The Travels of the Enlightened

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Travels of the Enlightened is a Children's cartoon unique to the population of Dakba V. The show is based around the Sefrim, who go on adventures and teach a group of children about God and the Scriptures. Molok the Deciever is a character in the show as well as a animated black bull (in the show, the Black Bull is his natural form but he often comes disguised as puppies or kittens) who can speak to the children and often try to trick them. The show often uses symbolism, and is vastly popular on Sanctum/Dakba V.


The show was met with much criticism by the Gallente and Matar, who say the show tries to indoctrinate children. However, the show continues to play and is vastly popular.


The show is known for it's symbolism, and uses symbolism to teach lessons about the Scripture and God to the children of Dakba V.
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