Base Signature Strength

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Every "Type" of Cosmic Signature has a Base Signature Strength which determines how strongly probes will interact with it. Base Signature Strengths come in a limited set of "bands."

These bands are:

  • 1/5 (20.0%)
  • 1/10 (10.0%)
  • 1/15 (6.67%)
  • 1/20 (5.0%)
  • 1/25 (4.0%)
  • 1/40 (2.5%)
  • 1/60 (1.67%)
  • 1/80 (1.25%)

Each of the different types of Cosmic Signatures will always have the same base signal strength. This means that a pilot may scan a large group of signatures by setting scanner probes to maximum range and then by comparing the resulting "bands" against known signatures that pilot may discern what each result may be with out having to scan every signature to 100%.


For example, the following scan of the Hasiari system (in high sec) contains 5 unknown signatures.

Scan Signature Signals in the Hasiari System

For this scan, a single Deep Space Scan Probe with 9.8 Base Sensor Strength was used: set to its maximum range of 256 AU and placed near the middle of the system. The strength of a scan signal will decrease with distance. Because most systems tend to be less than 60 AUs wide, a probe set to a 256 AU range will commonly have very little variation in signal strength due to distance, allowing signatures to line up clearly into their respective bands.

9.8 Base Sensor Strength

At this probe's 9.8 sensor strength, a result of .37% is in the 1/5 band, the .19% result is in the 1/10 band, the .12% results are in the 1/15 bands, and the .09% result is in the 1/20 band.

At this point we can break down the possible results for each of the signatures. First we must note that the scan is in high sec, so we can discount a large number of possibilities based on sec status. Further, we note that we are in Amarr Sovereign space, meaning certain types of ores, like omber, are impossible. Also, we are in the Derelik region, meaning any local pirate signatures will belong to the Sansha Faction (see Pirate Faction Occupancy Chart). The 1/5 result could be a drone or a pirate hideout or a small hidden asteroid belt (1/5s never occur in w-space). The 1/10 result could be a number of different things but is most likely to be a K162 wormhole (generic exit), which is the most common 1/10 signature. In high sec, a 1/15 signature could only be an R943 wormhole to class 2 space, and, finally, the 1/20 result could, again be a number of things.

Specifically, the possibilities are as folllows:

Please note: None of the Signatures can be a Grav site, because all 1/5, 1/10 and 1/20 band Grav sites in high sec contain omber and thus do not appear in Amarr territory.

After a thorough scan of the system, we can see the following results.

The 1/5 result is a Sansha Hideout. File:Scan Band Matching 3.png

The 1/10 result is a K162 wormhole. File:Scan Band Matching 4.png

The 1/15 results are both R943s as expected. File:Scan Band Matching 2.png File:Scan Band Matching 5.png

And finally, the 1/20 result is an X702 wormhole. File:Scan Band Matching 1.png

Clearly, we were able to significantly narrow down the possibilities with the first scan, and, as each signature is raised above 25% signal strength, we can further narrow each Signature's possibilities when its group type (unk, mag, radar,... ect) becomes visible.

Signal Drop-off

Base Sensor Strengths tend to vary with the scanner's skill, and different sensor strengths will give slightly different results, with stronger probes giving stronger results. There is a formula for figuring out what strength results will have, but pilots' experience with their own probes is usually sufficient. For this technique, core scan probes could also be used, but when using core probes the maximum scan distance is 32 AUs, so it should be kept in mind that the observed signal strength will diminish significantly with distance. Thus, signatures on the edge of a scan may appear to belong to a different band. This can be dealt with by taking multiple scans centered at the various groups of planets in a system and using the strongest results for each signature.


The real power of this technique comes when a pilot is looking for a specific signature who's strength he knows. He may simply scan the whole system once, and ignore any results which do not fit into the band of the signature for which he is looking.

In w-space (a.k.a. Anoikis), this is a particularly powerful technique because signatures fit into a very rigid signature strength scheme:


For each class of w-space, there is a limited set of wandering wormholes which may appear in it, and every system has only one static wormhole (class 2 systems have 2 statics). Once the Base Signature Strengths of each of these wormholes is known for the given class of w-space a pilot is in, pilots may easily narrow down which signature is their local static or another type of local wormhole. A full listing of nearly all wormhole signature strengths is available under the List of All W-Space Systems.

