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Revision as of 17:34, 10 December 2008 by Mestoth (Talk)

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[Quote] The time it takes to complete the invention job depends on where it takes place. The base research time is 4 hours. The time is then modified by the assembly line in the location the job takes place in as listed below. Also listed below is the basic cost of starting a job:

       * Empire station in 0.5+ - multiplier: 2.5 (10 hours) - 200.000 ISK
       * Empire station in 0.4 and lower - multiplier: 2.0 (8 hours) - 150.000 ISK
       * POS in 0.5+ - multiplier: 1.5 (6 hours)- 120.000 ISK
       * POS in 0.4 or lower - multiplier: 1.0 (4 hours) - 90.000 ISK
       * non-Caldari Outpost - multiplier: 0.75 (3 hours) - 75.000 ISK
       * Caldari Outpost - multiplier: 0.5 (2 hours) - 50.000 ISK 


This section is wrong.. The BASE research time is blueprint class dependent, (ie, Modules, such as Overdrive Injector is 2 hours 30 Mins, Ships, ie Stabber Cruiser is 2 DAYS, 2 Hours, Battleships are 3 odd days.)

Also, unless its about to be changed, inventing in a Empire station in 0.9 space has a 1.0 Multiplier. The POS numbers are also wrong, and are Lab Dependant; Advanced Mobile Lab : 2 Invention slots (0.5 job time bonus) Mobile Lab: 5 Invention slots (0.5 job time bonus)

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