Gurista Exploration Complex

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Guristas Exploration Complexes 0.0

Any explorers, in space occupied by Guristas, will eventually come across deadspace pockets hidden in systems where the Guristas and Pith are conducting their business away from the prying eyes of competitors.

Some of these complexes were once static. Unfortuanetly this put the Guristas and Pith installations at risk from the capsuleer pilots frequent in the area and steps were taken to hide these installations in deadspace areas.

These three compexes were rated by DED and certified as a DED 6/10, DED 8/10 and DED 10/10.

Upon the introduction of Exploration technology into EVE, more of these hidden deadspace facilities were discovered by capsuleer pilots.

Five distinct exploration dungeons were discovered, all of varying design and each varying in danger to those bold enough to risk their crafts in them in search of items that could turn them fabulously wealthy!

Gurista Base

Gurista Fortress

Gurista Military Complex

Gurista Provincial HQ

Dread Guristas Fleet Staging Post

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