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Corn is one of a handful of grain types that seem to have developed on various planets.

Historical Background

While many planets had native corn stocks, it is the Matar varieties that are seen most widely today. It has always been a staple crop of the Minmatar, and during the Amarr occupation its use only grew as it became one of the main plantation crops.

Traditionally used as a food product, it can also be used to make plastics, fabrics, and adhesives. Additionally, it has been used to make fuel for ancient combustion engines and it is these properties that saw it become a troublesome crop for Amarr Holders, as slaves would often make an alcoholic drink from purloined bits of the harvest.[1]


Most varieties of corn require a certain number of growing degree days. These are days in which the temperature is over a certain level, and when the corn plant has experienced enough of these it can be harvested. For this reason it has proven very adaptable and some planets can see three, four, or even five harvests a year. While the empires for the most part employ mechanical harvesters, corn is still harvested by hand in some remote or highly religious Amarr areas. The harvesting itself is a simple process involving cutting the stalks with small knives.[1] The corn is then shucked from its protected coating and sent on to either mills for processing, or food suppliers for consumption.



While its most wide-spread use as food is among the Minmatar, most cultures have their own way of preparing corn, often dictated by the type of corn locally available. The Caldari dry-roast the kernels and sprinkle them with seasoning, the Amarr use cornmeal to make an unleavened bread, and the Gallente variety is uniquely suited to popping, a process that involves 'exploding' the kernels by heating them, which creates light, fluffy, edible pieces. The Minmatar use cornmeal for bread, porridge, and even desserts, as well as simply cooking and eating the corn in an unprocessed state. It is also widely used by all cultures as feed for livestock.


Corn can be used to make several beverages. One is a sweet type of drink usually served at Minmatar religious festivals and special occasions. The other is an alcoholic drink, made from corn mash, called Chest Wound.[2] Traditionally this was made by Minmatar slaves on Amarr plantations. Famed for being a particularly harsh and dangerous type of alcohol, its use is uncommon today, though most bars will have a bottle on hand for the few brave souls that order drinks made with it.


In those areas where the harvest is done by hand, the leaves of the corn stalk are often used as handles on the short knives used to harvest the corn.[1] This is an easy way to protect the handle as new leaves can simply be wrapped around it when the older ones begin to wear through. The leaves have also been known to be used to make a type of parchment.

Slaves use corn cobs to fashion pipes, necklaces and earrings. Today, certain varieties have been used to beautify gardens and in the Minmatar Republic, they are used for making large mazes that children and adults alike play in during harvest festivals. This practice is believed to have originated as a way of remembering the trials of those slaves who attempted to escape from plantations.

The starches of corn can be used in the production of fabrics, plastics, and adhesives.

See Also


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