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Presumably the name became 'official' when the Emperor used it publicly, but the term Ammatar "was first used by the Gallenteans to distinguish between the two groups. Out of convenience even the Ammatars themselves started using it..." - [1]

About Name origin
There are two stories about the origin of the term Ammatar; one is from the Empyrean Age (Novel), the second is from the Ammatars (Chronicle).
1.) According to the EVE novel: When the Amarrians launched their crusade to conquer the Minmatar, history records that the Nefantar readily surrendered, offering to betray the remaining six tribes in exchange for mercy. The emperor at the time, Damius III, was so impressed with the willingness of the Nefantar to abandon their heritage and embrace Amarr customs that he renamed them 'Ammatars.' [2]
2.) According to the Chroniclel: The term Ammatar was first used by the Gallenteans to distinguish between the two groups. Out of convenience even the Ammatars themselves started using it, stating that, with the help of the Amarrians, they’ve progressed beyond the old social structure of the Minmatar tribes. [3]
So both are canon. --Publius Valerius 12:36, 29 April 2012 (GMT)

Assassination of the Nefantar military leader

"Using a double-agent, they lured the military leader of the Nefantar tribe to this remote location and assassinated him." - [4]

This does not necessarily imply that the double-agent was acting alone, but that there was, in fact, more than one assassin.

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