Politics of the Amarr Empire
The political structure of the Amarr Empire can be roughly described as a feudal theocracy. Politics therefore are focused around powerful dynasties rather than an organized independent party. Individuals in Amarr are sworn vassals to a hierarchy of noble and royal houses, and their loyalty is demanded. An Ardishapur vassal might favor the politics of the Kor-Azor Family and choose to institute similar policies in his lands, but he will remain a vassal of Ardishapur.
Instead of parties, Amarr politics are organized into blocs of similar opinion. These blocs represent common elements in political decision making, but they do not strictly define the actions of a person or house. A person is far more likely to identify their political position by their house (or their heir) and a house’s politics will regularly drift between political blocs. A conservative house of today may be a liberal house tomorrow, depending on the stances that its holders take.
The two major blocs seen in current Amarrian thinking are conservatism and liberalism. Conservative houses favor stable and careful politics, while liberal houses prefer reformation and change. The entrance of Amarr onto the interstellar arena has greatly increased the antagonism between these two positions, as the emergence of foreign culture has threatened traditions that long went unchallenged.
Major Positions
Conservative politics revolve around upholding and maintaining established systems for the sake of social stability and order. The primary element of conservative policies are that systems that have lasted for a long time have proven themselves by the test of time, and that changing them would upset the balance and stability of society.
Conservatives are not opposed to change, however. But when change needs to occur, or will inevitably occur, conservatives focus on steering that change carefully to ensure that it does not destabilize society or damage other values and systems. Conservatives are ultimately concerned with preserving the stability of the society, and believe that the traditional systems and values are usually the best way to do this. The conservative motto is ultimately, "If it isn't broke, don't fix it." However, if it is broke then do fix it, but do it in a careful manner that won't break anything else in the process.
One type of extreme conservatism is reactionism. Reactionism is a strong preference for systems as they were and a feeling of a need to restore those older systems. Unlike normal conservatism (evolutionary conservatism), reactionism will fight for older systems even if it causes disorder, under the belief that the older systems were a better system and so they must be restored at any cost. The Order of St. Tetrimon are reactionary Amarr, because they believe that the system of the Council of Apostles was the best incarnation of the Empire and that they must eliminate the modern systems in order to bring it back.
An important note about conservatives is it is not, "the dark side." One should not attribute all evil and hostile behavior to conservative politics. Conservatism can be kind and peaceful. Conservative politics are instead focused on maintaining traditional culture and values and resisting threatening or risky changes. Conservative politics can lead to both good and bad.
Liberal politics center around freedom at various levels. What defines freedom and to what extent it applies can vary. Liberal politics are usually more reformist and progressive than conservative politics, especially in Amarr society where freedom is limited and requires that society changes to support it. In Amarr, however, even liberal houses maintain mostly traditional social values and so most liberals in Amarr can be considered closer to conservative liberalism. Few non-Amarr would consider Amarrian liberalism to be anything like non-Amarrian liberalism.
Liberal politics can be usually divided between classical liberalism and social liberalism. Classical liberalism focuses on what is called, "negative freedom," meaning absolute freedom even when it ends up creating inequality. Classical liberalism desires a hands off government that provides little more than policing and security from foreign nations, while otherwise leaving the power and direction in the hands of the individual citizen. In Amarr, classical liberalism would be associated with the Tash-Murkon Family.
Social liberalism believes in providing, "positive freedom," which means the ability for all people to live with the same opportunity for advancement. Social liberalism favors a more hands-on government that regulates society to prevent exploitation and allow for equal advancement for the disenfranchised. In Amarr this kind of liberalism rarely extends far enough to encourage abolition, though some very socially liberal Amarr do advocate it.
At its most extreme point liberalism can lead to anarchism; perfect freedom. The Sani Sabik are an example of extremist liberal Amarr, because they believe strongly in self-determination and the power of the individual. Blood Raiders favor negative freedom, where those able to become savants are allowed unrestrained freedom and power to impose their will as they see fit. Other, softer Sabik sects, especially ones in the Federation, might believe in working towards positive freedom (equality for all races and classes, as stated in the Apocryphon).
An important note about liberals is that it is not, "the light side." One should not attribute all good and nice behavior to liberal politics. Liberalism can be cruel and violent. Liberal politics are instead focused on increasing the freedom and power of the individual, either equally or unequally. Liberal politics can lead to both good and bad.
