adulating subjects. When Queron I died, Zaragram was selected by the Council of Apostles to replace him, becoming Zaragram II.
From the beginning, Zaragram II thirsted for more power. He chafed at sharing his power with the Apostles. His long hours spent in prayer and quiet contemplation had not been as innocent as they had appeared. For Zaragram had begun to believe himself to be the worldly avatar of God Himself. As emperor, he issued several decrees that, in isolation, seemed innocent enough. They each subtly shifted the power of the Apostles onto himself, though each of them violated the very core of the Scriptures.[4]
In 21423 AD, the Empire encountered the Ealur, the first civilization not on Amarr Prime they had ever discovered. Zaragram ordered the relaunch of the Reclaiming and had them enslaved, which brought him great popularity among both the Holders and the common people.[2] Zaragram took this as a further sign that he was God manifest and used his new popularity to issue more decrees, stripping the Council of Apostles of much of its power and placing himself firmly as the God-Emperor of the Empire.
Religious icons were destroyed and replaced with imagery venerating him. Parts of the Scripture were destroyed, replaced with new passages presaging Zaragram's arrival and promising a wondrous future under his rule. The Empire was being slowly transformed into a cult of worship toward Zaragram. Though opposition existed, it was rooted out and destroyed, and those with the power to act were too afraid for their own lives to act.
Eventually, Zaragram announced his intention to get in touch with his divine self and ordered the construction on a massive divine residence in the system of Shastal. This city, which he named Megazorm, or “Vision of God”, was to be free of any terrestrial influence and be a fitting palace for a living God.[4]
However, on Zaragram's first visit to the completed city, he was assassinated by his own grandson. The grandson was cut down by Zaragram's guards, but his legacy lived on as St. Tetrimon. The Council of Apostles went about reversing the changes Zaragram had wrought, founded the Order of St. Tetrimon to repair the Scriptures, struck Zaragram from the Book of Records, and did their best to eliminate all proof that Zaragram had ever existed.[5]
It was only thanks to the actions of St. Tetrimon, himself a member of the Ardishapur Family, that spared them from a complete downfall. The Council of Apostles looked suspiciously on the Ardishapur Family and revoked much of the power it had accumulated. They lost their position on the Council and had many of their holdings taken away and given to other, less tainted houses. They were allowed to keep Ardishapur Prime, however, and retained their status as a great house even with the weakening.
Regrowth of Power
Over the next four centuries, the Ardishapur Family slowly went about rebuilding its image. The family leaders were cautious in choosing the family head, valuing safe, unambitious choices over devout firebrands. The family reestablished ties of marriage and alliance with many other families, some of whom now sat at a higher level than the Ardishapur.
Regrowth was slow, but steady. The tactics of the family succeeded in mending its standing. The Family never again sat on the Council of Apostles, but when the Moral Reforms began, they were positioned as a prime ally for the emperor.
Moral Reforms
The Moral Reforms rose out of further tensions between the emperor and the Council of Apostles. Several of the changes installed by Zaragram had not been successfully purged from the Scriptures, leaving the emperor more than a mere first among equals. The emperor at the time wished to codify his own strength and ensure that future emperors would be the true, singular rulers of the Empire. In 21875 AD, he launched the Moral Reforms.[2]
The Reforms were a period of turbulence in the Empire. The emperor knew that he could not act alone, and so reached out to five families that would stand with him against the rest of the Council of Apostles. Three of those families were members of the Council; the Kador, the Khanid, and the Sarum. The Kor-Azor Family was a rising power in the Empire. But the emperor realized the Ardishapur were hungry to reclaim their lost status and offered them a place of favor should they aid him.
The Ardishapur Family readily agreed. Using their vast libraries of Scripture and thousands of influential priests and speakers, the Ardishapur formed the religious vanguard of the emperor's faction. They fought when necessary, but combat was never the province of the Ardishapur, which was left instead to the Khanid and Sarum Families.
In the end, the emperor prevailed over the Council of Apostles. The families that had stood against him were shattered and the Apostles replaced with the new Privy and Theology Councils. The Ardishapur, for standing beside the emperor, were made one of the Heir Families and had much of their lost territory restored to them.
