Talk:Sleeper battles

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March 19, 2009:

The courageous Captain Oscar scans for a wormhole from Hilaban, he enters in pursuit of destroying the Sleepers, he engaged in battle with his trusty Caldari Navy Raven, the sleepers shot him down to 40% shields and Captain Oscar was able to kill 2 frigates, 2 crusier/BC, and 1 Battleship before another group appears forcing him to warp to a close by planet "Unexplored planet III", he waits for his shields to restore and returns for round 2 against the sleepy poo's, he shoots cruise missiles damaging the battleship and eventually it explodes. The other sleepers draw close to Captain Oscar, he was not going to sit by idle, he targets the battleship and then the 2 other crusier or bc (not sure), open fire and then releases drones to fire at the cruise ships. The battleship soon explodes and then fires on the cruise ships firing till that one explodes, meanwhile the drones have the last cruise ship's shields half down, he fires missles the ships have him down to 55% shields, not giving up he continues to fire on the ship untill that last explosion....YESSS!! Captain Oscar is victorious against the sleepy poo's, now they will have their final sleep in eternity.

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