Talk:War Declaration

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This base-cost can be increased by the number of wars you currently have ongoing (where you are the agressor) and the number of wars the target corporation already has against them. The formula for calculating the cost is B x (N +1) X (W + 1). Where B = Base Price, N = number of wars you currently have, W = number of wars currently against the target corporation.

Renewal Costs

I would like the renewal costs for a wardec mentioned. At renewal, does the formula get reapplied, or do you renew at the cost you first paid for the war... For example, Corp A wardecs Corp B, 2 Million ISK. Then they wardec Corp C for 4 Million ISK. When the renewal for the wardecs comes up, are they both 4 Million ISK? Or is A --> B renewed at original cost of 2 Million ISK Nine Ravens 18:48, 19 July 2009 (GMT)Nine Ravens

Singling out corporations in an alliance.

As of Apr 2, 2010, the page is not clear on the ability to declare war on a single corporation in an alliance or if you MUST declare war on the alliance if they're in one.

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