Troubles in Paradize
Trouble In Paradise | |
Escalates From | Hierarchy |
Security | |
Regions | |
Max Stages | 4 |
Pirate type | Rogue Drones |
=Trouble In Paradise Part 1=
No Gate, the Npc's aggro as soon as warp in is done.
Initial Spawn
Ship types:
- 7x Battleships class
- 10x Cruiser class
- 10x Frigate class
You may find 1x Sentient Patriarch Alvus (Commander)
After Destroying the Commander drone you will either recieve no message - meaning that this exploration site has not escalated; or you recieve a message and directions to the next area in the exploration escalation
2nd Spawn
Ship types :
- 7x Frigate class (may scramble)
- 3x Cruiser class
=Trouble In Paradise Part 2=
No Gate, the Npc's aggro as soon as warp in is done.
Initial Spawn
Ship types :
- 9x Battleship class
- 11x Cruiser class
- 10x Frigate class (scramble)
You may find a Sentient Matriarch Alvus (Commander)
After Destroying the Commander drone you will either recieve no message - meaning that this exploration site has not escalated; or you recieve a message and directions to the next area in the exploration escalation
Updated 24.03.2017 - Escalation for part 3 triggered after killing non-Commander BS (Alvus Queen or Matriarch Alvus) and with Commander BS & 1 other (Alvus Queen or Matriarch Alvus) remaining.
1st Spawn
- 5x Frigate class
- 5x Cruiser class
2nd Spawn
- 3x Battleship class
- 4x Cruiser class
=Trouble In Paradise Part 3=
No Gate, the Npc's aggro as soon as warp in is done. In this part the 2nd pop will be really fast, no idea on the trigger but you will have to deal with the DPS of the 2 pops at the same time. Note that DPS done by drones is pretty higher than the previous parts.
Initial Spawn
Ship types :
- 5x Battleship class
- 12x Cruiser class
- 8x Frigates class (Scramble)
You may find a Centatis Behemoth (Commander) and a Cruiser Sized Commander
2nd Spawn
- 5x Battleships class
- 5x Cruiser class
- 9x Frigate class
After Destroying the Commander drone you will either recieve no message - meaning that this exploration site has not escalated; or you recieve a message and directions to the next area in the exploration escalation
Update 24.03.2017 by John Rauler in 504Z-V (Great Wildlands) - at least two or three frigates are Sansha's Nation from 1st spawn.
=Trouble In Paradise Part 4=
Be advised, you warp in just about into the center of the Hive. 2-3 spawns total. Drone overseer is now called Hierarchy Hive Mother and dropped 166m of t2 loot. Total bounty: 29.584.783 - Elapsed time: 28:00 - Done in: Legion - DPS 700 / TANK 700 per 6.3s
Total Drone Complement:
6x Drone Cruise Missile Sentry
14x Frig
9x T2 Frig (can scramble/web)
9 x CR
10x BC
6x T2 BC
11x BS
1x Hierarchy Hive Mother (15m bounty)
Updated on 24.03.2017 by John Rauler in PUC-JZ (Great Wildlands) - no scramble/web frigs encountered.
Hierarchy Hive Mother dropped 98,800,000 ISK (Est.) of T2 loot dropped. Done in: Tengu - 463.6/625.9 DPS (T1/T2 Ammo) / TANK 71/89/83/89 shield resist, 319 per 3.00s
Updated on 27.04.2015 by Deckard Treoyles in H-M1BY (ORE)
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