The Caldari Dialogues

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Player Created Fiction: This article was originally written by the player of Svetlana Scarlet (Character). It is not official CCP material but draws heavily upon her knowledge of Eve's background, cyberpunk settings in general, and the real world cultures that they draw upon. The originals can be found at [1]

The Caldari Dialogues was a series of four blog entries written by the player of Svetlana Scarlet. Each entry focused on a particular aspect of the Caldari State and people. It cover the foundations, the corporations, the average Caldari living in the State, and all those who are on the fringes of society.

There is the possibility that in the future other authors may add to the first four, please note your contributions here with a brief summary.

For those interested in understanding what the Caldari are about or how to play a believable Caldari character these entries should be worthwhile reading.

Foundations of the Caldari

by the player of Svetlana Scarlet

This is going to be the first segment of what is intended as a multipart series discussing the way the I, as a writer and Caldari roleplayer in Eve Online, see the way the State and its people. Recently, there has been a lot of headbutting about this on the Chatsubo, through which I suspect I have made few friends among the people at CCP who are in charge of the latest storyline leading up to the debut of Faction Warfare on 10 June. I am posting these here mostly as a result of a discussion I had with the players of Kai Zion and Yoshito Sanders, who have been of the opinion that my rather scathing criticism of the storyline has been a bit premature. Because that conversation seemed to at least enlighten them, I thought I would use that conversation (and a log which Kai so generously provided) as a springboard for a series of more in-depth articles on the topic. I'll be interspersing bits of our conversation with my text, so you can see what happened there. However, just a warning; these quotes are not in the chronological order from the discussion, but in relevance to the topic. I'll include the timestamp though.

I won't just be discussing the Caldari per se, but I'll also be bringing in a lot of references that I think shaped the way I view Caldari society, and probably contributed to the thoughts of those people originally responsible for the idea of the Caldari when Eve was in its germination stages. Where possible, I'll try to make sure I quote or link these sources, but sometimes that isn't going to be feasible; I'll try to include enough information about them that you can hunt them down on your own if you want, at the very least.

I'll be putting the bulk of these entries behind the cut -- they are going to run long, probably, so if I don't they are going to make the front page look a little weird. As always, I invite comments, criticism, and analysis from anyone. And with that, let's get to the first part of this discussion, where I'll discuss what I see are the foundations of Caldari thought, morality, and attitudes, and where they came from, both in Eve history and in reference to the real world. So let's start this off with a snippet of our conversation...

"[14:12] <Svetlana> You can't think like a Westerner and really get into the head of a Caldari, I think.

[14:13] <Svetlana> It's a very alien mindset, and that's one of the reasons I'm so frustrated CCP refuses to give us any details about their government and society. :P"

The Caldari mindset is a confusing one -- they are described as capitalists, nationalists, militarists, xenophobes, objectivists, and a variety of other adjectives, some that often seem to be contradictory. The truth of the matter is, the Caldari have a very complicated mindset that comes closest to the mentality of a lot of Asian cultures, especially China and Japan. Many of the tenets of Caldari thought, in my mind, are similar to those of Confucianism or Bushido, but that doesn't paint a whole picture. Let's have a look at what we know about the Caldari and see how that has shaped them.

For me, there are two major events in their history that contribute to their mindset. First, we have the post-collapse state of Caldari Prime. From the Caldari Timeline, we know that at the time of the Eve gate collapse, the planet's atmosphere wasn't even breathable, at least not unassisted, and by the time the automated terraforming processes started by the initial settlers changed that, most of the planetary population had died. The few outposts that did survive scraped by for a few hundred years, then emerged on a still hostile, but at least habitable planet, and then they had to try to rebuild society. How many of them actually were there on the planet? Well, we can surmise that it's at least several hundred (smaller than that, and the population would likely have died out or become a bunch of inbred mutant freaks before they could do something about it), but probably not much more than a couple thousand, at least in any one place; larger, and it's unlikely we would have seen a societal collapse that brought about an 8000-year wait for the next recorded civilization.

