Talk:Muryia Mordu

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Muriya's age is perhaps slightly questionable. The Caldari-Gallente War ended in YC12. If Mordu was a young officer in the "early stages" of the war (AD 23155) he'd be at least a hundred years old then and pushing past 200 these days. Are we having a case of the Phantom (who all are named Kit Walker) or perhaps this would require revision? --Mithfindel 12:01, 21 December 2011 (UTC)

He is The Ghost Who Walks, Guardian of the Eastern Dark. Or actually, he's just that old. In our lore, rich high-level people in New Eden can easily pass 200 if they're otherwise in good health, thanks to modern medicine and implant technology. He could have cloned into a younger body, but there are reasons for not doing so - we'll expand on those in a separate article in the future.--CCP Abraxas 10:56, 11 January 2012 (UTC)

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