Some Light Theatrics
Epic Mission Arc: Penumbra
Mission Some Light Theatrics
Mission type: Combat, Arc Mission
Recommended Damage: NA
Recommended Resists: NA
System: Wuos (0.6)
Station: Wuos V - Moon 1 - Hyasyoda Corporation Mining Outpost
Deadspace: Yes - Wuos (0.6)
Previous Mission: Mission Almost Unmasked
Next Mission: Mission Untouchable
Mission Briefing
- Use a codebraker to deactivate the NOH surveillance module.
- Evacuate 5 x CPF Security Personnel (15.0m3) from the CPF Habitation Module
- Deliver the CPF Security Personnel to Arikio Kuretsu.
CPF Habitation Module (54km)
20,000,000 credits.
Bonus Reward: 1,630,000 if completed within 6 hours.
Total: 21,630,000 credits
Do this mission with a fast ship to escape explosion. After looting, fly away at lest 10 km, and wait for explosion. (Mission doesn't complete if you just warp out).
Additional Information
Masks of Authority
Altercations between the corporate forces exist on record, but in almost every case they have been small incidents based on misunderstanding, with warning shots the only ordnance released. A notable exception is an incident known as the Ingalles incident, where soldiers belonging to the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps opened fire on a Hyasyoda convoy being escorted by the Hyasyoda’s agency, the Corporate Police Force.
Arikio Kuretsu
The moment you safely disable the bug, we'll send out a short-range ECM pulse. This should stop the device from restarting immediately - just long enough for you to do your work. Don't be surprised if you lose a lock, though.
The moment you have disabled NOH's surveillance taps, get our people out of the facility and clear the area. You will need to be at least 10 km away to avoid any explosive kickback.
It is important that you don't waste time after the heck, pilot. You will only have around thirty seconds to act after that point. If we wait any longer it will look suspicious.
Arikio Kuretsu
You know, pilot, all I've ever seen from your kind is death and destruction, until today, at least. We are - and I am - humbled to have you working with us.
I will leave it at that, for now. You have done enough today that I would feel overbearing trying to dump yet more work on your shoulders. Whenever you are ready though, we would like to brief you on one last assignment before you return to Katsen Isha. Until then, rest well. You've certainly earned it.