So what does this give us to go on? Well, those first Caldari are probably going to be faced with some very tough choices. They need as many people to survive on the planet as possible, in order to preserve their chances of overall survive, but they also can't have too many, or they'll sap whatever resources are there into oblivion. Keep in mind that the number of plants and animals on the planet are also probably going to be pretty low -- if the atmosphere wasn't breathable for humans, it probably wasn't very hospitable to anything larger than small insects, worms, or other primitive life that also survived in the outposts the humans lived in; aquatic life may have been more diverse. They are probably going to be living on scavenged food, food plants and livestock that have gone wild, or possibly some of the genetically engineered terraforming organisms (perhaps they were designed to be edible to serve a dual purpose). Either way, things are not going to be rosy for our early Caldari. What I see coming from this are the first foundations of the Caldari mentality.

  • Emphasis on the greater good. It doesn't matter that much if any one of your community suffers, so long as it increases the likelihood of overall survival. If one of the group is suffering from a contagious disease, and you have no antibiotics, you may not want to, but you're going to have to keep them away from everyone else in order to prevent it from spreading. If you know they are going to die, or think they are going to die, there's no reason to give them your precious food or water to preserve that life if it will make the rest of you suffer.
  • Emphasis on efficiency, practicality and productivity. In order to preserve resources, including food, water, and manpower, you need to find a way to do things in the most efficient way possible. This is very similar to the above comment, but it also adds the concept of measured value. For example, take two workers, John and Harry. John can plow a field in half the time of Harry, but you only have enough food so that one can have a full ration. Who do you give it to? The answer is obvious to any Caldari, and if you had to pick one to save from a burning building, the answer is also obvious. This isn't just a practical decision for the Caldari though, it's a moral one; by saving the weaker one, you could be dooming your community to a worse harvest in the fall. You will have failed the community, and possibly caused its demise, because you made the wrong choice.
  • Ancestor worship. This one is a bit more of a stretch; we know that Caldari spirituality, or at least mythology, is somewhat animistic, perhaps similar to Shinto, thanks to Cold Wind. I also think the ancestor worship that is part of Shinto, or at least the belief that one's ancestors can become kami, has been largely adopted by the Caldari, because their forebears are their link to both a more prosperous time and a great struggle that made their society possible. Your father taught you how to plant your crops,and when he dies, his spirit will become part of your field, as his father's spirit did before him, helping you to make the right decisions and negotiating with the other spirits to bring you the right amount of rain. This also ties in to an emphasis on tradition and conservatism.

All of these tie into modern ideals of the Caldari about self-sacrifice and nationalism, which are really developments of these ideals, as I told Kai and Yoshito here (shortly after I pointed out that Cold Wind itself is supposedly published by Lai Dai, a Patriot corporation):

"[14:20] <Yoshito> Isn't the Teamaker Ceremony1 pretty spiritual?

[14:21] <Kai> That's just economics Yoshi, you see...

[14:22] <Kai> Yeah this is where you butt in, Sveta.

[14:22] <Svetlana> It's spiritual, but it goes towards that same self-sacrifice that is ingrained in the Caldari from a long time past.

[14:23] <Svetlana> That likely comes from Caldari history, where life was extremely harsh on Caldari Prime.

[14:23] <Svetlana> There's a historical value to self-sacrifice, efficiency, productivity, etc because there isn't that much to go around.

[14:23] <Kai> See? Economics! :D

[14:23] <Svetlana> Their history is probably want made them such good capitalists

[14:23] <Svetlana> Many Asian cultures have a similar philosophy. "

Of course, these are only the first steps along the path to the Caldari mentality. As time goes on, we have the Caldari grow and begin to form civilizations again; presumably, before that they had been very nomadic, moving around to follow food sources. There was plenty of territory and not a lot of people, so despite the fact that there probably wasn't much in the way of food either, the danger of overhunting or overfishing was probably fairly low. About 7000 years ago, we begin to see the first real civilizations develop on the planet, probably indicating that populations were getting large enough and the ecosystem large and diverse enough that it could support cities and agriculture. This corresponds roughly to about 7000-9000 years ago here on Earth, when the first agricultural communities were emerging in Mesopotamia.

