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Revision as of 00:27, 29 December 2009 by Mira Brennon (Talk)

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Template:Grey box

This section is wrong.. The BASE research time is blueprint class dependent, (ie, Modules, such as Overdrive Injector is 2 hours 30 Mins, Ships, ie Stabber Cruiser is 2 DAYS, 2 Hours, Battleships are 3 odd days.)

Also, unless its about to be changed, inventing in a Empire station in 0.9 space has a 1.0 Multiplier. The POS numbers are also wrong, and are Lab Dependant; Advanced Mobile Lab : 2 Invention slots (0.5 job time bonus) Mobile Lab: 5 Invention slots (0.5 job time bonus)

I have not encountered the "2.5 multiplier" that is officially listed.


Yeah those multipliers were something ccp published before invention was actually released. Slots costs based on sec-rating was never implemented but lingered on in some old official documents.

tech II bpo existing?

I have heard a few different things from websites and ingame.

Is there a way to find Tech II BPOs in EVE without having to buy one from a player?

I have heard that some complexes have tech II BPOs as an award and I have heard that R&D gives out tech II BPOs (Though if I understand, this was discontinued)


The T2 BPO lottery has been discontinued, as have all other means of acquiring Tech II BPOs, due to the extremely destabilizing effect they have had on the economy. A Tech II BPO can be researched to a much higher level than any invented Tech II BPC can attain, cutting the costs of manufacturing Tech II items to a fraction of what any other player could build them for. You can obtain the items needed to make copies of a Tech II BPO from complexes, and if you know a player who has a Tech II BPO you could probably trade those items for a Tech II BPC with greatly improved stats. That is really about the closest you can get to having a Tech II BPO, unless you luck out and some player who is quitting Eve puts their BPO up for sale (though most will prefer to destroy the BPO instead, usually by destroying a rookie ship with their BPOs in it until they're all gone, and posting the killmails just for lulz). --Tatterdemalian 21:08, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

Using Decryptors On Ships Clarification

"Tech II ship BPCs created through Invention will always have the minimum of one run remaining, before the decryptor's max run modifier (if any) is added. Tech II module and ammunition BPCs created through Invention will have between one and ten runs remaining, depending on how many runs were remaining on the Tech I BPC used to create them in relation to the maximum runs possible; this is then modified by the decryptor bonus, allowing up to 19 runs on an invented BPC."

For ships the max run modifier application is dependent upon the T1 BPCs runlevel. (This has been confirmed by a GM in a petition I opened to clarify the situation.) It is not a matter of logically applying the decryptor modifier after the minimum level of 1 is established. For full run modifier bonus the T1 BPC for ships must have MAX run level.

Please clarify for others by editing the above quote.

Edited For Typo.

Probability formula clarification needed

There seems to be a contradiction between this formula

Base x (1 + E) x (1 + F x I) x D.

which is linear in metalevel and skill,

and the paragraph that describes the logarthmic scaling of probability with total skill (and meta 4).

A naive application of the formula gives 100% increase to the probability of invention with 10 total skill points and a meta 4 item, rather than 66%.

Where does the probability formula come from?

Where does this formula come from? Is it from an official CCP source? Or is it empirical? If empirical, where is the data on which it is based?

I've come across a countering assertion that in fact the invention probability does depend on the ME and PE -- that you get a small but measurable increase in probability if you've researched to perfect ME and PE (the ME and PE for perfect depending on the base blueprint stats). When confronted with the statement on this page that ME and PE does not matter, I was told that that was because those who believe it does not matter have not pushed it far enough and obtained enough statistics to see the effect. I've asked for the data there too, but for right now I'm just looking at two different assertions.... I'd love to know where this formula came from, and how it was derived.

-Mira Brennon

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