Royal Family Politics
Conservative Families
File:Ardishapur 65.png | Ardishapur Family Religious Conservatism Teachers | ||
Holder Rights | Moderate | Scripture comes before everything, and so holders must submit to it even in their own territory. However, Scripture does codify holder rights, and so this must be upheld. | |
Equality | Low | Ardishapur maintain rigid race and class separation in the name of faith, and their territories are described as uncomfortable for foreigners. Ardishapur is however devoted to making their slaves better servants of God, and they spend great effort on the education and spiritual growth of slaves and commoners. | |
Foreign Affairs | Isolationism | Though Ardishapur desire to carry out the Reclaiming (using the carrot before the stick), they prefer to maintain only limited interaction with the outside. | |
Economic Policies | Closed Economy | Ardishapur's isolationism extends to their economic policies and they rarely trade beyond their own borders; their territories are poorer than the other regions. They have however extensively developed domestic infrastructure, especially schools, churches, and hospitals. | |
References | Ardishapur Family State of the Empire, 110.06.11#Ardishapurites Yonis Ardishapur Ardishapur Decree Amarr Emperorship Heirs | ||
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Sarum Family Expansionist Nationalism Conquerors | ||
Holder Rights | High | Though Sarum favors a strong, united Amarr that will crush its enemies, they are belligerent against any central authority that they do not care for, and regularly spoke out against Heideran VII and Doriam II. This went as far as attacking Doriam II's fleets during his coronation. | |
Equality | Moderate | Sarum is efficient with its slave education, and the Sarum-dominated military offers many opportunities for slaves and commoners. Sarum maintains the usual discrimination, however, and the military is known for its use of vitoc. | |
Foreign Affairs | Imperialism | Sarum are reactionary on foreign affairs and are the most war-mongering house. It is the destiny of Amarr to rule over all of creation and while this can be done through aggressive diplomacy and trade, conquest is the traditional method. | |
Economic Policies | Mixed Economy | Though long associated with Ardishapur in economy, Sarum has recently implemented several liberal economic reforms inspired by the Tash-Murkon Family. Trade is opening up, and the Sarum Family is becoming very wealthy. | |
References | Sarum Family Sarum Prime State of the Empire, 110.06.11#Sarumites Merimeth Sarum Mekhios Jamyl I Pomik Haromi Amarr Emperorship Heirs | ||
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Kador Family Cultural Conservatism Preservers | ||
Holder Rights | High | Kador employs tight centralized regulation on areas such as construction, and Kador holders are described as latching on to the coat-tails of powerful leaders. Under Temal Kador's leadership however they were given a very long leash, to the point of even being allowed to make war on each other. | |
Equality | Low | Kador are described as being very socially conservative, with great importance placed on True Amarr tradition and nobility above all else. Slaves are principally servants, the bottom rung of a strict social ladder. | |
Foreign Affairs | Non- interventionism |
In spite of Kador's recent invasion, Kador focuses on preserving the grandeur of Amarr. Expansion and innovation are not as important as consolidation and patience. | |
Economic Policies | Closed Economy | Kador territory is poorly developed, due to highly restrictive economic policies and limited investment. Most trade is restricted only to certain established lineages, limiting the family’s potential for profit. Uriam Kador has expressed desire to streamline its trading policies, but the blunders of his rule have limited his results. | |
References | Kador Family Uriam Kador Kador Prime#Kador Prime III Category:Kador (Region) State of the Empire, 110.06.11#Kadorites Heideran VII Temal Kador Amarr Emperorship Heirs |
Liberal Families
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Kor-Azor Family Social Liberalism Diplomats | ||
Holder Rights | Low | Aritcio deposes corrupt holders and establishes secret religious councils. Holders were given much leeway during the days of "Old" Aritcio, but under "New" Aritcio their rights are no longer being respected. | |
Equality | High | Kor-Azor treats other nations as equal international partners, Doriam II was known for his permissive treatment of slaves, and Aritcio disposes holders who are stepping down too hard on the common man. | |
Foreign Affairs | Internationalism | Kor-Azor are the diplomats of Amarr and regularly try to foster improved relations with outsiders. Doriam II was known for his interaction and cooperation with Republic heads of state. | |
Economic Policies | Mixed Economy | Kor-Azor capitalizes on its interstellar relations and engages in considerable trade with other empires. Kor-Azor territories are prosperous and well-off, even in spite of recent setbacks. | |
References | Kor-Azor Family Category:Kor-Azor (Region) Kor-Azor Prime State of the Empire, 110.06.11#Kor-Azorites Aritcio Kor-Azor Doriam II Amarr Emperorship Heirs | ||
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Tash-Murkon Family Classical Liberalism Opportunists | ||
Holder Rights | High | Tash-Murkon promotes freedom to do as one will and as one can, and this of course extends to their holders. Tash-Murkon holders oppose any curtailment of their activities, and have a very liberal interpretation on Scriptural laws. | |
Equality | High | Tash-Murkon vocally oppose True Amarr-centric policies and beliefs, even in the face of emperors and other heirs. Anyone with the will and dedication can become a holder or heir, and anyone without can become a slave. | |