Presumably, the Caldari did not languish quite as long in that state due to leftover knowledge from pre-collapse times and recovered artifacts of that era; certainly even the most primitive inventions that wouldn't be seen anywhere here on Earth until far later could provide a possibility for the Caldari to reverse engineer them, assuming they survived; the question is, if the Caldari took so long to do it, why did the others, who presumably had a jump on them? It took the Caldari 9000 years for their first great empire after the collapse, the Raata Empire, which seem to have been at least of a similar level to the Persian or Roman Empires on Earth in terms of influence, if not size or scope. It took the Gallente about 12500 years, the Minmatar roughly 10000 years, and even the Amarr about 8000 years for this same development. It is hard to understand why, but then we don't know what kind of disasters befell on these worlds during that event; it would seem to follow that whatever happened to them would have also affected Caldari Prime (especially since Gallente Prime is in the same system), however, so this is a little confusing. Possibly, the fact that Caldari Prime appears to have been an industrial colony built for a specific purpose and probably had a lot more technological development, may have had an effect. The other possibility is that Caldari Prime is simply smaller, in terms of land mass, and therefore a "world government," even one like the Roman Empire (the Mediterranean, around which their empire was situated, literally means "middle of the world"), was easier to come by. Of course, we don't have that much to go on with the ancient history of the various races, but it is something interesting to note.

Anyway, we don't know much about the Raata Empire, except that it emerged only about a thousand years after recorded civilization begins on Caldari Prime. It does last for 2500 years (something that makes me think that it was at least eventually nearly global in scale), however, so it must have some lasting effect on the Caldari consciousness. Because of the lack of information we really have, we can really only make some vague assumptions, but I'll try to stretch these as much as possible. Feel free to take me to task if you disagree.

  • Socially, and probably technologically, it is likely that the Raata Empire was fairly stagnant, at least in terms of its basic structures. I'm guessing this for two reasons. One, we know that the Raata Empire lasted for 2500 years, which indicates a considerable amount of stability, something that isn't likely when the government or society is being reinvented every few decades or even every century. Note that this is longer than any other continuous government has existed on present Earth -- perhaps the Chinese may claim that they have lasted that long, but even that is a stretch. Second, despite being the dominant political entity on Caldari Prime for two and a half millennia, it still appears that the Gallente were the first realize that they were not alone in their star system. Keep in mind that if Rome had stood this long, it would have fallen sometime in the mid-1700s (assuming you go by the date of the city's founding). This stagnation is probably a result of ingrained Caldari conservatism and a lack of pressure from outside entities (yet another reason to believe that the Raata Empire spanned most of Caldari Prime). Note similar retrenchment in Japan following the rise of the Shogunate.
  • It appears to have been somewhat feudal, at least, from what we see in Cold Wind. Notice that the forerunners of the Civire and Deteis are flying the flags of their houses, not a single state; presumably, military control was split between families (assuming that is what a "house" is in the chronicle; quite likely due to elements of ancestor worship). This, along with the strong emphasis in the Caldari consciousness on the greater good, probably led to some sort of code of honor or duty, which we can still see elements of today. I suspect that in the end this contributed to its downfall, and the only reason it lasted so long is the strong tradition of Caldari conservatism.

Somewhere though, the Raata Empire collapsed, and fifteen hundred years passed before contact was made by the Gallente. What were they doing during this time? Presumably, technological progress sped up, and certainly once the Gallente arrived that had to continue as well. There's a few items in the timeline that are unexplained -- I'm curious what this "Cultural Deliverance Society" is that is referenced. Is that a Gallente version of the Bureau of Indian Affairs or the British Raj? Is it some sort of Gallente pro-Caldari rights activist group (presumably, it's not Caldari, since it "arrives" on Caldari Prime)? Certainly, the Caldari must have lagged behind the Gallente in terms of technology at the time of first contact; they could not have had even 1700s-era astronomical science and miss a worldwide civilization in their same star system.

Based on what we've seen of the Gallente treatment of the Minmatar, some sort of paternalistic "help the poor Caldari get all civilized" society doesn't seem that farfetched. One can certainly see how that would not really endear the Gallente to the Caldari, who as a society take pride in self-sufficiency. Colonialism couldn't have sat very well with them, especially since they appear to have made rapid technological advancement after first contact; the Sotiyo-Urbaata Drive was developed by Caldari engineers, after all. It certainly doesn't take long for the Caldari to throw off the shackles of the Gallente and declare their independence after the founding of the Federation.

