Relic Cosmic Signatures in New Eden
Sig Str
Angel Cartel
Blood Raiders
Sansha's Nation
High Sec
Crumbling Angel Antiquated Outpost |
Crumbling Blood Raider Antiquated Outpost |
Crumbling Guristas Antiquated Outpost |
Crumbling Sansha Antiquated Outpost |
Crumbling Serpentis Antiquated Outpost
Crumbling Angel Excavation |
Crumbling Blood Raider Excavation |
Crumbling Guristas Excavation |
Crumbling Sansha Excavation |
Crumbling Serpentis Excavation
Looted Angel Collision Site |
Looted Blood Raider Collision Site |
Looted Guristas Collision Site |
Looted Sansha Collision Site |
Looted Serpentis Collision Site
Looted Angel Explosive Debris |
Looted Blood Raider Explosive Debris |
Looted Guristas Explosive Debris |
Looted Sansha Explosive Debris |
Looted Serpentis Explosive Debris
Crumbling Angel Crystal Quarry |
Crumbling Blood Raider Crystal Quarry |
Crumbling Guristas Crystal Quarry |
Crumbling Sansha Crystal Quarry |
Crumbling Serpentis Crystal Quarry
Crumbling Angel Solar Harvesters |
Crumbling Blood Raider Solar Harvesters |
Crumbling Guristas Solar Harvesters |
Crumbling Sansha Solar Harvesters |
Crumbling Serpentis Solar Harvesters
Looted Angel Abandoned Station |
Looted Blood Raider Abandoned Station |
Looted Guristas Abandoned Station |
Looted Sansha Abandoned Station |
Looted Serpentis Abandoned Station
Looted Angel Battle Remnants |
Looted Blood Raider Battle Remnants |
Looted Guristas Battle Remnants |
Looted Sansha Battle Remnants |
Looted Serpentis Battle Remnants
Crumbling Angel Explosive Debris |
Crumbling Blood Raider Explosive Debris |
Crumbling Guristas Explosive Debris |
Crumbling Sansha Explosive Debris |
Crumbling Serpentis Explosive Debris
Crumbling Angel Stone Formation |
Crumbling Blood Raider Stone Formation |
Crumbling Guristas Stone Formation |
Crumbling Sansha Stone Formation |
Crumbling Serpentis Stone Formation
Looted Angel Lone Vessel |
Looted Blood Raider Lone Vessel |
Looted Guristas Lone Vessel |
Looted Sansha Lone Vessel |
Looted Serpentis Lone Vessel
Looted Angel Pod Cluster |
Looted Blood Raider Pod Cluster |
Looted Guristas Pod Cluster |
Looted Sansha Pod Cluster |
Looted Serpentis Pod Cluster
Crumbling Angel Abandoned Colony |
Crumbling Blood Raider Abandoned Colony |
Crumbling Guristas Abandoned Colony |
Crumbling Sansha Abandoned Colony |
Crumbling Serpentis Abandoned Colony
Crumbling Angel Mining Installation |
Crumbling Blood Raider Mining Installation |
Crumbling Guristas Mining Installation |
Crumbling Sansha Mining Installation |
Crumbling Serpentis Mining Installation
Looted Angel Ruined Station |
Looted Blood Raider Ruined Station |
Looted Guristas Ruined Station |
Looted Sansha Ruined Station |
Looted Serpentis Ruined Station
Looted Angel Ship Graveyard |
Looted Blood Raider Ship Graveyard |
Looted Guristas Ship Graveyard |
Looted Sansha Ship Graveyard |
Looted Serpentis Ship Graveyard
Low Sec
Decayed Angel Excavation |
Decayed Blood Raider Excavation |
Decayed Guristas Excavation |
Decayed Sansha Excavation |
Decayed Serpentis Excavation
Decayed Angel Particle Accelerator |
Decayed Blood Raider Particle Accelerator |
Decayed Guristas Particle Accelerator |
Decayed Sansha Particle Accelerator |
Decayed Serpentis Particle Accelerator
Ransacked Angel Explosive Debris |
Ransacked Blood Raider Explosive Debris |
Ransacked Guristas Explosive Debris |
Ransacked Sansha Explosive Debris |
Ransacked Serpentis Explosive Debris
Ransacked Angel Ship Remnants |
Ransacked Blood Raider Ship Remnants |
Ransacked Guristas Ship Remnants |
Ransacked Sansha Ship Remnants |
Ransacked Serpentis Ship Remnants
Decayed Angel Collision Site |
Decayed Blood Raider Collision Site |
Decayed Guristas Collision Site |
Decayed Sansha Collision Site |
Decayed Serpentis Collision Site
Decayed Angel Mass Grave |
Decayed Blood Raider Mass Grave |
Decayed Guristas Mass Grave |
Decayed Sansha Mass Grave |
Decayed Serpentis Mass Grave
Ransacked Angel Abandoned Station |
Ransacked Blood Raider Abandoned Station |