Wormhole Band List

The following resource lists the bands in which each type of wormhole appears. Pilots who know the possible wormholes which may appear in the system they are currently scouting, can speed their search for exits. Remember, only certain static wormholes will be possible, depending on what constellation the wormhole system lies within, thus, the other statics may be discounted (see List of All W-Space Systems):

Wormhole Signature Bands
Location 10.0%
(1/10 Band)
(1/15 Band)
(1/20 Band)
(1/25 Band)
(1/40 Band)
(1/45 Band)
(1/80 Band**)
all K162
generic exit
high c1
high c2
high c3
? (O128?)
high c4
high c5
? (B041?)
high c6
high c6
high high
high low
high null
high c4
low c3
? (O128?)
low c4
low c1
low c2
low c5
? (U319?)
low c6
O128 c4
U319 c6
low low
? (B449?)
low high
? (S199?)
low null
B449 high
S199 null
null c5
? (U319?)
null c6
null c3
? (O128?)
null c4
null c1
null c2
O128 c4
U319 c6
? (S199?)
null null
null low
null high
null null
class 1
c1 high
c1 low
c1 null

c1 c1
c1 c2
c1 c3
c1 c4
c1 c5
c1 c6 **
class 2 static B274
c2 high
c2 low
c2 null
c2 c1
c2 c2
c2 c3
c2 c4
c2 c5
c2 c6
class 3
c3 low
c3 high
c3 null

c3 c3
c3 c4
c3 c1
c3 c2
c3 c5
c3 c6
class 4
c4 c3
c4 c4
c4 c1
c4 c2
c4 c5
c4 c6 **
class 5
c5 c5
c5 c6
c5 c4 ***
c5 c1
c5 c2 **
c5 c3 ***

c5 null
c5 low
c5 high
class 6
c6 c5
c6 c6
c6 c3
c6 c4
c6 c1
c6 c2 **

c6 null
c6 low
c6 high
The theoretical wormhole configurations below are all of unknown scope and unknown signature strength.
Not Yet Found S047
 ? high
 ? high
 ? low
 ? low
 ? null
 ? null
*Publication on psudo-statics to come soon... until then, see this post.
**I suspect there was an error in the original data or the signature strengths have changed:
all wormholes in the 1/80 band should probably be in the newly discovered 1/45 band.
***M267 should probably be in the 1/20 band and E175 in the 1/25 band
****B041 might not form in high sec or is exceedingly rare: see Project Snapshot
This is a product of Project Atlas.

Some helpful hints for scanning these bands in Anoikis:
Class 1, 3, 5, and 6 wormhole systems have one static wormhole which is native to that system, and these systems may also see a number of wandering wormholes within various bands.
Class 2 systems have two static wormholes, one to k-space and one to w-space, the combination of which depends on which constellation they belong to. (see List of All W-Space Systems: Class 2 Wormhole Systems)
Class 2 and 4 systems have only static wormholes and K162s.
All classes of wormholes will see many K162s which are always in the 1/10 band.
Keep in mind, that a given system will only commonly see one static type, but from time to time an "extra" static type wormhole might appear (these are currently under study by Project Atlas and are theorized to be Constellation Statics).

Signature Band List

A complete listing of all Cosmic Signatures' Base Signature Strengths is in production, and will hopefully be available soon.

For now, only high sec, low sec, and wormhole bands are available.

High Sec

Signature Bands in High Sec
Bands for Unknown Signatures
(20.0%) Band
(10.0%) Band
(6.67%) Band
(5.0%) Band
(4.0%) Band
(2.5%) Band
(1.67%) Band
(1.25%) Band
(Faction) Hideout
(a b g s p)
wormhole K162 generic exit wormhole R943
high to c2
wormhole R051 high to low - wormhole M555
high to c5
- - wormhole B041
high to c6
Haunted Yard (drone) wormhole Z971 high to c1 wormhole X702 high to c3 wormhole V283
high to null
wormhole O128
high to c4
1/10 DED-complex
(a b g s p)
wormhole A641
high to high
4/10 DED-complex
(a b g s p)
5/10 DED-complex
(a b g s p d)
2/10 DED-complex
(a b g s p d)
(Faction) Watch
(a b g s p)
(Faction) Vigil
(a b g s p)
3/10 DED-complex
(a b g s p d)
Chemical Yard
(Faction) Lookout
(a b g s p)
Desolate Site (drone)

Gravimetric Signature Bands in High Sec
1/5 1/10 1/15 1/20 1/25 1/40 1/60 1/80 Unknown
Small Omber Deposit Small Kernite and Omber Deposit - Small Jaspet, Kernite and Omber Deposit - Small Hemorphite, Jaspet and Kernite Deposit Small Hedbergite, Hemorphite and Jaspet Deposit Average Hedbergite, Hemorphite and Jaspet Deposit Small Hedbergite and Hemorphite Deposit
Average Omber Deposit Average Kernite and Omber Deposit Average Jaspet, Kernite and Omber Deposit Average Hemorphite, Jaspet and Kernite Deposit Large Hemorphite, Jaspet and Kernite Deposit Average Hedbergite and Hemorphite Deposit
Large Omber Deposit Large Kernite and Omber Deposit Large Jaspet, Kernite and Omber Deposit Large Hedbergite, Hemorphite and Jaspet Deposit Large Hedbergite and Hemorphite Deposit
Small Asteroid Cluster?