The Caldari xenophobia, or at least distrust of outsiders, probably originates in this period of their history; being taken advantage of by colonial overlords, no matter how well-intentioned, is not likely to have made them very happy. We only need to look at the examples of Britain and India, or the United States and the various Amerind tribes, to see that this relationship is often abused and engenders resentment.

From here, we get to the modern Caldari State and its current corporate oligarchy, as well as the Caldari war of independence. I don't think that's a topic I can easily squeeze into this already long article, so I'm going to wrap this section up here. I know there hasn't been too much from the discussion Kai, Yoshito, and I had, but that's because we focused mainly on current Caldari society and the recent events with Tibus Heth and the Provists. There should be quite a bit more in the next installments.

The Corporations

by the player of Svetlana Scarlet

For the second installment of the Caldari Dialogues, I'm going to be taking a look at the corporations of the Caldari State: where they came from, how they operate and compete, their objectives and how they work to accomplish them. From here on out, we'll be talking about the modern Caldari State, at least as it was prior to May of this year; the events with Tibus Heth have been, in my opinion, rather contradictory to everything that came before, so I'm going to avoid talking about them. This article series is, to be quite honest, intended to explain my problems with those events in terms of plausibility, so that shouldn't be too huge a surprise for anyone.

I'll be relying on a couple of sources for a lot of my references in this chapter. The primary one is going to be Corporate Shadowfiles, the superb Shadowrun sourcebook written by the late Nigel Findley, one of my role models as a game designer and fiction writer. This book includes a number of things that people interested in the State will find supremely useful, including a discussion how modern corporations are structured and operate, various methods of corporate competition, and a number of Shadowrun-specific notes on various incidents between megacorporations that can give a great deal of insight on what probably happens in a similar cyberpunk setting like we find in the State. This book is an excellent primer on corporate capitalism that is not only extremely well-researched and informative, but an excellent and interesting read.

Other references and influences include the Mekong Dominion Leaguebook for Heavy Gear, a well written sourcebook about a society on Terra Nova structured very much like the Caldari State, Blade Runner, Max Headroom, the collected works of William Gibson (especially the Sprawl Trilogy and the Bridge Trilogy), and I'm sure a zillion other things I can't remember right now. Basically, my ideas about the State are very rooted in the cyberpunk genre, which is something that I think CCP definitely had in mind when they were developing the State.

So without further adieu, let's move on. The body of the article continues behind the cut.

Origin of the Corporate State

Okay, to start off, here's some quotes for you to chew on.

"[12:22] <Svetlana> Out of curiosity, Yoshi, how much cyberpunk have you read?

[12:22] <Yoshito> I don't think I've read any.

[12:23] <Yoshito> I was supposed to read Neuromancer for a class in college, but I dropped the class before we got to it because it was too early in the day.

[12:23] <Kai> lol

[12:23] <Kai> Prob for the best.

[12:23] <Kai> Look at poor Sveta.

[12:23] <Svetlana> uh hrm.

[12:23] <Svetlana> That does explain a lot :P"

From Corporate Shadowfiles, pg. 9:

">>>>>[Have you guys read through the file summary? What gives? This board's for shadowrunners, not economy and business majors. Definitions of megacorporate structure? Junk bonds? Leveraged buyouts? Give me a fragging break. Why do I need to know all this stuff?]<<<<<
   -- Honker (20:19:42/4-2-54)" 

Okay, I pick these two quotes because they illustrate something important for people to realize. It is impossible for someone to understand how the State works without understanding the basic building blocks that make it up. The cyberpunk dystopia is a clear influence on how the Caldari State was built in the game; if you don't think so, compare this brief definition with what we know about the State, or have a look at the visuals in Blade Runner or the numerous works it has inspired (any art for the Shadowrun or Cyberpunk 2020 RPGs, for instance) and compare them to the aesthetic we see for the Caldari. Without that underlying understanding, you miss out on one of the major parts of how the State works.

Of course, the key component of the State's society is the corporation. There is nothing in the State that they do not control in some way; no one in the State, from those at the highest levels of power to the people who scavenge from the detritus of society to survive, are untouched by their influence. If you don't know how they work, how they interact, and what they want, you miss out on a huge part of why the Caldari State acts like it does. As much as their history shapes them, the corporations are what makes Caldari society what it is.

