United Wings Of Liberation

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   The United Wings of Liberation, was a small 

corporation founded by BLAHHHHHM, and co led by Xzi Shihari, it was formed in April 2011. The corporation started out as a PVE and Industry Corporation. Later on it attempted to "Gank" people, with disastrous results. The corporation reached a maximum of 30 people when it was active, all of them of mixed races.

The Beginning

   The United Wings Of Liberation originally 

started because of BLAHHHHHM's Corp he was in before, was in a war, and the leader then, disbanded the Corp and took all the money for himself. Along with all the assets. BLAHHHHHM started UWOL (United Wings Of Liberation) to see if he could gather any old friends from the old corporation. BLAHHHHHM still refuses to say which of the failed corporations triggered him to lead his own.

     When UWOL started, it grew exceptionally 

fast. BLAHHHHHM's first recruits, were Jimmy Recard, Forrest Run, Xzi Shihari and Commander Spock Antholle. Xzi Shihari recruited like crazy for 2 days, then the Corp hit 30 people. Amazed by the skill at which Xzi was able to interact with others, and his charismatic personality, BLAHHHHHM made Xzi incharge of fleet ops in UWOL. it went well for the first 30 days.


    On the 31st day of the Corporation being made,
disaster struck UWOL, the top 3 turned on BLAHHHHHM, 

stole the faction bank, stole %75 of all assets

in the Corp, and ignited a bitter civil war. The whole 

Corp split into separate corporations, BLAHHHHHM went to United Ashes Of Libeartion (UAOL), to try to keep it all together, Jimmy Recard came with him. Xzi went to Error 403 Forbbiden, and Ryan Saxon went with Xzi, the rest of the Corp just assimilated into other corporations, due to the fact the leaders new corps went to war and they didnt want to lose stuff anymore.

    Error 403 forbidden declared war on UAOL 3 days after UWOL fell apart, the was was only a short war, where 403 lost 2 cruisers and a battleship, and UAOL lost 3 battleships and a cruiser. The war made Bolth sides realize it was a pointless fight, Lil Phonix, intervened and brought peace to Bolth sides, Xzi offered compensation to BLAHHHHHM and the rest of UAOL, and the war ended after 3 days. Xzi now leads 403 with a buch of followers, and BLAHHHHHM leads UAOL as a Indy Corp. UAOL joined Enemy Fleet (alliance) soon after the war.
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