New Providence NIP (Player coalition)

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Revision as of 10:38, 12 January 2011 by Louis deGuerre (Talk)

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After the eviction of the Providence Holders from Providence by the Southern Coalition , a number of alliances were installed in their place by AAA and Ushra'Khan, who merely wished to enforce the Non Invasion Pact and leave the members to determine their rules of engagement and standings lists for themselves. Envisioned was a sort of "Fight Club" where members could get a taste of life in 0.0 and supplying both themselves and AAA with all the small-scale combat they could want. Alternative names were Provibloc, the Providence Fight Club, and the Skittles Coalition.

However after approximately six months of rule, the Providence NIP coalition began to buckle and collapse in November after the removal of AAA from Catch and the combined pressure of Ev0ke from the north and CVA from the west.


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