The first thing you need to realize about the megacorporations is that their primary purpose is, above all else, to make money. The modern idea of a corporation originated in Europe (especially the Netherlands and England) during the 16th century. The concept was a way to accomplish a number of tasks; first, it allowed a greater capital investment by allowing a number of investors to consolidate their capital under a single entity, which also served to spread the risk of a failed investment among a wider pool of investors. It also served as a layer of abstraction to protect the personal assets of those investors. The key fact to take from this is that it was designed to increase the earning potential of the investors (shareholders) while protecting them from the financial backlash of a failed venture.

"[12:29] <Yoshito> But my point is that the megacorps of the Caldari State are more than just corporations

[12:29] <Svetlana> But they aren't. Not anymore than corporations in cyberpunk are.

[12:30] <Svetlana> At the root of everything they do, they still want to make money.

[12:30] <Kai> Meep....

[12:30] <Yoshito> I don't think that's true, in the Caldari State though.

[12:30] <Kai> I think that's a bit simplistic, Sveta.

[12:30] <Kai> They don't have some root concern, imho

[12:31] <Kai> Their interests and responsibilities seem far more nebulous than simply "ISK is the bottom line."

[12:31] <Svetlana> No, they really do. :)

[12:31] <Kai> Oh. OH. Ok.

[12:31] <Kai> When you put it like -that-."

Now we come to the first roadblock between the way I see the State and the way a lot of other people seem to see the State. They see the corporations as existing to preserve the State, when when the truth of the matter, is that the State exists to preserve the corporations. From what we know of the State, the current government came about as an effort by the Caldari corporations to preserve their assets in the secretly settled worlds of the Caldari colonies, which, according to this chronicle, were owned by the Caldari corporations. It's unclear whether they took power because of the war starting, or whether they were in control beforehand, but the State Factionalism chronicle seems to indicate that they were already largely in control by that time.

The corporations were concerned that the Federation would strip the colonies from them, which would essentially nationalize billions of ISK in investment by the corporations. Understand what this means -- the fundamental reason behind the Caldari war of independence was preservation of corporate assets, not nationalistic fervor. Yes, of course the corporations spun it as a patriotic fight to win the independence of the Caldari people, and certainly it's possible that was part of the reason, but the primary reason given in what comes closest to a history text is that the corporations didn't want to give up their colonies and were getting tired of Gallente regulation. A slightly more extreme version of "no taxation without representation," perhaps.

So the first thing we need to remember about these corporations is that whatever else their goals are, they want to make money first and foremost. Otro Gariushi didn't treat Ishukone workers better than most purely out of the goodness of his heart, he did it because he thought it was a wise economic policy in the long run, something that recent events appear to have borne out. Other corporations believe that the price of caving into the workers would be higher than simply smashing any objections by force, as in the Kassigainen incident. When we look back at what I said about Caldari morality in the last installment, this is in some part due to the fact that Caldari tend to see things in the form of a cost-benefit analysis. This is, of course, somewhat subjective, and different people are going to look at different goals -- Gariushi seemed to take a longer-term view, while others looked at the shorter term. We can see that in today's market as well, where people like Warren Buffet have considerably different views than some others.

However, the one thing we have to keep in mind is that the corporations in the State have lasted a long time; at least a century, probably considerably longer. While they were likely not as big as they are now for their entire existence, corporations cannot survive for very long without being somewhat conservative and focused on long term development, something that ties into the Caldari mindset very well. That is probably one reason why the recent downturn in the State has caused a bit of panic; something isn't working and now they are trying to fix it, and change is almost by definition traumatic. However, it seems extremely odd that when one corporation is successful in maintaining its fortunes, as Ishukone has, that no other corporation, not even one of the Practicals, who are known for being extremely flexible, has even attempted to try and duplicate Gariushi's success. This seems rather odd to me, and it's something I hope is addressed as time goes on.