Ransacked Guristas Abandoned Station |
Ransacked Sansha Abandoned Station |
Ransacked Serpentis Abandoned Station
Ransacked Angel Dumped Cargo |
Ransacked Blood Raider Dumped Cargo |
Ransacked Guristas Dumped Cargo |
Ransacked Sansha Dumped Cargo |
Ransacked Serpentis Dumped Cargo
Decayed Angel Lone Vessel |
Decayed Blood Raider Lone Vessel |
Decayed Guristas Lone Vessel |
Decayed Sansha Lone Vessel |
Decayed Serpentis Lone Vessel
Decayed Angel Rock Formations |
Decayed Blood Raider Rock Formations |
Decayed Guristas Rock Formations |
Decayed Sansha Rock Formations |
Decayed Serpentis Rock Formations
Ransacked Angel Collision Site |
Ransacked Blood Raider Collision Site |
Ransacked Guristas Collision Site |
Ransacked Sansha Collision Site |
Ransacked Serpentis Collision Site
Ransacked Angel Demolished Station |
Ransacked Blood Raider Demolished Station |
Ransacked Guristas Demolished Station |
Ransacked Sansha Demolished Station |
Ransacked Serpentis Demolished Station
Decayed Angel Mining Installation |
Decayed Blood Raider Mining Installation |
Decayed Guristas Mining Installation |
Decayed Sansha Mining Installation |
Decayed Serpentis Mining Installation
Decayed Angel Quarry |
Decayed Blood Raider Quarry |
Decayed Guristas Quarry |
Decayed Sansha Quarry |
Decayed Serpentis Quarry
Ransacked Angel Ruined Station |
Ransacked Blood Raider Ruined Station |
Ransacked Guristas Ruined Station |
Ransacked Sansha Ruined Station |
Ransacked Serpentis Ruined Station
Ransacked Angel Ship Graveyard |
Ransacked Blood Raider Ship Graveyard |
Ransacked Guristas Ship Graveyard |
Ransacked Sansha Ship Graveyard |
Ransacked Serpentis Ship Graveyard
Null Sec
Pristine Angel Ship Remnants |
Pristine Blood Raider Ship Remnants |
Pristine Guristas Ship Remnants |
Pristine Sansha Ship Remnants |
Pristine Serpentis Ship Remnants
Pristine Angel Pod Cluster |
Pristine Blood Raider Pod Cluster |
Pristine Guristas Pod Cluster |
Pristine Sansha Pod Cluster |
Pristine Serpentis Pod Cluster
Ruined Angel Monument Site |
Ruined Blood Raider Monument Site |
Ruined Guristas Monument Site |
Ruined Sansha Monument Site |
Ruined Serpentis Monument Site
Pristine Angel Dumped Cargo |
Pristine Blood Raider Dumped Cargo |
Pristine Guristas Dumped Cargo |
Pristine Sansha Dumped Cargo |
Pristine Serpentis Dumped Cargo
Pristine Angel Abandoned Colony |
Pristine Blood Raider Abandoned Colony |
Pristine Guristas Abandoned Colony |
Pristine Sansha Abandoned Colony |
Pristine Serpentis Abandoned Colony
Ruined Angel Temple Site |
Ruined Blood Raider Temple Site |
Ruined Guristas Temple Site |
Ruined Sansha Temple Site |
Ruined Serpentis Temple Site
Pristine Angel Ship Graveyard |
Pristine Blood Raider Ship Graveyard |
Pristine Guristas Ship Graveyard |
Pristine Sansha Ship Graveyard |
Pristine Serpentis Ship Graveyard
Pristine Angel Collision Site |
Pristine Blood Raider Collision Site |
Pristine Guristas Collision Site |
Pristine Sansha Collision Site |
Pristine Serpentis Collision Site
Ruined Angel Science Outpost |
Ruined Blood Raider Science Outpost |
Ruined Guristas Science Outpost |
Ruined Sansha Science Outpost |
Ruined Serpentis Science Outpost
Pristine Angel Battle Remnants |
Pristine Blood Raider Battle Remnants |
Pristine Guristas Battle Remnants |
Pristine Sansha Battle Remnants |
Pristine Serpentis Battle Remnants
Pristine Angel Explosive Debris |
Pristine Blood Raider Explosive Debris |
Pristine Guristas Explosive Debris |
Pristine Sansha Explosive Debris |
Pristine Serpentis Explosive Debris
Ruined Angel Crystal Quarry |
Ruined Blood Raider Crystal Quarry |
Ruined Guristas Crystal Quarry |
Ruined Sansha Crystal Quarry |
Ruined Serpentis Crystal Quarry
Please note: The above data has been compiled from explorer community reports on Cosmic Signatures and, particularly, from data shared by Elisa Fir. Nevertheless, there may be holes in the data, and it is a work in progress. If you have useful information or data that conflicts with anything here, please feel free to contribute.