Territorial Claim Unit Alliance
Territorial Claim Unit -- The Alliance is the brainchild of the Board of Directors of the Hard Rock Mining Co. A new alliance, TCU was first granted the Omist region to oversee. TCU is described by its members as a combination family, fleet, four ring circus.
Dotlan Maps Link:
Our Recruitment Thread in the Forums
our website
The Rules and Regs of TCU Alliance Are As Follows:
Corporations are responsible for their members and all of their actions.
Minimum 15 members for a corp to join TCU.
TS3 Teamspeak 3 necessary. You got to talk to people to be an effective member of a team.
Full API of any CEO of a corp wanting to join, same for Co-Ceo's and any Directors.
Alliance fees paid on the 30th
10 mill a member for indy/month 5-Mill per member for pvper 3 Roams a week is the requirement to be a pvper (or 12 a month)
Fleet Regs
Once a week FC's submit list of who attended To be promoted to FC you will have to fly under current FCs. All FC's running fleets need to run gang bonuses for that fleet No one talks except FC and their scouts during battle. All t1 ships must be premium insured for pvp to assist any ship replace. All pvp ships required to have a microwarpdrive and a warp disruptor/ warp scrambler.
Standing fleet Regs
Log on fleet up. If you go AFK, leave fleet and go to afk channel of ts3. If your going out of the constellation form another fleet. All fleet details hidden & no descriptions.
Loose lips sink ships. Keep your mouth shut in public chats and voice comms. Do not talk in local.
Moons and POSes
50% of moon goo's raw material value goes to alliance. RAW MATERIAL not Reactions. All POSes must be large Minmatar POSes w/max strontium. Only exception is for temporary POS for security in a non outpost system.
Jump Freighers and Logistics
All jump fuel for jumping members down will be covered for the first time after that you pay.
Alliance Top Leadership Rules
If at any time, the majority decides the current alliance CEO is not preforming his/her duties, the issue is to be risen the monthly alliance directors meeting. At this point there is a 30 day peroid where the CEO at the time has the ability to either step up to the issue, or step down. then there has to be a 3/4 vote to remove the said CEO and a 3/4 vote in instate another.