Corporate Sovereignty

We're told that in the State, pretty much everything is owned by a corporation, and that on their territory, they rule supreme. Most people in the State are not Caldari citizens, they are Ishukone citizens or Lai Dai citizens or Sukuuvestaa citizens; they are only Caldari citizens because the corporations have seen fit to unite for the purpose of foreign relations. We've been led to believe that corporations can own entire planets, as this article seems to indicate, but it also seems likely that on many of the most populated worlds in Caldari space that multiple corporations own territory, perhaps even inside the same city, whether divided into various "quarters" (perhaps there is an "Ishukonetown" in every major city on New Caldari) or simply have sovereignty in various buildings, such as the Renraku Arcology in Shadowrun.

Presumably, other corporations cannot enter corporate territory without the permission of the owner; if someone wanted by the Home Guard flees to a Hyasyoda world, there's nothing they can do until Hyasyoda grants them permission to pursue them. Of course, in many cases, Hyasyoda may simply find, arrest, and extradite the person, but in some cases -- for instance, if the person was actually a corporate spy for Hyasyoda, they may deny the request and Kaalakiota will be forced to file suit with the Tribunal in order to get the person (and considering that corporations are loathe to cede power to those regulatory agencies, they would likely be unable to do that either). This also means, however, that if you are an Ishukone citizen visiting a Lai Dai settlement and things go south between the two corporations, it could be very bad for you.

The only organizations that appear to have any sort of authority over the corporations are the four Statewide governmental agencies, the Chief Executive Panel, the Caldari Navy, the House of Records, and the aforementioned Caldari Business Tribunal. The Panel and Tribunal serve similar functions to the Corporate Court in Shadowrun, while the Navy provides an important element of national defense to bolster the corporate military forces, necessary due to the inherent distrust that exists between the corporations. The House of Records, while perhaps not as high profile as the other three, registers contracts and other official documents to provide a neutral witness to any agreements. What sorts of regulations do these national entities enforce? Well, to the surprise of many, perhaps, probably nothing that we would call criminal law in today's society, which would simply be enforced by corporate justice systems. What you'd likely see the CEP and CBT doing is providing a stable market and an even playing field for everyone to ensure a safe environment in which to do business.

"Why," you may be asking, "do the corporations agree to the authority of the CEP and CBT if it restricts their activities?" After all, I did just say that the corporations' chief goal is to make money. The thing to keep in mind is that that their previous experience with the Gallente has made them very distrustful of outsiders, and the corporations realize that without some measure of unity they can't hold off a larger state like the Federation or the Empire. Furthermore, in order for them to do business without constantly being at each other's throats, there needs to be a nonviolent method for them to resolve most of their differences. While war can be good for an economy, what you need to remember is that the Caldari corporations can't sell war materiel to the government, because they are the government. That means that any costs for a war they have to bear out of pocket, and their assets will be the ones at stake if combat ensues. The perceived costs of fighting a corporate war, or a war with one of the other nations, have to be higher than the corporation thinks it stands to lose by not fighting. Furthermore, security isn't an investment, it's overhead -- every ISK they spend for new ships for their military forces is a dollar they can't spend on marketing, or research and development, or some other budget item that will actually give them a return. That issue is one that we can see brought up in this article.

Corporate Ownership and Structure

In general, most corporations in Eve appear to be public corporations, with at least a significant number of their shares being traded on the open market, despite what the various corporation information pages suggest (if, in fact, Kaalakiota owned 55% of Caldari Constructions, for instance, Tibus Heth never would have been able to buy out the company from them without their consent). Public corporations offer shares on the stock market in order to generate operating funds; during an IPO, shares purchased from the company go directly into their coffers. Shares serve two purposes then; for the company, they generate capital that can be used for improvements or acquisition of more assets, and for the shareholder, they entitle them to both some say in how the company operates as well as a portion of their dividends.

Shareholders exercise this control through both directly voting on some issues at shareholder meetings (such as corporate mergers), and by participating in the election of a corporate board of directors, who represent the will of the shareholders in the corporation's operations. Any or all of the directors can be replaced at shareholder meetings, though it's worth keeping in mind that most corporate officers and directors are usually large shareholders, or representatives of large shareholders, which makes it hard to unseat them in most cases (for instance, Bill Gates owns some 9% of Microsoft stock, making him the company's single largest shareholder, and Steve Ballmer owns about 4%, according to Wikipedia). Generally, the board only gets replaced when there's a significant shift in stock ownership, usually as a result of a hostile takeover.

