Flora and fauna (NPCs)

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New Eden plays host to a wide variety of flora and fauna, much of which has not even yet been properly categorized or described for celestial audiences. A great deal of the nature found in the cluster can trace its origins back to Terran times, when theory (at least postulated by some of the more fringe scientists) has it that settlers brought Earth animals and plants with them into the unknown. It's been a good long while since those days, however, and with the advent of both natural evolution and advanced genetic science, the creatures one encounters these days in New Eden, while sharing the names of their predecessors, may be very different beasts indeed.

Specific Flora & Fauna

Certain particular samples, creatures and beasts have been individual enough - by themselves or through their interactions with those they encountered, often rather briefly - to be registered in the history books.

  • Jecal, a slaver hound.
  • A large tentacled aquatic creature lives in the Sacred waters of Vitor Dranera's torture facility. It has the dexterity to see a severed finger falling from a great height and pluck it from mid-air.[1]
  • A species of arboreal creatures live in a forest in Vitor Dranera's torture facility. They are never seen in detail, but apparently operate in packs. During their mating season, they appear to be more vicious.[1]
  • A species of animals described as “fuzzy, pink teddy-bears” with grotesquely large eyes and mouths are used by the Amarr as a torture method. They are capable of saying “we... wuv... you” over and over. They were intended for children, but they were apparently found too unsettling. However, they manage to be effective at breaking prisoners, presumably because of how creepy they are. [1]

General Flora & Fauna

These are the types of life, other than man and drone, that have been reported in the world of New Eden.

  • Achuran songbird, a small bird common in cooking.
  • Amarr Rockjaw, a common fish.
  • Archaea, sometimes scientifically important.
  • Blackfowl are usually served broiled.
  • Charisoco, a type of rodent.
  • Corn is grown all over New Eden.
  • Corovid are black birds native to Mikramurka, Matar, that have a particular significance for the Sebiestor.
  • Fedo pens are commonly found on many ships.
  • Furriers, small feathered creatures.
  • Hanging long-limb, a rare creature that lays valuable roe.
  • Katcha is used to make a dark green tea.
  • Kresh trees, native to Caldari Prime.
  • Lemon trees produce useful fruit.
  • A lilicae grows a bulb-like flower.
  • Shiksi are a particularly hardy arachnid
  • Slaver hounds, vicious dog-like animals.
  • Solinum is a grass cultivated for the edible components of its grain.
  • Wheat, in its golden variety.
  • Yetamo, a small desert-dwelling lizard.[2]
  • Unknown darkish root, heavy but dry, with a sweet scent and apparently causing hallucinogenic properties - along with almost immediate nausea and rigorous vomiting. Known to be used in spirit journeys of Minmatar torturers.[2]
  • An unnamed plant – This plant with razor-sharp leaves yields a narcotic. The leaves, if chewed, turn saliva brown.[3]
  • An unnamed parasitic vine preys on other plants. The vine hangs onto its victim by utilizing a million microscopic needles forced into the host’s outer shell. A third of the needles have little hooks on the end to better maintain their grasp; a third are responsible for slowly and gently sucking out nutrients as needed for the vine’s development; and the final third are responsible for injecting a chemical which induces false sensory input in the host plant. This sensory input simulates delivery of complex nutrients to the host while simultaneously blocking production of antibodies which might kill the parasite. The victim’s natural tendencies to expand its root systems in search of water and sustenance are curtailed, eventually leading to the demise of the host.[4]
  • An unnamed long-stem plant with a large bulbous flower similar to a lilicae. The stem sprouts numerous leaves and generally has a thick knot of roots the size of a closed fist. This plant is renowned for its ferocity in draining the earth in which it grows of nutrients and water. It can survive remarkably long underwater as well, absorbing as much of its surroundings as possible. The plant retains the framework of its shape until its last moments, but each part (flower, leaves, stem, and even roots) would grow to several times the original size, engorged on water the plant continues to ingest even as it dies. In such situations the plant grows large and beautiful with a glistening sheen on its turgid surface. In time the sheen takes on an oily nature as cellular walls break down and release the plant’s essential fluids onto its surface.[4]
  • An unnamed large and aggressive rosoid which will seek and destroy other plants in its immediate vicinity, even when the other plants are not weeds or otherwise an immediate threat to the rosoid. The plant will extend its thorns and channel all its energy into keeping off every other plant in the plot to the detriment of the rosoid itself, which is left shriveled and brittle. In such a state, the plant’s petals thin to the point of translucency, where the veins are visible within the flesh.[4]
  • An unnamed small, rare vitis variant which is not generally inclined to climb walls or do much at all unless given the right impetus, which can be another plant of the same variety. The vine’s nature is to rise over its surroundings; when something begins to claim its place, the vine does its utmost to reassert its dominance, often by tripling its growth rate and attempting to wind itself around its rival to keep it down and steal a rise on its laurels. However, if the rival is another vine, the second vine would attempt the same. In such a contest both vines can be carefully trimmed and guided to encircle each other in a helix, rising from pot to ceiling. Eventually, both plants will die of exhaustion, but with care, the lifeless stalks can be preserved using drying and lamination techniques.[4]
  • An unnamed tree can be grown in a pot while a sapling. It has a branchless trunk topped by a crown of leaves. The tree is susceptible to an parasitic vines which render the tree weedy and pale in appearance before the vine eventually kills the tree.[4]
  • An unnamed tree can be induced to put all of its effort into bearing a single fruit, to the extent that the tree itself becomes tired and worn and will likely die once the fruit is harvested. When ripe, the fruit is juicy.[4]

See Also


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