Royal Heirs
The Ardishapur Family produced a small number of emperors in the following centuries. These emperors were widely irrelevant to the greater history of the Empire. Their rules mostly advanced insular religious causes, providing little growth and overseeing few exceptional achievements by the Empire.
Instead, the Family was involved in two notorious incidents during this time period.
Ardishapur Decree
In 22642AD, the Ardishapur Family was entertaining Lady Phanca, the mother of Emperor Velenus IV, at the family's royal palace on Radonis. Lady Phanca owned a pet furrier which she allowed free reign of the table. The creature began harassing Uri Ardishapur, the son of the Heir, until the young man struck it.
The blow killed the animal and enraged Lady Phanca. She demanded restitution in the form of the hand that had killed the animal. Velenus IV decreed that from henceforth, Uri and every son of the Ardishapur Family would have their right hand amputated in repayment for the furrier's life. The Ardishapur Family could not hope to refuse, still bearing the burden of Zaragram II and Ocilan's shame, but did recognize there was nothing to prevent the hand from being replaced with a prosthetic.
From then on, every newborn male Ardishapur has had his hand amputated at birth and replaced with a silver cybernetic. The family takes great pride in this custom, believing it to be a sign of obedience toward the emperor and God.[6]
Starkmanir Uprising
In 23052 AD, the family Heir was Arkon Ardishapur. Arkon was a pious and kind man who treated his subjects with compassion and humility. Arkon was particularly fond of a Holder named Arzad Hamri, who was beloved by his Starkmanir slaves. However, Arzad was becoming something of a problem for the Theology Council, as he had begun treating his slaves as almost-equals and eroding many of the long-held Holder-slave conventions.
The Theology Council eventually ordered Arkon to deal with the problem. Arkon traveled to Starkman Prime and investigated. He attempted to dissuade Arzad from his path, but found his friend intractable. Arkon presided over the trial and attempted to let Arzad free with his life, but special prosecutors from the Theology Council ensured that Arzad was put to death.[7]
The execution eventually led the Starkmanir to rise up in rebellion three months later. One slave, Drupar Maak, struck Arkon Ardishapur down personally, killing the Heir with a Khuumak.[8] The Starkmanir took control of the planet, killing their Amarr masters whenever they could catch them.
Arkon's heir, Idonis Ardishapur, was forced to put the rebellion down. Knowing that the life of an Heir could only be repaid for with an extreme, Idonis ordered the utter destruction of the planet and the genocide of the Starkmanir people.[8]
To the Modern Day
Idonis ruled over the Ardishapur Family for the next several centuries, seeing it through contact with the Gallente and Caldari, the disastrous Amarr-Jove War, the Minmatar Rebellion, and the formation of CONCORD. He kept the fortunes of the family steady, rarely involving himself too heavily in Imperial politics. He only made major ripples once, in YC94, when Imperial scouts stumbled across Vo'Shun, a settlement on the ruins of Starkman Prime inhabited by outcasts from the Minmatar Republic. He issued a decree, which he called Khaedra's Law, forbidding anyone from harming the inhabitants of the planet.[9]
In YC105, Emperor Heideran VII passed away. Idonis, at this point greatly aged, took part in the Succession Trials, but failed to achieve victory. He committed ritual suicide and named his son, Yonis, as the new Heir.[10]
Yonis's Early Years
Yonis proved himself much more willing to engage in Imperial politicking than his father. He demanded action be taken against his fellow Heir Aritcio Kor-Azor after the latter's desecration of the Tal-Romon Cathedral[11], then attempted to block Catiz Tash-Murkon's purchase of the holy site.[12] Through this, he formed a temporary alliance with the Kador Heir, Uriam[13], and ultimately had a somewhat favorable outcome when Doriam II seized the cathedral as property of the Emperor Family.[14] He also made international waves when criticizing a Quafe Ultra ad as blasphemous.[15]
When Doriam II was assassinated in YC107[16], Yonis pledged all his family's resources to finding the killers. Chamberlain Karsoth and CONCORD preferred to handle the investigation on their own and rebuffed Yonis's offers.[17]
Yonis preferred to initiate the Succession immediately, but found the other Heirs unwilling. Aritcio and Catiz both wished to enjoy the fruits of their new power, while Uriam was noncommittal. Additionally, the Sarum Family had yet to chose an Heir[18], leaving Yonis to simply bide his time and increase his own influence.
