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Motherships are part of the class of ships known as Super Capitals and are currently the 2nd largest class of ships in EVE.

Technically, a mothership is carrier class vessel which is however many time larger and much more expensive to build.

In comparison to a typical carrier, a mothership has the following features:

There are 4 types of Mothership, 1 for each of the 4 races


Although all motherships mainly provide logistical and support roles, the bonuses each of the 4 race motherships allow different areas of specialization.

  • Aeons have armor resistance bonuses which allow them to field heavy armor tanks
  • Wyverns have shield resistance bonuses which allow them to field heavy shield tanks
  • Nyxs have deployed fighter bonuses allowing them provide more firepower to offensive operations while fielding a moderate armor tank
  • Hels motherships have their strength as a logistic platform with bonuses to shield/armor remote repair amounts. They are also extremely flexible and are able to field either a modest shield or armor tank

Operational Tactics

Motherships excel in performing two function.

While performing POS repairing, the mothership's immunity to EW allows it to easily slip in/out of POS shields while repairing the POS's Shields/Armor without being concern of attackers with stasis webifers preventing an easy escape.

During attacks against hostile carriers employing spider tank tactics, the mothership's remote ecm burst is invaluable in breaking their cycles and allows for friendly ships to overwhelm the target ship.

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