Interrogation: Catching the Scent
Epic Mission Arc: Right to Rule
Mission 14: Interrogation: Catching the Scent
This is the fourteenth mission of the Amarr Epic Arc "Right to Rule". There should not be any standing requirement.
Agent: Aralin Jick
Mission type: Combat
Recommended Damage: EM/Therm
Recommended Resists: EM/Therm
System Start: Nishah VII - Moon 5 - Kor-Azor Family (0.6)
Deadspace: Yes
Previous Mission: Fate of a Madman
Next Mission: Mission 15: Falling into Place
Mission Briefing
Destroy the Sansha stragglers and retrieve a Sansha Signal Amplifier.
Provide 1x Sansha Command Signal Reciever (1.0 m3) to agent..
The same agent offers this mission as the previous mission. This is a combat mission consisting of multiple waves of enemies. The last ship destroyed in the final wave triggers mission completion and drops the objective.
Elite Frigates may Web/Scram.
Each new wave of spawns is triggered by destroying the last ship of each hull group.
Initial Group: (58-66km)
3x Elite frigates Sansha Stragglers (Centii Loyal Savage/Slavehunter) Tracking disruptor
5x Cruisers Sansha Stragglers (Centum Mutilator/Torturer) - Trigger (Wave 1 - Cruisers)
6x Battleships Sansha Stragglers (Centus Dark Lord/Overlord) - Trigger (Wave 1 - Battleships)
Wave 1: (60-64km)
4x Cruisers (Centum Hellhound/Fiend) - Trigger (Wave 2 - Cruisers)
5x Battleships Sansha Stragglers (Centus Dread Lord/Dark Lord) - Trigger (Wave 2 - Battleships)
Wave 2: (60-64km)
3x Elite cruisers (Centum Loyal Torturer) - Trigger (Wave 3 - Cruisers)
4x Battleships (Centus Dread Lord/Tyrant) - Trigger (Wave 3 - Battleships)
Wave 3: (60-64km)
2x Elite cruisers (Centum Loyal Fiend)
3x Battleships (Centus Tyrant)
Reward: 1 million
Bonus: 1.85 million if completed within 6 hours.
Bounties: ~42 million
Average Loot Value (Refined): Unknown
Average Salvage Value: Unknown
Total: Unknown
Standings Increase: 5.7375% with Kor-Azor Family
Mission can be accepted remotely. Mission site allows option for warp to range (0 to 100). Must be able to tank multiple Battleships. Do not forget to collect the mission objective.