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this is a tough one....

Reprocessing, while the technical name of the service, is often refered to as Refining, which is the name associated with the skill required to use the service of reprocessing, in fact I don't know anyone who generally uses the term reprocessing, everyone seems to use refininng.

HOWEVER Refining is a page in the Item DB, which when you try to edit the wiki says it is a new page to be created.

There needs to be a disambiguation page created for Refining for the wiki to link to, which hopefully woudl not stop on the Item DB.

My first thought was that I woudl edit the Item DB page to have a link that said "For information on usinfg this skill see Reprocessing" However when I clcik to edit the DB page it says no page exists and I coudl create a new page innstead. -___- FAIL on my part. I must admit I'm not terribly skilled at Media wiki, can someone w/ real skills take a crack at this or email/eve-mail me on how I cann do this myself?



Reprocessing is converting loot into minerals. Refining is converting Oar into minerals. The only skill I know of that effects Reprocessing (loot to mineral) is Scrap Metal Processing. The Reprocessing page talks about Refining (oar to mineral). This 'discrepancy' really should be corrected.


Beancounter H-series implant?

I know the Beancounter H-series implants improve reprocessing yield, but does anyone know how they fit into the refining formula?

The formula has been changed to include how the implants are factored into the formula.


Does anyone know how your effective standing with a corporation affects the reprocessing formula?

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