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Image:Overlord_inzi.jpg|    Terrorist Overlord Inzi
Image:Overlord_inzi.jpg|    Terrorist Overlord Inzi

Revision as of 10:23, 3 February 2012

No Quarter
Escalates From Gurista Provincial HQ
Max Stages 4
Pirate type Guristas Pirates



Part One of NO QUARTER.

Room1 area comprises: 7 Battleship class; 3 Frigate class; 4 Dire Cruiser class; and possibly 1 Dread Guristas Battleship class npcs.

After clearing the area, you use the newly constructed acceleration gate into the next area. There are no hostiles here and if nothing happens then the adventure has come to a dead end and this mysterious figure has no use for you. On the other hand you may still be useful to him.

"Teinei Kuma: Good to see you decided to come. I can not promise you any payment if you take on these Guristas bases, but you will earn fame among the locals and the fortune the Pirates leave behind. I'm going to send a couple of my spy drones to see if the Guristas are still where they were yesterday."

Then if you're lucky: The radio crackles, it is the vigilante all excited, who whispers in a conspiratorial tone, "They are still here! Come quick and we shall introduce them to pain!

Part Two of NO QUARTER.

"Message > Control Tower Operator: More intruders! Maybe they're connected with the spy drones we just destroyed. I bet CONCORD sent them! Take care of 'em boys!"

The coordinates of the journal takes you into a area comprising 12 Battleship class possibly including 1 Dread Guristas Battleship; 10 Dire Cruiser class; 2 Dire frigates class; 6 Tower Sentry III batteries; and 2 Stasis Webifying Towers npcs.

As this is the toughest Guristas exploration, you will probably have started to notice that things are going to get hot and now might be a good time to get help, if you haven't already! Once the area is cleared of all resistance you must destroy the Guristas Control Tower. If nothing happens on its destruction, then your usefulness is at a end.

If Teinei Kuma still requires assistance the adventure will continue with...

"Teinei Kuma: We sure showed them! I'm actually starting to think I'll become a fighter some day. Will you teach me? Maybe after we're done ..."

... and the escalation of course: "We sure did show them! You sure are better than no one to have around when the missiles are flying! But there is no time to float here fabulating, we must press on, another division of this same group is close by!"

Part Three of NO QUARTER.

"Message > As you enter, you see your friend several hundred kilometers off target, complaining about something being rotten in the hydraulic system. With the Guristas on the other hand, it seems like all systems are go.

Message > Teinei Kuma: I hope you will manage without me, but I am going to check the next and last target. It is one of the Guristas recruiting stations, they have these recruitment drives every now and then when they go through all major metropolitan areas in Caldari space, pick up from the sewers anything that is still breathing, gather them in places like these, give them some old rookie ships and beanie guns and let them have a go at each other! The better half of those who are still alive after a couple of months are taken in as Gurista pilots, the rest is shot, or sold to the Blood as refreshments! Anyways, they are just sitting there like ducks, we dont want them to get away, I will hold them busy till you arrive!"

Initial Spawn: 2 Stasis Towers Batteries; 2 Siege Railgun Sentry batteries; Guristas Annihalation Missile Battery; 5 Dire Cruiser class; 3 Cruiser class; 10 Battleship class npcs and possibly 1 Dread Guristas Battleship. The Annihalation Missile Battery fires paradise cruise missiles.

Hint: You warp in around 110 km away from the stasis towers.

Wave 2: 11 Battleship class and 12 frigate class npcs will spawn upon attacking the Guristas Annihalation Missile Battery.

Please note: This area, and part four, are not deadspace areas. Meaning there is no acceleration gate, MWD works and you are able to warp inside the area.

Part Four of No Quarter (Final)

Initial Spawn: 7 Dire Frigate class; 5 Dire Cruiser class; 2 Stasis Towers Batteries; 17 Battleship class; 3 Frigate class; 3 Cruiser class; 5 Siege Railgun Sentry Batteries; 5 Siege Blaster Sentry Batteries.

Upon attacking the Guristas War Installation a second wave undocks and starts to attack. This wave comprises 4 Dire Frigate class; 10 Cruiser class; 5 Dire Cruiser class; 15 Battleship class npcs.

After clearing this second wave, you may continue attacking the Guristas War Installation. When the building reaches 50% hull remaining then the final wave of enemies undock to stop you.

This final wave, while not as large as the previous waves, is suprisingly deadly. Its make up comprises 8 Spider Drone III; 8 Inzi Kika Disciples and Terrorist Overlord Inzi Kika.

"This was a hard fight and while your friend didn't fire many shots, he did his best to call them. Gutsy little fellow. You would think that by now that he would of used half of all superlatives in the English dictionary to describe your victory, but suprisingly enough he is dead silent there where he is orbiting the remains of this holy place. Closer inspection reveals that he has taken a direct hit and even though his ship looks intact, all the airlocks have been blasted out and either he must have died from the explosion, or he is lying there frozen from the exsposure. It is kind of sad... not that you will miss him personally, but you can be darned sure that if he had lived to run around and tell the story, you would have been a legendary hero 24 hours from now."

Please note: Terrorist Overlord Inzi Kika is a Deadspace Overseer Mission Battleship with a 30,875,000 bounty that can drop Pith X-Type loot. It should also be noted that he is extremely difficult to kill if attempting this stage with only a few players. In order to break his tank the combined damage must exceed 2500 DPS. He also uses advanced AI tactics, such as changing targets according to threat level and warping away (1200 m/s) to repair himself when his shield is breached

Images from the Exploration site.

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