Blue Pill (Expedition)

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Blue Pill
Escalates From Angel Hideout
Security High Security
Regions Heimatar, Metropolis, Molden Heath
Max Stages 4
Pirate type Angel Cartel

The Blue Pill expedition is an escalation of the 'Angel Hideout' combat site found by Probing for exploration sites. This expedition consists of four different open area locations, all in High Security systems.

This Expedition may require travel through low security systems to the next location. All locations in this expedition will be open areas with a Newly Constructed Acceleration gate leading to a second area. Accessing this gate is not required to complete this expedition.

Please note: Gate access - These ship groups are not handled:

The NPC ships encountered are Frigate and Destroyer class. The names and amount of NPC's may vary from what is listed here.

Escalation Start

Destroying Drug Lab spawn in second pocket of Angel Hideout may escalate with this pop up message.

"While fighting the last defenders of this hideout, you noticed three of their ships warp out and disappear from radar. Your navigational computer has had a few minutes now to mull over the data they left and has come up with a probable destination in case you want to chase them."

First Location

Initial Spawn
1 x Gistii Hunter (Frigate)
5 x Gistii Impaler (Frigate)
1 x Domination Ruffian (Commander Frigate)


"It seems like the weird sound once in a while coming from your left dashboard is not from the navigation computer after all, at least it seems to have calculated the whereabouts of these Angel frigates pretty accurately. Not accurately enough though as they warp out as soon as you enter space and your instruments come up with a best approximation for their next destination."

Second Location

Initial Spawn
3 x Gistii Impaler (Frigate)
4 x Gistior Defacer (Destroyer)
1 x Domination Ruffian (Commander Frigate)


"Again you warp in to far and the Angels slip away into space. Luckily they leave a predictable path."

Third Location

Initial Spawn
4 x Gistior Seizer x4 (Destroyer)
4 x Arch Gistii Hunter (Frigate)
1 x Domination Ruffian (Commander Frigate)


"While fighting the two ships you managed to catch up with, the third one got away. Your instruments give no clue as to where it was headed, but just before it vanished, you picked up a distress signal from it, containing this location..."

Fourth Location

Initial Spawn
1 x Gistii Impaler (Frigate)
3 x Gistii Nomad (Frigate)
3 x Gistii Hunter (Frigate)
2 x Gistior Deflier (Destroyer)

Second Spawn
4 x Gistior Haunter (Destroyer)

Third Spawn
1 x Jols Eytur (Overseer Frigate)

Escalation End

After destroying the NPC Jols Eytur.

"Obviously the distress signal made it through to the intended recipients, this was quite a reception. In any case, there are a bit fewer drug runners in space after this encounter..."

Jols Eytur wreck and all Commander NPC wrecks may contain Faction loot and give Tech 2 salvage.

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