Ammatar Mandate Vassalage
The Ardishapur Family was mostly spared from the Wrath of the Elder Invasion in YC110. Instead, Yonis had to contend with the sudden return of Jamyl Sarum, who had either faked her death or cloned herself after Doriam II's inauguration. Yonis opposed Jamyl's ascension to the throne, but the other Heirs still preferred to avoid the risks a Succession would bring to their lives. Once again left standing alone, Yonis realized he could not stand against Jamyl being crowned, and reluctantly agreed with the other Heirs.
Following Empress Jamyl I's coronation, she vowed to “return what others give to the Empire”.[19] In response, Yonis announced a massive public works campaign within his domains. He leveraged a portion of his family's wealth to construct hundreds of schools, cathedrals, and monuments. In announcing the project, he made pointed reference to religious laws, which some viewed as a veiled attack on Jamyl's legitimacy.[20]
To the surprise of many, Jamyl in turn bestowed the Ammatar Mandate on the Ardishapur Family.[21] The Mandate had been heavily damaged during the Elder Invasion, and Jamyl believed Ardishapur's public works program proved him to be the best man to repair the shattered region.
In the beginning, it seemed Yonis's conservative values would sour relationships with the Ammatar natives. He replaced much of the vacant leadership with Holders loyal to him[22] and arrested the Grand Admiral of the Ammatar Fleet[23] and installed his own admiral instead.[24]
However, Yonis's moves proved savvy. The new admiral promoted many Ammatar veterans[25], while Yonis himself pledged to rebuild the Mandate's infrastructure of churches, hospitals, and schools.[26][27] These moves won him wide praise from the populace[28] and succeeded in restoring the Mandate to prosperous levels.[29][30]
Finally, he appointed an Ammatar to the position of Mandate Governor, winning him more love from the Ammatar.[31]
Interactions with the 24th Imperial Crusade
An archeological team sponsored by the Family escaped from a contested area between the Amarr Empire and Minmatar Republic. Their dig had discovered several significant relics[32], the majority of which belonged to St. Anam and had been though long lost. The Saint notably founded a groundwork of religious ethics.[33] As a result of these findings, the final resting place of St. Aman was uncovered. However, the area was in Kourmonen, which at the time was occupied by the Tribal Liberation Force. In response, Yonis took the unusual step of commanding the 24th Imperial Crusade to retake the system.[34] The command was a success and the Crusade reclaimed the Bleak Lands the next month.[35] The bones of St. Aman were recovered and moved to Dakba, where Yonis made a public appearance and personally escorted them to their temporary resting place. He praised the capsuleers who aided in their retrieval and promised to reward them.[36] In recognition, he awarded medals to pilots who fought with “particular vigor” in the engagements.[37] Yonis pledged significant funds to help rebuild war-torn Ezzara, which had changed hands between the Tribal Liberation Force and 24th Crusade numerous times since war broke out.[38]
Other Recent Activities
Arim Ardishapur began taking a somewhat active role in Imperial politics, first by purchasing the family of the disgraced Ammatar Fleet admiral.[39] He has also stepped in for his uncle several times at meetings of the Privy Council.[40]
During a resurgence in usage of the Transcranial Microcontrollers for slave control, the Ardishapur Family mostly banned them within their domains.[41]
Once his reconstruction of the Ammatar Mandate was complete, Yonis began an Empire-wide speaking tour.[42] The events were highly religious in nature[43] and did quite well[44]. There were even calls for Yonis to be given expanded powers in the Empire, though the Heir spoke out against such things.[45]
The Ardishapur Family has counted numerous systems and locations under its domains at various points in its history. At one point, it was the chief power on the continent of Ves-Udor on Amarr Prime, though that, like the entirety of the Amarr homeworld, is considered property of the emperor. It also once claimed the Bleak Lands, though it lost those following Zaragram II's reign, and parts of the current Minmatar Republic.
