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m (Protected "IGB Javascript Wish List" [edit=sysop:move=sysop])
(Added request for a GetShipFitting query)
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** javascript:Client.GetLimitedApiKey() pops up a confirmation window and (if approved) returns the limited API key of the user
** javascript:Client.GetLimitedApiKey() pops up a confirmation window and (if approved) returns the limited API key of the user
** javascript:Client.GetFullApiKey() pops up a red flashing confirmation window and (if approved) returns the full API key of the user
** javascript:Client.GetFullApiKey() pops up a red flashing confirmation window and (if approved) returns the full API key of the user
* Ship Fitting
** javascript:Client.GetShipFitting() pops up a confirmation window and (if approved) returns the complete ship fitting (possibly [[Ship_DNA|Ship DNA string]] formatted)
== Desired Events ==
== Desired Events ==

Revision as of 02:40, 7 October 2009

With Dominion releasing a new IGB; here is a compiled list of all JavaScript functionality that is desired by 3rd party developers.

Current Functionality can be found here.

Current Planned Functions

This is a tentative list based on CCP Ronin comments (src)

  • javascript:Client.ShowInfo(typeID) - implemented
  • javascript:Client.ShowRoute(systemID) - implemented as Client.ShowRouteTo
  • javascript:Client.ShowMap(systemID) - implemented
  • javascript:Client.ViewFitting(???) - implemented as Client.ShowFitting
  • javascript:Client.AskForTrust()

Desired Functions to Interact with the UI

Assumption is that all calls will open the appropriate window or dialog to allow the user to edit/accept the action. No calls will actually perform an action beyond this.

  • Money
    • javascript:Client.GiveMoney(characterID, amount, description)
    • javascript:Client.GiveMoneyFromCorp(characterID, amount, description, walletID)
  • Mail & Chat
    • javascript:Client.NewMail(charachterID, subject, body)
    • javascript:Client.JoinMailList(ID)
    • javascript:Client.JoinChatChannel(ID)
    • javascript:Client.StartConversation(characterID)
  • Contracts
    • javascript:Client.ShowContract(contractID) - implemented
    • javascript:Client.NewCourierContract(sourceStationID, listOfItemIDs, targetStationID, collateral, payment)
    • javascript:Client.NewPrivateCourierContract(playerID, sourceStationID, listOfItemIDs, targetStationID, collateral, payment)
    • javascript:Client.NewPrivateItemExchangeContract(playerID, stationID, listOfItemIDs, payment)
  • Overview
    • javascript:Client.SaveOverviewSetting(xml)
  • Market
    • javascript:Client.ShowMarketInfo(typeID) - implemented as Client.ShowMarketDetails
  • Starmap
    • javascript:Client.SetAutoPilotDestination(systemID)
  • Standings
    • javascript:Client.EditStandings(characterID, newStanding, reason)
    • javascript:Client.EditCorpStandings(???)
  • Other
    • javascript:Client.ShowInfo(any ID) - implemented for type IDs

All methods pop up the corresponding windows that already exist in EVE, pre-filled out with the given arguments. For example, the New*Contract methods pop up the last page of the contract wizard (Summary) if the specified items exist (or else an error message).

Desired Functions to Retrieve Information

  • Starmap
    • javascript:Client.GetJumpCount(systemID,...,systemID) returns an object array list where the object is composed of (systemID,jumpCount) (src)
  • API Key
    • javascript:Client.GetLimitedApiKey() pops up a confirmation window and (if approved) returns the limited API key of the user
    • javascript:Client.GetFullApiKey() pops up a red flashing confirmation window and (if approved) returns the full API key of the user
  • Ship Fitting
    • javascript:Client.GetShipFitting() pops up a confirmation window and (if approved) returns the complete ship fitting (possibly Ship DNA string formatted)

Desired Events

Some events would also like to be available so that a JavaScript function can be assigned to them. This would allow for more complex AJAX functions to occur between a website and the IGB.

  • Client.OnJump alternatively Client.OnSessionChange SessionChangeArguments containing the information available in the headers.
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