Template talk:Ambiguation

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It might be just me, but reading the description, I can't think of what pages this would refer to. Can you give a brief example maybe?
--SentryRaven 09:09, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

Sure, like SentryRaven (Character) or Salvaging (Guide) or Mining (Guide) or just about any article in the wiki at the moment about characters, corporations or ships. Some rough estimate would be that 50 to 85% of all articles could be tagged with this as for some reason there is way too agressive disambiguation resulting to articles that are disambiguation when there is no other articles with the same name. Articels should not be disambiguated, when ever possible to ensure good accessability and overall smoothness of wiki use. In EVElopedia this critical point of wikimedia has been widely ignored/violated, as result of the sysop sided (en)forcing. BlackSmith Sisunautti 12:05, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

I thought that the naming scheme for characters, corporations and alliances was a written law on evelopedia somewhere and that was the reason why all articles are edited that way. I would agree on the Salvaging and Mining comments though. People will primarily look for a description of what it is, not a guide on how to do it.
--SentryRaven 12:14, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

The reason is actually given in Help talk:Naming conventions‎. Its the autolinker that is the reason for the (pointles) disambiguation frenzy. Hopelly the issue gets fixed because there simply is just too much disambiguation to keep this wiki a well working wiki. BlackSmith Sisunautti 21:51, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

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