Pulverize The Pioneers

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Please note: This article needs improvement. Should you come across this escalation please take some time to document any additional information
Pulverize the Pioneers
Escalates From Haunted Yard
Security Highsec, Lowsec
Regions Essence, Genesis, Solitude
Max Stages 4
Pirate type Rogue Drones

This escalation can be acquired by completing the Haunted Yard combat site. The escalation message reads:

"Throughout this last fight, your radar equipment has been busy chewing on information about incoming and outgoing vessels and it seems it has a very large group of ships that left this place few minutes before you arrived. You have no clue why they left, were they fleeing? Or was it a coincidence? Either way, there is only one way to find out."

NPC, Spawn and Trigger Information

First location (High sec)

Hint: Simply warping into the site will trigger the next escalation phase (not guaranteed). If you warp in cloaked you may get escalated further without even being targeted. However, the sentient drone does not spawn if you are cloaked
Initial defenders
2-3 x (Frigate) Abandoned Drone (Trigger wave 2)
1 x (Frigate) Sentient Decimator Alvi (Drops drone components)
Wave 2
5 x (Frigate) Decimator/Render Alvi
1 x (Frigate) Strain Sunder Alvi
2 x (Destroyer) Devilfish/Silverfish Alvi

Further escalation results in the message:

"There is no trace of the ships themselves, but you pick up signals from a score of astrometric probes in the area. If this were not drones, one could think they were looking for a place to settle. Though faint, your instruments manage still to discern the current location of this mysterious group of ships."

Second Location (High sec)

Initial defenders
1x (frigate) Sentient Render Alvi (Escalation Trigger) (Drops drone components)
4x (frigate) Render Alvi (Destroying any triggers Wave 2)
2x (frigate) Silverfish/Hunter Alvi
Wave 2
2x (Destroyer) Shatter/Ripper Alvior (Trigger Wave 3)
Wave 3 (Destroying all provides an alternate escalation trigger)
3x (frigate) Barracuda Alvi
2x (Destroyer) Predator Alvi

Further escalation results in the message:

"These ships which you seem to have caught off guard, represented only a fraction of the group indicated by the signal your radars have been picking up. Moreover now the origin of the main signal seems to be close, very close."

Third Location (High sec)

Initial defenders
1x (frigate) Sentient Silverfish Alvi (Escalation Trigger) (Drops drone components and may drop a rogue drone 46-X Nexus Chip (Astero))
3x (frigate) Research Drone
4-6x (frigate) Decimator/Sunder Alvi
Wave 2 (Timed Spawn 20-30s)
2-3x (Destroyer) Shatter/Ripper Alvior

Further escalation results in the message:

"You don't remember having seen such a large and rabid swarm of rogue drones before, luckily they were gimpy as heck. You wonder what they were trying to defend in such a desperate manner, throwing themselves at you wave after wave until all were obliterated. The signal is weaker but still there..."

Last Location (High sec)

Initial Spawn
4x (Frigate) Splinter/Infester Alvi (Triggers Wave 2)
1x (Frigate) Researcher
1x (Cruiser) Researcher
Wave 2 (Triggers Wave 3)
2x (Frigate) SilverFish alvi
2x (Destroyer) Dismantler/Marauder Alvior
Wave 3 (Triggers Wave 4)
3x (Frigate) Barracuda/Hunter Alvi
3x (Destroyer) Shatter/Ripper Alvior
Wave 4
2x (Destroyer) Dismantler/Marauder Alvior (Destroying any triggers Commander Wave)
Commander Wave
1x (Cruiser) Logistic Overseer (2.5m Bounty, Drops T2 Salvage Components worth 1-4 million)
3x Deadspace Particle Accelerator (empty)

Destroying all of Wave 4 technically completes the mission, resulting in the message:

"The drone transports were easy prey after you had previously wasted most of their escort ships. You wonder what they were doing here in the middle of nothing and conclude that the only plausible reason is that you must have intercepted and destroyed a new rogue drone colony in the making."


First Location
Drone components (<1m)
Rogue Drone 46-X Nexus Chip (Astero)
Second Location
Drone components (<1m)
Third Location
Drone components (<1m)
Rogue Drone 46-X Nexus Chip (Astero)
Last Location
T2 Salvage (1.84m)

Required Travel

There may be significant travel involved in completing an expedition. In one instance of this expedition, the sequence of systems the locations appeared in were:

Progression System Sec Jumps
Haunted Yard Deninard high -
First Location Aere high 2
Second Location Doza high 9
Third Location Pamah high 5
Last Location Cleyd high 9

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