User talk:DetCord Saisio

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I have two additional methods to avoid cargo scans:

1) Whenever possible, use a small/agile ship for transporting. Align time is reduced as well as warp speed is much higher. Multiple small secure containers can help reduce the possibility of item detection. Additionally, use the "Set Name" feature for the containers and use names you feel would reduce the possibility of being targeted; using a name which can distract, if only for a half-second... which may be enough time to get away.

2) Instead of using cheap salvage items in cargohold as a method to avoid cargohold scans, I suggest using multiple bookmarks. Since they are free and simple to create, they can be added at any time. An additional bonus is the bookmarks can be named anything. Rename the bookmark using simple terms/names, something that would confuse would-be pirates scanning your cargohold, such as Red Marbles, Petrified BigMac, Chevy Impala, Empire State Building, or Indian Ocean; i.e. use anything you think would immediately say "Not a valid object in EVE."

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