Ladar Signature Bands in High Sec
1/5 1/10 1/15 1/20 1/25 1/40 1/60 1/80 Unknown
- Wild Nebula
(in Aridia)
- Pipe Nebula
(in Heimatar)
- - - -
Calabash Nebula
(in Solitude)
Blackeye Nebula
(in Aridia)
Smoking Nebula
(in Lonetrek)
Glass Nebula
(in Solitude)
Flame Nebula
(in Heimatar)

Magnetometric Signature Bands in High Sec
1/5 1/10 1/15 1/20 1/25 1/40 1/60 1/80 Unknown
- Crumbling (faction) Antiquated Outpost
(a b g s p)
- Crumbling (faction) Crystal Quarry
(a b g s p)
- Crumbling (faction) Explosive Debris
(a b g s p)
- Crumbling (faction) Abandoned Colony
(a b g s p)
Crumbling (faction) Excavation
(a b g s p)
Crumbling (faction) Solar Harvesters
(a b g s p)
Crumbling (faction) Stone Formation
(a b g s p)
Crumbling (faction) Mining Installation
(a b g s p)
Looted (faction) Collision Site
(a b g s p)
Looted (faction) Abandoned Station
(a b g s p)
Looted (faction) Lone Vessel
(a b g s p)
Looted (faction) Ruined Station
(a b g s p)
Looted (faction) Explosive Debris
(a b g s p)
Looted (faction) Battle Remnants
(a b g s p)
Looted (faction) Pod Cluster
(a b g s p)
Looted (faction) Ship Graveyard
(a b g s p)

Radar Signature Bands in High Sec
1/5 1/10 1/15 1/20 1/25 1/40 1/60 1/80 Unknown
- Local (faction) Mainframe
(a b g s p)
- Local (faction) Data Processing Center
(a b g s p)
- Local (faction) Data Terminal
(a b g s p)
- Local (faction) Backup Server
(a b g s p)
Local (faction) Virus Test Site
(a b g s p)
Local (faction) Shattered Life-Support Unit
(a b g s p)
Local (faction) Production Installation
(a b g s p)
Local (faction) Minor Shipyard
(a b g s p)
Sources: Project Atlas and data shared by Elisa Fir.
Please reference the Pirate Faction Occupancy chart to tell what (faction) will appear in what region.

Low Sec

Signature Bands in Low Sec
Bands for Unknown Signatures in Low Sec
(20.0%) Band
(10.0%) Band
(6.67%) Band
(5.0%) Band
(4.0%) Band
(2.5%) Band
(1.67%) Band
(1.25%) Band
Provisional (Faction) Outpost
(a b g s p)
wormhole K162
generic exit
- wormhole Z971
low to c1
wormhole R943
low to c2
wormhole N432
low to c5
- - wormhole O128
low to c4
Rogue Trial Yard
wormhole X702
low to c3
5/10 DED-complex
(a b g s p d)
6/10 DED-complex
(b g s)
wormhole B449
low? to high
wormhole N944
low to low
Minor (Faction) Annex
(a b g s p)
(Faction) Annex
(a b g s p)
wormhole S199
low? to null
3/10 DED-complex
Serpentis Logistical Outpost 3/10 DED-complex
(a b g s p)
4/10 DED-complex
(a b g s p)
Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost?
(Faction) Outpost
(a b g s p)
1/10 DED-complex
(a b g s p)
Dirty Site
2/10 DED-complex
(a b g s p d)

Gravimetric Signature Bands in Low Sec
1/5 1/10 1/15 1/20 1/25 1/40 1/60 1/80 Unknown
Small Gneiss Deposit Small Dark Ochre and Gneiss Deposit - Small Crokite, Dark Ochre and Gneiss Deposit - Small Spodumain Crokite and Dark Ochre Deposit Average Spodumain Crokite and Dark Ochre Deposit Large Spodumain Crokite and Dark Ochre Deposit -
Average Gneiss Deposit Average Dark Ochre and Gneiss Deposit Average Crokite, Dark Ochre and Gneiss Deposit Large Crokite, Dark Ochre and Gneiss Deposit
Large Gneiss Deposit Large Dark Ochre and Gneiss Deposit

