Non-tech advancements
From Backstage Lore Wiki
Aside from the technological marvels that greet the denizens of New Eden - well, the wealthy, spacefaring ones, anyway - the cluster contains a myriad of other advancements that, while not strictly technological in nature, nonetheless deserve to be noted.
- Alcohol is a staple in New Eden.
- Body mining is as profitable as it is illegal.
- The Book of Records is important to every Amarr citizen.
- Caldari bloodlines are the result of centuries of tribal warfare.
- Corn is a staple in New Eden.
- The Egone has made some headway into crowd registration.
- Firwa is an alcoholic beverage made by the distillation of fermented solinum grain and sweet fruits.
- Gallente Executive Order 81042 attempted to nationalize the Gallente military-industrial complex, resulting in Roden's rise to fame.
- The Jove build kitzes all over the place in order, they say, to better society.
- Dividing the galaxy into market regions keeps galactic trade manageable.
- Mercenaries are an important part of corporate security.
- Slaves exist in New Eden, for better or worse.
- The Vitrauze Agreement dictates the treatment of Sleeper salvage.
- The Gallente franchise system keeps corporations bound to governments (and occasionally vice versa).