I've inserted the two cinematic examples above to illustrate my points; corporate takeovers, as in the two movies above, happen because someone, either an individual or another corporation, obtains a significant portion of stock, and then uses that as leverage to get their own board of directors in charge of the company, who can then replace corporate officers and change corporate policy; in the two cases above, to take the company, sell off its assets, and pocket a nice chunk of change, and in the case of the Nanosecond Buyout, simply to give Damien Knight control of Ares Macrotechnology. The shareholder doesn't need 51% of the shares; usually, they just need enough to give them a competitive amount with any other voting bloc, and then the fight comes down to proxies (known as a proxy fight). Proxies are shares whose owners have given legal control of their vote over to another entity, so that that other entity can vote their shares for them. There are, of course, numerous defense strategies, but those are a bit much for this article; however, you can read about them on Wikipedia; there's a good list of them here.

Here's a big chunk of out discussion for folks to chew on that is somewhat connected to what I'm talking about:

"[13:10] <Yoshito> Well, I think part of the thing is the CEOs aren't supposed to put their personal interests ahead of the interests of the State. They have been doing so, which is why things have gotten bad.

[13:11] <Svetlana> The problem is that they are acting against both. :)

[13:11] <Yoshito> Assuming Heth is bad for the State, of course.

[13:12] <Svetlana> That's not what I'm talking about.

[13:12] <Yoshito> What are you talking about?

[13:15] <Svetlana> I mean, completely ignoring the workers until it gets so bad that they are rioting, and then stepping down voluntarily is both against their interests and those of the State. :)

[13:15] <Svetlana> Why _didn't_ they just give the workers what they wanted?

[13:16] <Svetlana> And by that, I mean shorter hours, dental, whatever they were striking for.

[13:16] <Svetlana> Even if Heth wanted to shanghai the corporation, 90% of the workers probably didn't have any investment in him personally. As long as they get what they want, why do they care who runs the company?

[13:17] <Svetlana> Would you voluntarily step down from a sweet job you didn't have to?

[13:17] <Yoshito> Because they don't think they have to. Because they think giving up anything hurts the corporation's bottom line, and that'll make them look even worse. Because they think violence would solve the problem. Because admitting they were running their businesses wrong in the State is the worst thing a CEO could do.

[13:17] <Svetlana> The only reason for him to quit and step aside is if he's doing so shitty the shareholders say "you assface, you're screwing my company."

[13:18] <Svetlana> So why sell the stock if they care what happens to the company?

[13:18] <Yoshito> Yeah, and I think the shareholders are doing that. And they're giving the CEOs the opportunity to step away with some honor left.

[13:18] <Yoshito> Why would who sell the stock?

[13:18] <Svetlana> Well, in CC's case, why would KK sell their stock?

[13:19] <Svetlana> The company is getting screwed. Stock price is in the crapper.

[13:19] <Yoshito> Because the value was tanking and they thought "Well, this company has gone in to shit. Easier to sell it off and start over than trying to fix things."

[13:19] <Svetlana> Either they can sell and take a horrific loss, or they can compromise, give them just enough to get 90% of them to shut up, and make back a lot of that money when they stop rioting.

[13:20] <Svetlana> If they just wanted to get rid of the company, why do they care about looking weak?

[13:20] <Svetlana> Why not cave in, then wait for the share price to go up and sell it off?

[13:21] <Svetlana> Then you don't lose as much money, the workers aren't rioting, and next time they start making demands it'll be some other schmoes problem.

[13:21] <Yoshito> Because there was no guarantee that once the rioting stopped that the shares would recover.

[13:21] <Yoshito> The Caldari economy was in dire straights before.

[13:21] <Svetlana> It sounded like the shares were in crappy shape already

[13:21] <Svetlana> how much worse could they get? :P

[13:21] <Yoshito> Yeah, probably

[13:22] <Yoshito> Well, if the shares used to sell for $100 a share, but were down to $10 a share, they could fall to, like, a $1 a share and be even worse

[13:22] <Svetlana> Not really. you're still basically losing their entire investment. If they cave in and the shares go back up to $20 a share, they make twice as much. :)

[13:23] <Yoshito> Yeah

[13:23] <Yoshito> If they thought the shares would go back up to $20

[13:23] <Svetlana> Alternatively, they could buy everything at fire sale prices

[13:23] <Svetlana> take complete control of the company, and then do whatever they wanted.

