Warp strength

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Warp Strength

Warp strength is a measure of the ability to warp while warp scrambled. For every point in Warp Strength, you can have one point of warp scramble on you and still successfully warp off. This warp strength is increased by one point for every Warp Core Stabilizer I you have. Some ships have inherent higher warp strength as well.

Warp Strength has no effect on the warp disruption abilities of the following:

In other words, you are still warp scrambled when you encounter such forms of electronic warfare.

An example:

  • Player A has a warp strength of +2. They get attacked by two pirates, each with a Warp Disruptor I. Player A can warp off because their warp strength is greater or equal to the warp scramble effect. (+2 warp strength, -2 warp scramble = 0 warp strength)
  • Player B has a warp strength of +2. They get attacked by two pirates, one with a Warp Disruptor I and one with a Warp Scrambler I. Player B cannot warp off because the warp scramble is greater than their warp strength. (+2 warp strength, -2 warp scramble, -1 warp disruptor = -1 warp strength)
  • Player C has a warp strength of +2. They get attacked by one pirate in a Heavy Interdictor with a Warp Disruption Field Generator I with a Focused Warp Disruption script. Player C cannot warp off because their warp scramble is greater than the warp scramble effect. (+2 warp strength, minus infinite warp scramble = negative warp strength)
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