It currently holds two major territorial blocs. The first is “lower” Domain, a term given to about half of the systems in the galactic south of the Domain region. This encompasses Ardishapur Prime and surrounding Sosarir constellation, along with the Kashag, Yestadan, Liela, Kehina, Nakid, Nashar, Mazake, Mobit, Kekah, and Maseend constellations. Its territory is bordered by the Tash-Murkon and Kor-Azor regions, as well as the Sarum territories in “upper” Domain. It is unique among the Heir domains in that it does not share a border with any foreign power, except for the lawless region of Providence, keeping it relatively isolated from trading partners.
The second major bloc is the Ammatar Mandate. Formerly considered a semi-autonomous nation separate from the Empire, Empress Jamyl I placed the Mandate directly under the control of the Ardishapur Family in YC111.[21] This more than doubled the size of the Ardishapur Family's holdings, pushing it firmly in the lead in terms of sheer territorial size.
Ardishapur Family territory is generally more conservative and religious than other parts of the Empire. Historically, it has been underdeveloped, but under Yonis's rule, much progress has been made in infrastructure. It is still relatively insulated economically and socially, though the addition of the Mandate has led to an increased push for trade.
Politically, the territories favor an isolated, peaceful Empire with little contact with the rest of the cluster. There are some who even favor limited contact with the more liberal elements of the Empire, such as is found in the Tash-Murkon or Kor-Azor regions.
The area has grown much more tolerable on a social level, as reforms pushed by Yonis have encouraged people of all races and bloodlines to seek religious enlightenment. Many of the old stigmas still exist, however, making the area particularly uncomfortable for foreigners.
The Family, as religious conservatives and traditionalists, favor an Empire that strictly adheres to the Scripture, even the more obscure and difficult parts. It opposes the rule of Jamyl I, though it does nothing to openly criticize her or challenge her right to sit on the throne. Instead, it acts as an opposition to her in the Privy Council and opposes measures she favors. This also brings it to stand against the Kor-Azor, Tash-Murkon, and Khanid Families, meaning the Ardishapur rarely get their way in matters of Empire-wide politics.
The family's belligerence has waxed and waned over the years. At times it has favored the Reclaiming and aggressive expansion, but under Idonis Ardishapur is took an isolationist stance. It has opened up somewhat under Yonis Ardishapur, favoring peaceful conversion to the forceful Reclaiming. Yonis seems to believe the carrot is more effective than the stick and has funded religious missions to every civilized empire. He has additionally heavily built up the centers of education and health care in his domains, making them very attractive places for the wealthy to send their children.
Yonis also pushes for an Empire that is cut off from outsiders, except for converts. This includes limiting trade, diplomacy, and military aggression, with the only Amarr traveling outside the Empire being limited to missionaries.
That does not mean, however, that it opposes the 24th Imperial Crusade or the possibility of conquering the Minmatar Republic by force. Indeed, the family has directly supported the Crusade on several occasions and has built up significant military forces in the Ammatar Mandate. Instead, it prefers conquest as a last resort, to be used only on those who fail to willingly embrace the Amarr religion.
Family Seal
The Ardishapur Family seal features a stylized eye sitting atop an inverted double-barred cross. The eye is meant to represent the eye of God, watching over the Ardishapur Family. The cross is an old heraldric symbol, dating back thousands of years. It is interpreted as being a combination of two older symbols, one representing the spirit and the other representing the earth.
Taken as a whole, the symbol is interpreted to mean “God watches over the soul of the Empire”. Opponents of the Ardishapur often claim the cross is impaling the eye and joke the symbol stands for “Blind to God by worldly cares”.
The symbol is most frequently cast in gold, the Imperial color. More rarely, it is seen in burnished orange, but this is an archaic design and is most commonly found on antiques and items dating back to the family pre-Moral Reforms.
