Limited sleeper cache

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Cosmic Signature Details
Limited Sleeper Cache
Signature Strength 1.25%
Type Data Site
Equipment needed Data Analyzer, Relic Analyzer
Security Lowsec Highsec
Known Regions All
Pirate type Sleeper

General Information

The Limited Sleeper Cache is a significantly more difficult than average data site. Unlike regular data sites there are many risks to your ship, it has multiple rooms and certain container hacks are purely for the purpose of advancing through the site or to avoid spawning rats or other environmental dangers that can easily result in the destruction of your ship. However when run carefully you can run these sites without taking damage.

Limited Sleeper Cache sites can drop polarized weapon bpc, storyline module bpc, sleeper items, and valuable science skill books. Only Frigate Sized ships and their T2 Counterparts may enter this site.

Please note: Be aware this site is generally for advanced explorers. It requires a minimum base scan strength of 95. You will need both relic and data analyzers fitted, T2 relic/data analyzers are highly recommended however T1 analyzers with level 4 Archaeology and Hacking can usually hack successfully if you are skilled at the hacking 'mini-game'

The site

Room 1

Upon warping to the site:

"This area has been hidden from prying eyes for years. Now the structure responsible for cloaking the site is damaged, finally allowing for a way in. A quick survey indicates this is a storage site, possibly used to store items collected by Sleepers from all over known space. What defenses or dangers lurk inside are uncertain, but the use of both a Data Analyzer and Relic Analyzer are required. The entry gate only allows frigate-sized ships through."

1x (Data) Hyperfluct Generator (Hacking reveals a "Strange Rift" that functions similarly to any acceleration gate)
Warning: Failing a hack on the Hyperfluct Generator starts a countdown timer. If you cannot successfully hack the container again in the following 120 seconds the site will explode and despawn entirely
1x Damaged Spacial Concealment Chamber
1x Sleeper Multiplex Forwarder

Room 2

Upon activating the strange rift:

"This is a storage site by the looks of it, possibly of Sleeper origin judging by the structures around. It is heavily damaged, as if someone - or something - was frantically and forcefully searching through the site, and quite recently at that. Dangerous gases and volatile materials are all around, so care is required in navigating this hazardous place."

Warning: Getting too close (around 7.5km) to in-tact plasma chambers will cause them to explode and More Plasma Gas Clouds to spawn which cause AoE damage within 5-10km
1x (Data) Remote Pressure Control Unit (Successful hacking removes the gas cloud surrounding the Ruptured pressure station, allowing access to the Dented Storage Depot inside for 2-3 minutes)
Hint: You will receive warnings at 60s, 30s and 10s as to when the gas cloud will re-appear
1x (Data) Remote Defence Grid Unit (Successful hacking prevents sleeper npc's and environmental dangers from spawning in the event of a failed hack elsewhere in the site)

"You have succeeded in deactivating the defense grid."
4x (Relic) Mangled Storage Depot (Loot)
2x (Relic) Dented Storage Depot (Loot)
1x Ruptured Pressure Station
Warning: Approaching within 13.5km of the Ruptured Pressure Station without hacking the Pressure Control Unit will result in constant high-dps AoE damage to your ship and any drones, mobile depots etc within that range
3x Plasma Chamber Debris
Warning: Approaching within 5-15km (depending on size) of any Plasma Chamber Debris will result in constant high-dps AoE damage to your ship and any drones, mobile depots etc within that range


1 & 3 run BPC's for polarized weapons both medium and Large
1 & 3 run BPC's for storyline modules
R.Db components
R.A.M. components
Science skillbooks (often of 10m value)
Sleeper Components
various low-value meta modules

Average earnings are roughly 30m per site ranging from 10m to 100m and over.

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