A phenomenon called the Lutins can sometimes be observed around the Perimeter stargate located in the Gallente system of Iyen-Oursta.
Several theories exist regarding the source of the Lutins. One rumor popular in the Border Zone suggests the hypnotic ballet of lights are vengeful ghost drones returning from Iyen-Oursta’s climactic battle during the Gallente-Caldari War a century ago, perhaps to enact a haunting toll for the Caldari secession. An explanation popular with conspiracy theorists maintains the Lutins are evidence of Jove experiments. The theory most favored by scientists is that the Lutins are caused by superheated plasma escaping into space via improper ventilation from the Perimeter stargate. It is thought that if approached at the right speed, correct angle and proper warp drive frequency, the vented plasma is attracted away from the jumpgate’s boson sphere and toward the approaching ship. According to this theory, the plasma’s reaction to the ship’s shields is what creates the brief, dazzling and harmless display of multispectral lights.
The Lutins are colloquially called “Iyen Pixies”. A few scientific studies have been conducted but the Amarr Empire ensured these were half-hearted by exerting pressure on the academic community to discourage detailed investigation, as the lights provide the Amarr with a surprising economic benefit.
Some Amarr traders tend to see the Lutins as space ornamentation which serves little more than to calm women, children, and slaves before being affected by a ship’s warp drive. Despite this dismissive attitude, Amarr tend to capitalize most on the phenomena, as Minmatar slaves widely believe if they witness this spectacle of lights, their firstborn son will be blessed with freedom. Slaver vessels will sometimes purposefully detour to the Perimeter gate in Iyen-Oursta in the hope of a sighting, even if it means doubling the length of their journey and risking capture by the Gallente. Some slavers would further promote this belief by freeing the Luti, children subsequently born of blessed parents, while others have neutered their human cargo, sometimes by poisoning the Kapli bread baked by the slaves in honor of a Lutin blessing.
The number of sightings has dropped considerably over the years, due perhaps in part to advances in jumpgate technology. Sightings are now often dismissed as elaborate hoaxes, and as such, traffic through Iyen-Oursta has quieted.
Racial Superstitions
Amarr traders and slaver vessels will sometimes purposefully detour to the Iyen-Oursta system in the Gallente-Caldari Border Zone on the off-chance they will encounter a rare local phenomenon called the Lutins, which if seen can have a great pacifying effect on their Minmatar slaves. The practice has lessened in later years, as the Gallente have become increasingly active in hunting down and capturing ships bearing illegal cargo through their realms.
There is a widening belief among Minmatar slaves that the firstborn son will be blessed with freedom if the parents witness the Lutins. This has been substantiated by slavers who have freed the Luti, children subsequently born of blessed parents. A special bread called Kapli is baked by the slaves in honor of a Lutin blessing. In a quiet corner of San Matar during the darkest day of the year, a festival of lights called the Lutinlir attracts thousands of Luti families living in the relative freedom of the Ammatar enclave.
Caldari merchants traveling between the core systems consider it a good omen to witness the Lutins.
Some Gallente citizens living in Iyen-Oursta have taken to worshiping the Lutins.
The Children of Light is activated by a pilots actions, though which actions aren't entirely clear. There are four known confirmed sightings, which all occurred in 2014/2015.
Due to the random nature of the event, it may not be possible to replicate, as something working once doesn't mean it'll work again unless RNG is on your side.
Ships flown during encounters:
- Two jump freighters
- Taranis
- Proteus
- Machariel
There is randomness involved according to CCP_Fozzie.
"Nice write up. You've earned another clue: The Children of Light trigger does not involve randomness in any way. Edit: Actually CCP Logibro noticed that I had been reading one part of the settings page incorrectly, there is some randomness involved after all. :)"
Randomness in PvE sites is usually related to spawn mechanics, which means it could simply be very, very rare.
He stated that it is sometimes easier to trigger on the test server, but sometimes it's easier on the live server.
He has further stated that the trigger is something that's common in PvE sites.
He offered the advice "Just keep jumping" to Mark726.
Fozzie stated on Twitter that it is far more simple than people suggest.