Drifter speculation
Much has been discussed about the drifters: their origin, their ultimate purpose or goals and even their very existence as a living being. However very few 'facts' are known.
At first I assumed they were members of the Jovian corporation that was purported to be reintegrating the animal instincts into select members of the Jovian species. We all have seen enough 'What Were You Thinking!?' movies and books to know how that Always turns out... I also thought that this failed experiment may have gotten out of hand and through the Jovian's Bio-nueral tech, spread to others of their kind (ie., the virus or disease they reportedly seemed to be having a problem with). the Drifters ' bioengineering' looks to be Jovian, but to an extreme extent. But while it has been shown by eyewitness accounts that they harvest corpses (supposedly to make, or remake, more of themselves), the question of their origins is still a complete mystery for lack of facts. Again; while certain appearances, ship design and emblems lean one towards to think Jovian origins, some of their activities lean one toward sleeper origins. I never forget however that there are 2-3 OTHER races just as advanced as the Sleepers and the Jove that have disappeared and have not been seen in a long time. It could just as easily be one of them being involved in the Drifter creation story.
I myself was sitting near two drifter ships - completely unmolested - until i activated warp to enter a Rouge Drone site some distance away. Without warning and almost before i took my hand off the warp button I was Alphad into my pod. So were they defending their brother rogue drones? Some speculation is they don't even have a consciousness as we know it, but are either programmed or have a hive mind. Other speculate they are controlled remotes. But controlled by whom... The Other? The Sleeper Collective? A borg Queen? or are they actually a hive mind with nothing controlling them? While there have been 4 designations of Drifters Identified they are differentiated by Names and affiliations. We see the male version almost everywhere, rarely the female. Their names also - if one reads up on the Greek mythos - may indicate there are only two body types with the other two being the same entity but only fulfilling a different function. what those function are is unknown.
Is there to be a massive invasion? who knows. However the leaders of the Amarr region are acting as if it is so, even going so far as to give CONCORD shield technology to the capsuleers in exchange for help in fighting off an invasion. The Helen recording has been dated to around the same time that the drifters, the observatories and the seekers appeared. so one assumes the ships shown in the video may have come to known space, however not all of them would have, or i suspect we would be seeing many more drifter ships than we are seeing at present.
Speaking of ships, we have seen what are called battleships, is there drifter capital ships we haven't seen yet? Drifter Titan... or worse? *I shudder*