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Cosmic Signature Details
Digital Plexus
Signature Strength  ?
Type Radar
Equipment needed Codebreaker
Security 0.0
Known Regions
Pirate type Guristas Pirates

Digital Plexus is a Guristas Radar COSMOS site in Vale of the Silent Region (possibly on other regions if it can be confirmed) with a Moderate to hard difficulty, can be soloed by ishtar and can be easier for a Smartbombed Dominix on last room.

If you do not have the Hacking skill you will not be able to enter the Den or the Production Area. The following message is received if you do not have this skill. "You need more know-how in Hacking to operate this particular jump gate."

When you find the Site you will be greeted by an Acceleration Gate that will get you to a room which has 2 gates and approximately 40 to 50 Guristas ships of varying sizes. Once you are in First room there are 2 gates...one is Gate to the Den and other is Gate to Production Area

if you take the "Gate to the Den" you will warp to a room with at least 40 gurista ships in there...there wasn't any insta aggro the moment i warped there, but you will aggro them once you get close to one of the "Training cubes" that can be opened with a Codebreaker. Once you eliminate all the enemies in the room you can hack the training cubes and get the items inside them and use the next gate that will jump you to Production area.

You can hack all the cans there inside the production area w/o getting any spawns. However, the next gate (Research Area) is locked until all hostiles are killed. There is a small second wave of dire cruisers and frigs once the production manager is killed.

The other production area on first room with the 2 gates seems like a different room but empty too and no items were found on the production cache cans (maybe bad luck).

After cleaning all cans on both production areas there is a gate that will take you to "The Research Tower". The Moment you warp in there will be 40 ships or so (6 Battleships and 10 cruisers, some Dire cruisers) and a Cluster of 22-23 Frigates waiting for you on the area you land, a smartbombing ship will be highly useful in neutralizing that frigate gang waiting for you at the landing point since Dire frigates will possibly web and warp scram you and jam you.

If you are using a small ship (like Ishtar) in the research area, I would recommend not going solo unless you have an outstanding tank. Some of the frigs do warp scram, and many of them use ECM. I was permajammed, and lost my Ishtar the first time I entered this room due to not being able to target my drones to the warp jamming frigs. My ishtar tank was good for almost 1400dps of Kinetic, so all those small ships can hurt.

After clearing the room you may use your codebreaker module to hack the containers. YOu may find Strong and Improved booster BPCs, Improved/Strong booster reactions and some souvenirs. If you're lucky enough you will possibly get the Nanite Control which sells pretty good and Neurotoxin Recovery. Do not AFK in the final room, as Guristas reinforcements spawn. The trigger is unknown.

The damage in this complex is high, but can be soloed with an T2 fitted Rattlesnake.


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