Aritcio Kor-Azor

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Revision as of 05:04, 13 December 2008 by ISD Elumiel (Talk)

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Notable Amarr character Articio Kor-Azor is one of the heirs to the Empirial throne, Aritcio is a master politician, possessing just the right mixture of dishonesty, paranoia and charm to ooze his way up the political ladder. Yet for all his slyness and cunning in carving himself a power position at the top, Aritcio is totally clueless when it comes to the problems of the common man. His total naivete stems not just from his sheltered life at the top of the pile, but also from his total lack of interest in the fates of the masses. Considered by most to be an egotistical, cold-hearted bastard, Aritcio was always careful to cultivate the relationship with his father, the late Emperor Doriam, who consistently refused to believe anything bad about his cherished son. The citizens of Kor-Azor, accustomed to Doriam’s benevolent, fatherly rule, are already trembling at the thought of what their new master might get up to. The only thing they can do is hope he doesn't suddenly become interested in fulfilling his civic duty and take an avid interest in the daily lives of his subjects.

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