User:Regat Kozovv/Sandbox

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Short summary describing the ship's type and general use



This section describes the ship's role in PvE (if any) and what makes it ideal or unsuitable for this task.


This section describes the ship's role in PvP (if any) and what makes it ideal or unsuitable for this task.


See also: Ship (Fitting) Link at the top of this section leading to the detailed fitting page.


General guidelines on common ship armament fits and high-slot modules. This section shouldn't be too specific as to name specific sets of modules, but common arrangements should be listed here (e.g., Raven's will almost always carry 6 launchers, an Apoclypse will not be carrying projectile turrets.)


See Also: Defense Guide A link to EVE's general defense and tanking guide.

General guidelines on common defense arrangements, low and mid-slot modules. Discuss whether a ship naturally leans towards a passive shield tank, active armor tank, etc. Experimental or unusual arrangements can be discussed here as well if there is sufficient data available showing this to be a viable option (such as passive shield tanking on a Myrmidon.) As always specific fits should not be listed here, but modules can be named that are often used (e.g, an armor repairer is usually standard on Amarr and Gallente ships.)

Special Modules

Modules not related directly to direct damage or tanking should be listed here. This includes ECM, remote repairers, target painters, salvage and tractor beams, etc. These modules can be listed under the previous two sections if it makes more sense to group them in. This section is good for illustrating common “unconventional” fits, utilizing modules that may not be considered at first but lend themselves well towards helping the ship fulfill a role or giving it additional tactical flexability.


Common drone loadouts should go here. In general this section will be pilot discretion for most ships, but Gallente vessels will find more often that particular load outs will work better than others.


The method by which a ship is fought. This section will elaborate on common pilot tactics that make the best use of a ship's strength while mitigating it's weaknesses.

Recommended Skills

Skills that would be helpful (beyond those required) towards getting the most out of the ship should go here. In particular, call out specific skills that might be specific towards that ship that may not be a must for ALL ships. (e.g, All ships will benefit from Electronics V, but a Rook pilot may want to take a close look at Long Range Jamming or Signal Suppression to get the most out of his ECM modules

Additional Images

Additional Pictures should go here.

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