[13:23] <Yoshito> If they thought the shares would only go down more once they caved to the workers, then they'd sell off.

[13:24] <Svetlana> That seems unlikely.

[13:24] <Svetlana> a company that isn't producing anything and is having physical assets destroyed is a lot worse than one that has higher overhead :)

[13:25] <Yoshito> Traditional Caldari Wisdom says caving to the workers is the sign of a bad CEO! A CEO who caves to the workers surely cannot negotiate with other CEOs! He's a puny little wimp! The corporation will be even worse off.

[13:25] <Svetlana> Where have you heard that?

[13:25] <Svetlana> Traditional Caldari [and corporate] wisdom says that making money is your top priority -- if you aren't making money, you're screwed.

[13:25] <Yoshito> Nowhere, really. It's just a general vibe I've gotten

[13:26] <Svetlana> Well, I have never gotten that. Besides, it might be bad in the long run, but in the short term, it will be good.

[13:26] <Yoshito> Right. But over the past 100 years or whatever, it's been the Caldari who cut costs by taking things away from the workers who have been better off.

[13:26] <Svetlana> But now, that's not the case.

[13:26] <Yoshito> It's only once they cut too much that things have been going bad

[13:26] <Svetlana> Gariushi is the only one NOT having that trouble.

[13:27] <Svetlana> Why wouldn't they emulate his tactics?

[13:27] <Yoshito> Because people are stubborn and stuck in their own ways.

[13:27] <Svetlana> All of them?

[13:27] <Svetlana> To a one?

[13:27] <Svetlana> That seems unlikely.

[13:27] <Svetlana> They aren't stupid.

[13:27] <Kai> You and April have a lot in common, Sveta."

The corporation's board generally handles strategic goals and large-scale actions by the corporation, leaving day to the corporate officers, who are generally either appointed by them, or appointed by the CEO (who is appointed by them). In some cases, corporate officers may also be on the board, but this isn't necessarily the case; for instance, for many years, Bill Gates was both CEO and chairman of the board of Microsoft, but a few years ago he stepped down and turned the CEO position over to Steve Ballmer. What this means, however, is that while the CEO may seem to be a dictatorial ruler of a corporation, that isn't actually the case. He is still responsible to the board of directors and through them, to the shareholders. If he isn't take the company in a direction they like (usually, hurting the company's financial future -- or present, in the case of more short-sighted investors), he can be replaced with relative ease. Shareholders, like voters in a more democratic state, can of course be rather fickle, though wild swings are generally less common due to the fact that in the State (and in most modern corporations) shares, or at least their proxies, are generally concentrated in the hands of a smaller number of extremely wealthy individuals, corporations, or various investment funds. These facts are another reason I find the sudden rise of Tibus Heth hard to swallow, since the corporate world doesn't quite work the way CCP would seem to portray it.

All right, so now that we have that long lesson in how corporations work out of the way, you're probably saying, "well, that's all well and good, but I don't understand what that has to do with anything in the State." Well, to be fair, most of this is all happening on a level far above any of the heads of us capsuleers; the amount of money and influence being thrown around at that level is probably fair more than most alliances have to deal with. What you should get out of this, however, is the fact that there are checks and balances on corporate power at some level; if a CEO is destroying his company, or a corporation's stock is plummeting because of repeated failures, you'll see that CEO ousted, you'll see that company's stock bought up by some opportunistic corporate raider, or something. The one thing you won't likely see is them sitting there on their hands and hoping things change for the better soon, however.

All right, I think that's enough for now; next time, I'll be talking about the "normal folks" of the Caldari State, Joe and Jane Sixpack, the corporate workers, and how the corporations keep their control over the populace. That is really where I think the most interesting parts of our discussion went, and I think probably the most enlightening parts for Yoshio and Kai. In the meantime, feel free to let me know what you think

The Rat Race

by the player of Svetlana Scarlet

Those Left Behind

by the player of Svetlana Scarlet
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