Foreign Affairs | Imperialism | Tash-Murkon favor expanding Amarrian control on a political and economic level. They are aggressive in both trade and war, provided they profit. Internally, they look for every opportunity to advance their own interests. | |
Economic Policies | Mixed Economy | Tash-Murkon has more open trade with the other empires than any other house and their heir is the richest person in New Eden. The house is still forced to uphold many Imperial regulations that restrict what can be traded, but they undermine these where possible. | |
References | Tash-Murkon Family Tash-Murkon Prime (System) State of the Empire, 110.06.11#Tash-Murkonites Catiz Tash-Murkon Udorians Demographics of the Amarr Empire#True Amarr News: Tash-Murkon May Back Sarum's Calls[1] Amarr Emperorship Heirs |
Outside the Empire
File:Khanid 65.png | Khanid Kingdom Liberal Conservatism Individualists | ||
Holder Rights | Very High | Holders in the Kingdom maintain fealty to King Khanid II, but otherwise have absolute power within their territories, including in religion. As long as their policies do not go against the King’s wishes, they can do as they please in their territory. | |
Equality | Low | To the Kingdom, the Amarr (True and Khanid) are superior to other races and so have a God-given right to enslave and dominate them. Little respect is given to slaves in the Kingdom, and they have limited opportunity to earn freedom or status. | |
Foreign Affairs | Non- interventionism |
Khanid only has limited involvement with other nations, primarily in trade and research. It maintains a mutual defense contract with the Empire and is a signatory of CONCORD, but little more. The problems of other nations are their own to deal with. | |
Economic Policies | Free Market Economy | Money buys anything in the Kingdom. While holders are traditionally the wealthiest due to their privileges, well-off commoners can acquire nearly equal power and possibly even purchase noble titles. The Kingdom cares little for religious or other restrictions on trade, and it deals with both other empires and illegal organizations. | |
References | Khanid Family Khanid Kingdom Khanid II Khanid (bloodline) Khanid Unionists Holders#Holders in the Khanid Kingdom Slavery#Khanid Kingdom Zidarez Khanid | ||
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Order of Saint Tetrimon (suppressed) Reactionary Conservatism Apostles | ||
Holder Rights | Moderate | The Order opposes a government ruled by an absolute figure. They promote an assembly of peers where God’s law is supreme and the emperor is only a first among equals. Holders are more autonomous, but entirely subordinate to religious control. | |
Equality | Moderate | The Reclaiming exists to bring all of creation back under God. The fallen races have the opportunity for forgiveness and redemption, but only if they serve Amarr. Separation of social classes is important, but service matters more than race. | |
Foreign Affairs | Imperialism | The Order promote a powerful, self-sufficient empire. They believe in the subjugation of all of creation under God: Association with the nations of fallen races only legitimizes their false claims over the worlds of the heavens. | |
Economic Policies | Closed Economy | Trade is strictly regulated by religious laws. There can be no trade with those who refuse to serve God and Amarr. There is only one Empire of God, everything else is illegitimate and deserves no recognition. | |
References | The Cult of Tetrimon (Chronicle) St. Tetrimon Council of Apostles News: Zealot Cult Blamed for Massacre; More Attacks Feared[2] News: Tetrimon Grand Master Granted Sainthood[3] Forum: Posts by Arderich[4] News: Order of St. Tetrimon Condemns Pilot for Heresy[5] Forum: Regarding charges of heresy (Actor post)[6][7] News: Privy Council Orders Investigation into Tetrimon Temple[8] Forum: A Formal Request of Grand Master Horm[9] Forum: [PIE inc.] Address to the Faithful: Vigilance for God[10][11] | ||
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Sani Sabik (heretics) Egoism Hedonists | ||
Holder Rights | Very High | The equivalent of holders in Sani Sabik belief are known as savants. Savants are those with the power and will to ascend above all others. Savants have absolute power, provided no one else can displace them. | |
Equality | High | The Apocryphon, the primary body of Sabik scripture, states that all people are able to become God’s chosen. Some traditional Sabik sects might see some races as being born with better opportunities by virtue of their blood, but anyone with the will can become a savant (or even a god). | |
Foreign Affairs | Imperialism | Might makes right. Those in power are in power because they have earned it, and they will only keep it by fighting for it. Individual ascension is the root of Sabik beliefs, and that requires challenging everyone else to prove your dominance. | |
Economic Policies | Free Market Economy | Savants make their own rules. Personal power and wealth are what is important. If something exists and you want it, then you must let nothing get in the way of acquiring it. Live for yourself. | |
References | Sani Sabik Blooding Omir Sarikusa Blood Raiders Of God and Her Beast (Chronicle) Half a Life (Chronicle) News: Interview With Midna (Part 1)[12] News: Interview With Midna (Part 2)[13] News: The Sweetest Shade of Red: Blood Raiders Exposed[14] News: Only the Bluest of Blood: Blood Raiders Exposed II [15] News: Wrung Dry: Blood Raiders Exposed III[16] News: Midna Concert Awash with Sani Sabik Symbolism[17] Slavery#Blood_Raiders |
Opinions of the Throne
The opinion of the Imperial Throne is an important consideration with regard to the influence of the Amarrian royal families. Families with more favor or respect are more able to achieve their goals without obstruction from the Emperor. In current politics (YC117), Imperial favor is seen as follows, going from most respected to least.
Emperor Family |
Kor-Azor Family Chancellor |
Sarum Family |
Tash-Murkon Family |
Khanid Kingdom |
Chamberlain |
Ardishapur Family |
Kador Family |