See Also
- Amarr corporations
- Amarr Royal Family corporations
- Arkon Ardishapur
- Idonis Ardishapur
- Uri Ardishapur
- Yonis Ardishapur
- Chronicle: City of God
- Chronicle: The Cult of Tetrimon
- Chronicle: Khumaak
- Chronicle: Lady Phanca's Pet Furrier
- Chronicle: The Outcast
- Jump up ↑ News: Empress Jamyl places Ammatar Mandate under Ardishapur vassalage:
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Timeline: Amarr:
- Jump up ↑ Mission: A Case of Kidnapping
- ↑ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Chronicle: City of God:
- Jump up ↑ Chronicle: The Cult of Tetrimon:
- Jump up ↑ Chronicle: Lady Phanca's Pet Furrier:
- Jump up ↑ Item Description: The Fire in Our Hearts:
- ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 Chronicle: Khuumak:
- Jump up ↑ Chronicle: The Outcast:
- Jump up ↑ News: doriam kor-azor inaugurated as other heirs commit shathol'syn - ceremony disturbed :
- Jump up ↑ News: Yonis Ardishapur voices concern over Articio Kor-Azor 'incident' :
- Jump up ↑ News: catiz tash-murkon sparks controversy over cathedral renovation plan :
- Jump up ↑ News: amarr emperor takes notice of cathedral debate :
- Jump up ↑ News: doriam ii makes unprecedented intervention in cathedral debate :
- Jump up ↑ News: quafe to launch quafe ultra - promotion campaign sparks debate :
- Jump up ↑ News: Amarr Emperor Doriam II Assassinated:
- Jump up ↑ News: concord investigators identify the emperor's assassins :
- Jump up ↑ News: sarum forces, amarr navy increase presence in sarum prime - security status change imminent :
- Jump up ↑ News: Coronation of Empress Jamyl Launches New Era for the Amarr Empire:
- Jump up ↑ News: Yonis Ardishapur announces public works:
- ↑ Jump up to: 21.0 21.1 News: Empress Jamyl places Ammatar Mandate under Ardishapur vassalage:
- Jump up ↑ News: Ardishapur begins initial moves to take control of Ammatar Mandate:
- Jump up ↑ News: Yonis Ardishapur arrests head of Ammatar Fleet:
- Jump up ↑ News: Ardishapur names new Ammatar Fleet leadership:
- Jump up ↑ News: Grand Admiral Jibril issues wide swathe of promotions:
- Jump up ↑ News: Ardishapur pledges massive aid to Mandate:
- Jump up ↑ News: Hospitals and Religious Buildings to be Constructed in Ammatar 'Body and Soul' Program:
- Jump up ↑ News: Ardishapur Consolidation in Ammatar Mandate Welcomed by Populace:
- Jump up ↑ News: Mandate Recovery from Elder Invasion Continues as Shipyards are Rebuilt:
- Jump up ↑ News: Ammatar Mandate Food Production Restored to Pre-Invasion Levels:
- Jump up ↑ News: Yonis Ardishapur Appoints Ammatar Civil Servant as Mandate Governor:
- Jump up ↑ News: Archaeological team returns home unscathed but shaken:
- Jump up ↑ News; Archaeological dig presents findings at Hedion University:
- Jump up ↑ News: CALL TO ARMS: Yonis Ardishapur calls for Kourmonen to be retaken:
- Jump up ↑ The Bleak Lands back under Amarr control:
- Jump up ↑ News: Bones of St. Aman transported to Dakba:
- Jump up ↑ News: Ardishapur Family announces Kourmonen Campaign Medal:
- Jump up ↑ News: Ardishapur Orders Reconstruction Funds and Redemptionist Brigade to Ezzara:
- Jump up ↑ News: Former Grand Admiral Einkur Aro Family purchased by Arim Ardishapur:
- Jump up ↑ News: Yonis Ardishapur departs Privy Council meeting:
- Jump up ↑ News: Numerous Holders ban usage of Transcranial Microcontrollers:
- Jump up ↑ News: Ardishapur to begin Empire-wide Speaking Tour:
- Jump up ↑ News: Ardishapur focuses on "Roots of the faith" and "Embracing new races into the traditional fold”:
- Jump up ↑ News: Initial Ardishapur speaking engagements "Doing well”:
- Jump up ↑ News: Calls rise for Ardishapur to be given more authority: