User talk:Peacekeeper2003

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Komments and Feedback

Categorisation of Active Shops and Services

Hello Peacekeeper2003,

I have made your category (Category:Active Shops and Services) to be a subcategory of the Player Organisations category.

I have read up on your plans to possibly extend this with further subcategorisation, but I think the solution you have gone for is much better (where they are pages with services listed rather than categories).

One other thing of note is the template you have created. If you hover over the 'Horizontal line' tool when editing an article, it says to use them sparingly. My concern with the template as it stands is that there will be a lot of them on the page, and as you are already making use of second level headings in the template, I'm not sure what benefit the lines provide.

Thank you for your continued contribution to the EVElopedia,

--ISD Crystal Carbonide 10:21, 28 May 2009 (GMT)

Category and Lines

Thx for that.

The only reason for the line is a better looking. If you think the line make the pages too full or unclear feel free to modify the template. --Peacekeeper2003 12:04, 28 May 2009 (GMT)

Ok i´ve test it out and now i know what you mean. If i make lines i can only edit the whole article.
If i delete the line i can edit all entries seperately. --Peacekeeper2003 12:04, 28 May 2009 (GMT)
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