Gallente (NPCs)
A melting pot of people and a showcase of human nature, the Gallente Federation is host to more variety among the lives of its denizens than any other empire in the cluster. Anything goes here, and everything is up for grabs - though not without consequence. The Federation has no limits to how high you may climb, or how far you may fall.
The malleability of life means that every possible state of existence is maintained somewhere in the Federation. Scientists, driven by the need for improving their lives and the lives of everyone around them, make amazing discoveries every day. Entertainers, driven on by wealth and the adoration of crowds, strive to break through and achieve the fame they so crave, or, even better, the notoriety they believe they deserve.
And people in the gutters, driven there by some unrelenting darkness that the Federation does nothing to dispel, are free to stay there as long as they like, too. Personal responsibility in the Federation does not automatically imply it bears responsibility for the personal.
Notable Individuals
The Federation has people of renown from all facets of life. They can not be as cleanly categorized as those in the more stratified societies, nor do they have the social cohesion or clarity of vision that shapes lives in other empires. What they do have is willpower, drive, and visions unique to each individual. Broadly speaking, this has translated into the various general aspects of life that people tend to want to pursue. Some want organization, others a life of exploration, discovery, or fun, and a few will never be happy without domination and bloodshed.
Administration and Government
The Federation tries to keep a light touch on people's lives. Of course, in practice this has proved somewhat problematic, as the freedom to do anything obviously involves the freedom to attempt oppression of other groups in society. This has proven particularly true in recent times, which have seen the Gallente Federation turn from its past tendencies of indirect economic dominance of other races and empires, toward a more sinister combination of outward warfare and inward sensitivity and paranoia.
The President
The Gallente president is Jacus Roden, elected in December YC 111. Roden is known as a wily and hard-working individual whose administrative manner is far more harsh than that of his more diplomatic predecessor.
Administration, or The Three Arms
The three arms of government are Legislative, Executive and Judicial, which respectively contain the Federal Senate, the President and his or her administration, and the Supreme Court. These entities wield great power over the Federation, though it must be said that even at this, the highest level of government, appearance may sometimes matter just as much as actual power.
- Duran Ricard was the 6th Federal Ambassador to the Amarr Empire.
- Jacus Roden, current Gallente president.
- Jaq-Foix Netharin, ex-leader of the Federation Senate.
- Maridane Wilfort, ex-leader of the Federation Senate.
- Mentas Blaque, leading member of the Federation.
- Senator Vitrauze, after whom the Vitrauze system is named.
- Souro Foiritan, former Gallente president.
Deceased Former Members of Administration
- Aidonis Elabon, a past Gallente president.
- Hubert Caissor, a senator who lost his way.
- Senator Papadour, an assassinated senator.
- Yanou Lautere, past ambassador to the Amarr.
The Corporate World
Corporations in the Federation don't have quite the same link between administration and culture as may be found in their rival State, but they're certainly more powerful and enjoy much more independence than they would in a more rigid Empire.
- Colasa, an assistant to a Planetary Supervisor.
- Darouen Rileau, a Gallente diamond king.
- Dasegne Oleart, a Quafe IA person.
- Gabri Chican, a mining capsuleer.
- Galen Doradoux, a capsuleer who found himself coming back from the dead. Again.
- Gheyr Aillon, an executive with Quafe.
- Heci, a capsuleer mission agent.
- Jilaine Garat was a Police Commissioner for a Pend Insurance station in the Jolia system.
- John, a young new Duvolle Labs worker.
- Jon Mondo, a venture capitalist.
- Joroutte Duvolle, CEO of Duvolle Laboratories.
- Leonalle Yvesk, a Planetary Administrator who has to deal with capsuleers.
- Perime Vealoure, a dangerous businessman.
- Pier Ancru was the chairman of the board of Pend Insurance.
- Rakan Dep, a security officer at an outpost.
- Riesves Boricon, a Marketing Manager for an ill-fated Quafe project.
- Robert ('Bob'), a Duvolle Laboratories worker.
- Simuel Touvoux, a Quafe Director of Research
- Victor Sistre, a trader who had a last-minute escape.
- Yani Sar Arteu, a former CEO.
- Yosif Veaulore, a businessman involved with suspicious Quafe.
Expired Corporate Members
- Ceul Darieux, a past corporation leader.
- Kartanen Sedia, an outpost overseer.
- Lous Chavol, eccentric but rich and famous entrepreneur.
Entertainment and culture
To the Gallente, everything is entertainment, and a surprising number of things are considered culture. This includes not only the usual visual and auditory arts, but everything from bodymodding to recreational drug use. Scandals are, of course, prime and juicy candidates as well.
- Brater, an old man in search of the invisible waves.
- Joelyn Donalokos, a Mind Clash player.
- Liberienne Houlliente, a playgirl involved with Reymonde Foucalt.
- Luecin Rileau, past ambassador and once-kidnapping victim.
- Poire Viladillet is the long-standing leader of Quafe Corporation, the world's biggest soft drink company.
Lost Lights
- Amelia Piroette, a famous folksinger and activist.
- Fouel, one of the great thinkers of the Gallente.
- Geremande, another great thinker of the Gallente.
Science and Warfare
Gallente warfare relies heavily on indirect techniques, to the point where a good deal of their conquests and assimilations have been economic rather than violent in nature. When it comes to classic warfare, they retain the same approach, which means they have through the centuries proved remarkably original at creating all sort of support and assisting technology. The best known example of this approach is interstellar drones, a perfect example of Gallente ingenuity and avoidance of direct combat.
- Adara Bedtot, daughter of Jania and Phaedan.
- Admiral Ranchel, responsible for Gallente evacuation efforts during the Seyllin Incident.
- Alain Topher, the author of a paper on interstellar traveling.
- Anteson Ranchel, Grand Admiral of the Navy.
- Arek, a Black Ops soldier.
- Braggs Seyllin, after whom the Seyllin system was named.
- Gerard, a commandant under Mentas Blaque.
- Gerets, one of the few survivors of an orbital bombardment on Caldari Prime, badly disfigured and now used by the military for public appearances.
- Jania Bedtot, an astrobiologist possibly involved in a theft.
- Jeanelle, a mercenary.
- Klar, a Black Ops soldier.
- Lianda Burreau, one of the few astrophysicists with a clone.
- Orsetta Lexmoreau was a scientist employed by Trevor Kekkonen.
- Phaedan Bedtot, husband of Jania.
- Reymonde Foucalt, a professor involved in a Fedo scandal.
- Szekel, a thieving researcher.
Soldiers and Scientists Lost in the Field
- Alexander Noir, a respected Gallente admiral.
- Alnadil Jouber, an astronomer.
- Anvent Eturrer, a traitor to the Federation.
- Argus Ormonde, a corporal of the Black Eagles.
- Cerb Rausolle – aka The Astrologer.
- Damella Macaper, an astronomer who made a famous prophecy.
- Mr. Forte, a Gallente spy in the Amarr Empire.
- Fregal, a member of Ormonde's team.
- Dr. Garcia, responsible for solar monitoring in Seyllin.
- Kaiman Gunaris, a renowned Crielere scientist.
- Agent Mornay was a Black Eagle defector.
- "Calm", the more reserved of Sebastian's anonymous interrogators
- "Carlos", the most sympathetic of Sebastian's anonymous interrogators
- "Crazy", the most alarming of Sebastian's anonymous interrogators
- Braea, Gerets's troubled fiancée
- Jeb, a not-especially-noteworthy working man.
- Keeler, a Gallente boy who harbored a murderer
- Sebastian, a particularly unlucky drug dealer