Ladar Signature Bands in Low Sec
1/5 1/10 1/15 1/20 1/25 1/40 1/60 1/80 Unknown
- Wild Nebula
(in Aridia)
- Pipe Nebula
(in Heimatar)
- (faction) Chemical Lab
(a b g s p)
- (faction) Distribution Base
(a b g s p)
(a2 g2 p2)
Calabash Nebula
(in Solitude)
Ghost Nebula
(in Molden Heath)
Blackeye Nebula
(in Aridia)
(faction) Gas Processing Site
(a b g s p)
Sister Nebula
(in Derelik)
Bright Nebula
(in Placid)
Glass Nebula
(in Solitude)
Crimson Nebula
(in Aridia)
Phoenix Nebula
(in Solitude)
Smoking Nebula
(in Lonetrek)
Eagle Nebula
(in Molden Heath)
Rapture Nebula
(in Molden Heath)
Ring Nebula
(in Lonetrek)
Flame Nebula
(in Heimatar)
Sparkling Nebula
(in Placid)
Forgotten Nebula
(in Placid)
Diabolo Nebula
(in The Forge)
Saintly Nebula
(in Heimatar)
Sunspark Nebula
(in The Forge)
Emerald Nebula
(in Derelik)

Magnetometric Signature Bands in Low Sec
1/5 1/10 1/15 1/20 1/25 1/40 1/60 1/80 Unknown
- Decayed (faction) Excavation
(a b g s p)
- Decayed (faction) Collision Site
(a b g s p)
- Decayed (faction) Lone Vessel
(a b g s p)
- Decayed (faction) Mining Installation
(a b g s p)
Decayed (faction) Particle Accelerator
(a b g s p)
Decayed (faction) Mass Grave
(a b g s p)
Decayed (faction) Rock Formations
(a b g s p)
Decayed (faction) Quarry
(a b g s p)
Ransacked (faction) Explosive Debris
(a b g s p)
Ransacked (faction) Abandoned Station
(a b g s p)
Ransacked (faction) Collision Site
(a b g s p)
Ransacked (faction) Ruined Station
(a b g s p)
Ransacked (faction) Ship Remnants
(a b g s p)
Ransacked (faction) Dumped Cargo
(a b g s p)
Ransacked (faction) Demolished Station
(a b g s p)
Ransacked (faction) Ship Graveyard
(a b g s p)

Radar Signature Bands in Low Sec
1/5 1/10 1/15 1/20 1/25 1/40 1/60 1/80 Unknown
- Regional (faction) Data Fortress
(a b g s p)
- Regional (faction) Command Center
(a b g s p)
- Regional (faction) Data Mining Site
(a b g s p)
- Regional (faction) Backup Server
(a b g s p)
Regional (faction) Mainframe
(a b g s p)
Regional (faction) Data Processing Center
(a b g s p)
Regional (faction) Data Terminal
(a b g s p)
Regional (faction) Secure Server
(a b g s p)
Sources: Project Atlas and data shared by Elisa Fir.
Please reference the Pirate Faction Occupancy chart to tell what (faction) will appear in what region.

Pirate Faction Occupancy

Faction Regions
Empire Null Sec
Angel Cartel Heimatar, Metropolis, Molden Heath Impass, Feythabolis, Omist, Tenerifis, Immensea, Curse, Scalding Pass, Wicked Creek, Detorid, Insmother, Great Wildlands, Cache
Blood Raiders Aridia, Genesis, Kador, Khanid, Kor-Azor, The Bleak Lands Delve, Querious, Period Basis
Guristas Pirates Black Rise, Lonetrek, The Citadel, The Forge Tenal, Branch, Venal, Deklein, Pure Blind, Geminate, Vale of the Silent, Tribute
Sansha's Nation Derelik, Devoid, Domain, Tash-Murkon Stain, Paragon Soul, Esoteria, Catch, Providence
Serpentis Corporation Essence, Everyshore, Placid, Sinq Laison, Solitude, Verge Vendor Fade, Outer Ring, Cloud Ring, Syndicate, Fountain
Rogue Drones All Empire Regions All Regions, especially the Drone Regions: Etherium Reach, The Spire, Outer Passage, Malpais, The Kalevala Expanse, Perrigen Falls, Oasa, Cobalt Edge
Please note: The above data has been compiled from explorer community reports on Cosmic Anomalies and Cosmic Signatures. This is a work in progress and the data contained here may be incomplete. If you have more data or information that conflicts with anything here, please feel free to contribute.

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